
Null (Overwatch X Transformers Prime)

Punished for his sins, crushed by the ones he tried to subjugate, Ramattra has fallen. Fallen to the ones he fought against to free his people from their clutches. He longed for the day his people were free from oppression, but now he cannot see that day come. He accepted his fate but the Iris had other plans. He awakens in a mysterious land where large robots from outer space fight for supremacy on Earth. Ramattra may not know where he is, but his words, his fight, his cause. Still stands.

KingRenetti · Videojogos
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2 Chs

The Autobots

After leaping out of the Ground Bridge with grace and landing, Optimus had readied his energon blasters for battle. But the signs of battle tell him that it was already over. No sign of Cliffjumper or Decepticons of any kind. This beckoned him to transform his blaster back into his servos as he and the others looked around. His blue optics scanned the area, and he noticed the Untapped Energon Deposit, or well. What's left of it.

"An untapped Energon deposit." he notes, his calm voice gracing any audio receptors.

"What's left of it." Comments Bulkhead, the big green Autobot only saw the aftermath and knew something had happened. But Optimus didn't comment on Bulkhead's.

To Optimus's right was Bumblebee and Arcee while to his left was his old friend Ratchet and the former wrecker himself, Bulkhead.

"The First Decepticon Activity in... 3 years." Ratchet notes, gravely. he knows how bad this kind of information is. If the Decepticons truly are back, then they'll have their work cut out for them.

"That we know of." Optimus Prime's face mask retracts. "If they're scouting for Energon, they may be preparing for his return." With these words said and done, the Autobots advanced.

Arcee had advanced ahead of the group to find any sign of Cliffjumper, her partner. Bumblebee had taken notice and hurried over towards her, wondering how he could help. The rest of the Autobots caught up at their own pace. Both Autobots jump down into the crater for a better look at the area before the blue bot notices something lying on the ground. It was a horn. More specifically, Cliffjumper's horn, well one of them. This caused her to gasp at the sight of her partner's horn lying motionlessly on the ground. As she breached down to pick it up, the others dropped down into the crater and made their way towards her. After grasping the horn in her digits, she lifts it off the ground with a heavy spark.

"No." she says with sorrow, fearing the worst has happened. She then held it towards Ratchet who was now standing beside her.

He gave it a quick look and figured it must've been torn off by some heavy blunt force. Cliffjumper must've been in a fight but whether the explosion killed him or not remains the question.

"Ratchet!" says the Prime gaining the medics attention. "Can you track his position?" he asks urgently, worried for his Autobots safety and well-being.

After receiving a nod from the medic, Ratchet looks at his screen attached to his arm to view the various life signals. But it switches to a radar that is actively tracking Cliffjumper's life signal. Unfortunately, the yellow dot turns red with the painful sound of a flatline as the dot fades away.

"No." he says, sadly. Knowing all too well what had happened. "Cliffjumper's life signal, just went offline."

This makes the sparks of every Autobot present ache at the loss. No one more so than Arcee. She and Cliffjumper escaped Cybertron together using Shockwaves Space Bridge. He was her partner, the one who had convinced her to come to Earth in the first place. Now he's gone. The Decpeticons claimed the life of one of their own. Her sorrow and anger were planted and only growing as time went on. They all had heavy sparks as they bore this news. However, Optimus knew they shouldn't hold onto their anger as it would impair their judgement. Forcing them to make rash decisions. That's not what he wants, that's not what Cliffjumper would want.

He was about to order them to return to base, but he felt like they were being watched. He turned around and looked towards the Energon crystals. His optics scanning them attentively. He didn't stop his search even when his old friend noticed his strong gaze.

"What is it? Decepticons?" he asks, looking closely in the direction Optimus was.

This beckoned the other bots to pay attention while Arcee continued to hold the broken horn of Cliffjumper. They all saw nothing but remained on guard. Something could be out there if Optimus is carefully watching. A Decepticon sniper, assassin or hell, maybe even a scout. Whatever it is, they're ready. The Prime's blue optics snap to a figure that steps out from behind one of the crystals. They were made of metal and about the size of a human with a humanoid shape. He wielded a staff and had purple accents. A Cape sways behind the robot elegantly as the bot stands out in the open. The other Autobots take notice of him and are confused at his presence.

"Is that a Minicon?" asks Bulkhead. This causes Optimus to consider the option.

However, before anyone could say anything else further, this newly appeared figure sends a comment directed at Bulkhead.

"I'm not a... Minicon." he corrects. "I am an Omnic."

Omnic? He is unfamiliar with that species. Though, now that Optimus gets a proper look at the smaller machine, he notes some potential differences between them and him. But before Optimus could ask any further questions, the Omnic introduces himself.

"I am Ramattra." he greets. "A pleasure to meet your acquaintance."

"Greetings, Ramattra. I am Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots." he says returning the gesture. He saw it fit to return the kind gesture as it's respectful and basic manners.

{--Ramattra's Perspective--}

Autobots? That's a faction he definitely hasn't heard of. Also, why did they call him a Minicon? More questions keep piling up and he doesn't like it. He wants answers, not more questions. He needs to calm down before he lets his anger get the best of him like it has before. He doesn't want to repeat history. He should probably make peace with these Omnics—if they even are Omnics—and determine where he was. Easier said than done.

"Autobots... can't say I'm familiar with that faction." he says, with absolute honesty. "Where am I?"

"You are on Earth. A planet teaming with life." Optimus replies. "A safe haven for any Autobots in the stars."

Hold up. In the stars? This opened a new door of questions for Ramattra. Were these robots, aliens? Such a ridiculous concept. Human films always predicted aliens to be little green men from Mars. He never got interested in those ridiculous works of fiction.

"Where did you come from, Ramattra?" asks the Autobot leader.

A long pause would follow for the Omnic. Should he tell the truth? If he does, he doesn't know if they'll attack him. If anything, he needs allies right now, so he needs to be careful. So, he'll tell a half truth.

"I had awoken in the forest. Disoriented and lost. How I got here, I do not know." he answered. Speaking only a half-truth as he doesn't want to make enemies so quickly without a few allies. "All I remember, was fighting for my people."

He gazes upon the Autobots to see their reactions. He gets a mixed bag of reactions. But he's focused on Optimus Prime who looks at him with a look of wonder and question. The silence that followed was irritating but Ramattra controlled himself. He sought a response, not silence. The larger Autobot then turns to the ambulance looking robot. The medic bot looked at Optimus and Ramattra could only guess at what they were planning. The Autobot Leader turns to Ramattra.

"How about you come with us, until we can determine where you came from." he offers, his kindness emanating past his stoic expression.

"I wouldn't be against it." answers Ramattra. "Lead the way."