
2. Playground

I woke up caked in sweat. The sun was high in the sky. Scrappy lay across my stomach, asleep. I smiled to myself. I brought Scrappy into my chest and slowly stood up with them in my arms.

Without waking Scrappy I proceeded to stride in the direction of a tree. As I walked, I got lost in my thoughts.

How long had I known Scrappy? I looked down at them. As I gazed at them, it reminded me of the first time we met.

When I came back to reality, I suddenly made contact with a body about 10cm smaller than me. It was one of the new low-tier rabbit-things.

I almost came tumbling to the ground, but with Scrappy in my arms, I had more motivation to stay standing. I steadied myself and turned around to look at the rabbit with a scowl on my face. The rabbit was knocked onto the ground, his buddies ran over to him to pick him up.

"Oi! What's the big idea?"

Scrappy woke up. I was started to become frustrated. I placed Scrappy on the ground and they held onto my paw.


Scrappy tugged onto my hand and I looked down at Scrappy. How dare those rabbits? They were being so rude!

"Speak!" The rabbit screamed as he advanced towards me.

A low and threatening growl escaped from my throat as I shielded Scrappy from him. Scrappy gripped the back of my shirt, but my attention remained on the unthreatening creature in front of me.

"You don't scare me! And neither does your runt of a frie-,"

Before he could finish, he lay on the ground as blood gushed out of his nose. He held his nose as a pained groan escapes his lips.

"I'm bleeding!"

The creature's friends went to help him up but he slapped away their hands. "I don't need your help!"

"How dare you!" The creature lunged at me, his fist raised.

I tilted my head to the side to dodge his attack and pushed him to the side. He spat blood on the ground from his nose in response and brought his fists up. I gritted my teeth. Scrappy tugged on my shirt harder and I turned to look at them. As I did the creature lunged at me again. I whipped around and punched him in his nose again and it sent him flying to the ground.

"Just stop. I'm sorry." I massaged my forehead at their pathetic attempts at combat.

"Let's go somewhere else Scrappy-," suddenly his friends came at me from both sides. You've got to be kidding me.

I simply stepped back and they collided into each other which knocked themselves out. I stepped over them and walked past the creature in the pool of his own blood. I looked back at Scrappy who still stood behind the two friend's bodies.

"You coming?" I asked which gained Scrappy's attention.

Scrappy nodded and jumped over the bodies to walk beside. We made our way over to where Sailor squatted under a large tree. She was watching as we approached. Sailor smiled as we eventually came to a stop in front of her.

"You right?" She asked, switching her gaze from Scrappy to me frantically. I nod and go to sit on the other side of the tree.

"Yous was always a angry guy!" Sailor chuckled, "Eh, as long as I known ya I guess." I glanced at her quizzically. Sailor picked at the bark on the tree and glanced at Scrappy. She then glanced back at me with a curious smile. "'ow'd you two meet?"

Scrappy looked up at me as if I was the one who was going to tell her. I scratched the back of my neck and looked away, "er..." I thought for a second before saying, "We were in the same area when Scrappy was first made... and we kinda became friends that way..?"

I paused and looked at Scrappy, they were confused. Sailor nodded her head, urging me to go on. "It's a long story-"

"I love long stories."

I wish Scrappy could speak right about now.

Suddenly, the speakers held high up in the corners of the courtyard came to life, emitting a high pitched noise. It stopped and the person spoke, "Units 2 and 3. Escort low levels to their cells. Units 2 and 3."

"Awe, we ain't even had much time 'ere yet!" Thank god.

Not that I believe in a god. There is no god for us here.

"Units 1, 5 and 4. Escort medium levels to their cells. Units 1, 5 and 4."

"Are we doing this again?" Sailor asked, turning to me.

"Sure, I don't know."

"Units 6, 7, 8 and 9. Escort high levels to their cells. Units 6,7,8 and 9"

I stood and turned to Scrappy. We were both sad to go back to our cells, but we must. I lifted Scrappy up and placed them on my shoulder once more. I wanted to spend as much time as I could with them. I know that was not possible.

Sailor came behind me and patted me on the shoulder, "you don't 'ave to tell me your story if you don't want to. I was just curious." She smiled at us both and then was taken away.

Scrappy waved as she left and she had the heart to wave back and smiled as always. It was then our turn to step through the doors.

"Number 23. Take number 28 off of your shoulder, now." I did as I was told, but kept a firm grip on their hand.

They clamped their poles onto Scrappy's collar. "Number 23, let go of 28." I did not.

They tried to move forward but I held on tightly onto Scrappy's hand.

"No," I told them firmly. Scrappy looked back at me with fearful eyes.

They tried to pull Scrappy away from me again, but I bore my teeth and growled at the guards.

"Unit's 6 and 9, what's going on?" A voice boomed from the stairway. I looked up and saw a man in a dark suit.

"N-nothing sir!" The guards quivered under the man's gaze. This man must be powerful, I wonder what he's doing here?

The man watched as the guards clamped their rods onto my collar and led both Scrappy and me up the stairs together.

"Unit 6?" The man boomed and the guards stopped, visibly anxious in this man's presence. "Bring this one to experimental chamber 4 tomorrow." He pointed at me. Scrappy snarled at the man. Their fur started to fuzz up and the man chuckled at my tiny friend.

"Take them away." The man dismissed and shooed us with his hand.

"Yes, sir!"

As we reached our cells I looked over at Scrappy which looked as if they were about to cry. I leaned down to be eye level with Scrappy. Since my hands were restrained and Scrappy's weren't, they placed their hand over mine. I gave Scrappy a small smile before wishing him well.

"Hurry it along!" One guard instructed Scrappy, nudging them a little.

Scrappy then went to sit on their bed, looking sad with the small muzzle strapped around their face. They looked up at me just as I was led into my cell as well. The look in their eyes was pleading and it broke my heart. The feeling was cast away when I was shoved into my cell. The door closed on me and I once again felt trapped and alone.

I often contemplated why I was made. Why I was born. Why these humans were so cruel to us when we were superior. I gave up questioning it long ago.

That still doesn't mean I wasn't mad about it though.

"Listen up!" Someone shouted from outside my cell.

I turned around to greet the person with a scowl. I believed he was the lead guard who trained the units. He scowled back at me, I chuckled in response and walked up to the bars slowly. I stuck my snout through the bars and hissed, "what?"

The man became a bit red in the face, I bet he never had someone talk to him like before. "You will be joining Doctor Kovid in the 4th experiment chamber for an interview," he looked me up and down, "so you better be on yer best behaviour!" He then stomped off.

I didn't bother to think further. Nothing would come out of my unhelpful thoughts. So I drifted off into yet another uncomfortable sleep.