
Cruel Rival NTR 3

There were three kinds of students when it came to Biology class. While, there were some exceptions, the kind of criteria about to be listed is a general rule for when it came to defining who attended said Biology class.

First up, there was the slacker, the person who abhorred the class with every bone in his body and dearly wished for the teacher to be incinerated.

'A project!' Naruto thought glumly, his head on his desk and a pained look on his face. 'Oh… this is going to suck!'

Second, there was the overachiever, the person who would toil endlessly over every assignment and piece of classwork, and of course, pass with flashing colors.

Sakura pumped her fist into the air. 'Yes!' she chanted inside of her head. 'It's finally time to get that 3.8 GPA up to a 3.9!'

And, of course, there was the apathetic loner who would rather work alone.

'Hmm.' Sasuke thought, his hands folded over his chest.

"Yes, you have to do this with a team." Kakashi - their teacher - was saying, a slightly playful lilt to his voice. "And no, you don't get to choose your own teams. I already came up with them for you, so listen up; I'm not going to read them off again."

The students' attention was rapt, all eyes on Kakashi… well, aside from Shikamaru, who preferred to stare lazily outside.

There were thirty students in the classroom, but only one team had any true importance.

"Alright… group number seven: Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke." Kakashi informed them. Predictably, Naruto whooped at the first two names - then deflated considerably when Sasuke's was called. Sakura merely smiled politely, her hands on her knees. Sasuke grunted, though there was a hint of a smirk playing on his lips.

Kakashi explained the project in simple terms, once all of the teams had been selected, and the class as a whole had settled down. It was to be about reproductive biology, sex cells and the like, to be due exactly a month from the teams being assigned.

Of course, the subject make Sasuke smirk like nothing else. After all, he himself had been privy to quite a bit of learning about 'reproductive biology' during his stint at Konoha High.

If there was a 'bad boy' in school, Sasuke was it. He had no problem getting women - in fact, it was a bit of a game for him… for he passed his classes with ease, and he needed something to occupy four years, right? There had been the old Biology teacher, Kurenai, who had been forced to take maternity leave after Sasuke had finished with her.

There was Ino, the captain of the cheerleading squad. She was anal about making him wear a condom, but she was always good for a quick fuck in the closet between classes. Samui… an exchange student from Kumo High; Sasuke had taken the great pleasure of giving her a 'welcoming' gift by knocking her up on her very first week at school. Karin - she had been obsessed with Sasuke ever since middle school, and he always took great pleasure in making her do some very demeaning things for his cock. And of course, Hinata… a shy girl with a rocking body that Sasuke loved to make scream and moan like a needy whore, that state being such a contrast from her normally demure self.

It might be obvious now, but Sasuke didn't really give a damn about using protection. Why should he? His brother had died from illness a few years prior, and he was the heir to his father's fortune. Any children he had would be well taken care of, rest assured, and nothing claimed a woman quite like shooting your load into her womb and impregnating her.

That was Sasuke. And now… Naruto.

Naruto was not particularly smart, nor particularly attractive. He was average, bouncy and lively, good for a drink or two though trying to ask him what the meaning of the word 'indubitably' meant would likely leave him paralyzed with confusion.

Somehow, he'd managed to land the Haruno Sakura as his girlfriend, however. Cute, smart, funny… with pink hair the same color as cherry blossoms, a smile so radiant that it stopped his heart, and a thin and lithe body that made his loins tingle.

She was perfect in his eyes. And the prospect of having to do a project with her - aka, an excuse for them to stay shut up in a room together for weeks on end - had been mind blowing. Unfortunately for him, Sasuke had been interjected into the equation.

Naruto didn't hate many people, but he could say with no hint of regret that he abhorred Uchiha Sasuke. He had picked on Naruto ever since they were kids - in elementary school, it had been simple things like stealing his milk carton, or simply berating him. Nowadays, it had escalated to full on humiliation: things like insulting him, shoving him into a locker… he had even stolen Naruto's previous girlfriend, Hyuga Hinata, away from him.

Needless to say, Naruto was conflicted about this project - on one hand, he got to spend time with Sakura… on the other hand, he had to spend time with Sasuke as well. And that was fully aware that Sakura had crushed on Sasuke all through middle school and the first year of high school too.

So… Naruto, in the five minutes it took Kakashi to explain the project, came up with a plan.

"Let's do the project at my house, guys." he said to Sakura and Sasuke, once class had been dismissed and all of the students had shuffled off to their teams in order to make arrangements. "My mom won't be home until later tonight." Not to mention Naruto could keep an eye on Sasuke there - he didn't want to see that teme getting even a hair closer to his girlfriend than was absolutely necessary.

Sasuke rolled his eyes. "Sure… whatever." he said, turning his back to them. "Sakura, you can get my phone number from Ino. Just text me the address and I'll meet you and the loser there when I get a chance."

"Hey! I'm not a loser!" Naruto huffed, and he folded his arms across his chest indignantly.

Sakura giggled. "You got it, Sasuke-kun." she said. "Naruto, don't be so rude to Sasuke-kun… and make sure you clean up your room; maybe I can put up with that filth, but I know Sasuke-kun won't."

"Sakura-chan!" Naruto whined.

Sasuke smirked as he turned his back to them. "See you later, Sakura."

He wasn't really going to do anything. But right now, he had a heavily pregnant Kurenai lounging on his bed--and he wanted to help her to 'relax' a bit. Then, and only then would he head over to Naruto's house for that pointless project. Not that he was going along with their plans for the 'project'... no, he had other aspirations when it came to Naruto and his pretty little girlfriend.

It was only a matter of time before Naruto himself found out what those were.


"So… you like--take the X chromosomes, and the Y chromosomes and just… kind of shove them together, right?"

Naruto grinned at the two nervously.

"Is that were your Mommy told you babies come from, moron?" Sasuke said in a biting tone. "For fuck's sake, and just when I thought you couldn't get any stupider. At least you did one thing right."

"... what did I do right?" Naruto asked, voice quiet.

"You finally confirmed just how much of a pathetic little virgin you are." Sasuke said frigidly. "I'm surprised you stay with someone who's only seen a woman naked through a playboy magazine." he said to Sakura.

She giggled. "I can't help it." Sakura said. "He's got that cute and innocent look about it." Her tone sounded as if she were talking about a small child rather than her boyfriend.

Naruto flushed an ugly red, and declined to speak for the next five minutes as Sasuke and Sakura actually sorted out the details of the project.

"I can cover the art supplies," Sasuke said, and he leaned ever so slightly in Sakura's direction. Naruto--still stewing in his shame--was oblivious. Sasuke gently put a hand on Sakura's thigh, and she recoiled slightly.

She cast a glance in his direction, and he smirked in reply. His fingers were warm, like molten lava against her cool skin, and she couldn't help but shift her legs open ever so slightly that he was granted further access--unconsciously, of course, she wasn't quite that far yet when it came to dismissing her boyfriend.

There was a pit in her stomach, but there was a sort of electricity that made her heart pound. This was a boy touching her, and not just any boy, but Uchiha Sasuke.

She and Naruto had dated for a while, but they'd never really gone past a little light kissing and some chaste petting. Sakura had set her interests in remaining 'pure', and Naruto--raised by his mother and no one else--had made sure to be as wimpy as possible, due to his fear of disrespecting women.

Sasuke retracted his hand as soon as Sakura managed to will down her flush and reply to his statement. "Of course, and I- I should be able to get a good deal of stuff, too. I can give you a list," she said to Naruto, "so that you can go out and get your fair portion too."

"Of course, Sakura-chan,��� Naruto chirped, and his earlier humiliation seemed to be forgotten in that moment.

Of course, they still had some more things to sort out. Pencils and paper were broken out, and the trio began to scrawl down a simple outline for what their finished project would look like. Sakura jotted down her notes in elegant, loopy handwriting, Sasuke in neat yet uniform print and Naruto in an untidy scrawl.

Sakura couldn't help but bite her lip. Sasuke was subtle as ever, and with Naruto's nose buried in his paper, he didn't see anything--even as Sasuke slipped his hand back, to tease Sakura's thighs and for his fingers to creep beneath her skirt, touching her skin, making her shudder, so close to the plain cotton panties she wore that it made her loins tingle.

She knew it was wrong. Sasuke wasn't her boyfriend--her boyfriend was seated right there, and they were in such a public place as well. But she couldn't bring herself to stop him, and that weakness was rewarded with an excitement that she had scarcely felt in her relationship with Naruto.

It's a scant hour later, and they don't have much to show for it--you can only do so much when you're working on a rough outline; Naruto was a slow worker all around, and Sasuke and Sakura were preoccupied with other things. Sasuke in teasing and prodding her, testing the limits of her boundaries, while Sakura tried to push back the blush that threatened to turn her face as pink as her hair.

They lost track of time, to put simply.

That became evident as the sound of the front door opening reached their ears. "Naruto, I'm home!" a sweet voice called. The door closed, and a few seconds later a flash of red hair caught their eyes.

Uzumaki Kushina was--and this was putting it lightly--extremely easy on the eyes. Clad in a black business dress that hugged her bosom and framed her curves, she painted quite the picture: the perfect mix of sexy and classy, the kind of woman that would screw you out of your money while smiling and giggling the whole time.

"Mom!" Naruto called, and he'd be damned if he didn't dislike that look that Sasuke shot Kushina--he was possessive of his mother above all else, and to see that arrogant Uchiha looking at her made him clench his fists beneath the table.

Who knows what he would have done if he knew that Sasuke had been groping his girlfriend for the past while? Or worse yet, that she'd been letting him? Not that he was going to find out--not today at least, because Sakura was too embarrassed to tell him and Sasuke had never any intention to do so.

"Ah, hello Sakura-chan," Kushina said, "and is this a friend of yours, Naru? He looks like the boy you talk so much about." Naruto had went on and on about how much he hated Sasuke to his mom, but Kushina--ever the naive one--had merely presumed that it was a love-hate relationship of sorts. Which couldn't have been further from the truth.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Uzumaki-san," Sasuke said, and such charisma flowed in his voice that both Naruto and Sakura looked at him strangely. He stood--and suddenly it became clear just how tall he was, because he was nearly a foot taller than Kushina; and Naruto was only a few inches taller than her on his tiptoes, while Sakura was around the same height as the redhead. "I'm Sasuke; Uchiha Sasuke."

She smiled at him. "So polite!" Kushina cooed, "if only my own flesh and blood could act like that on occasion." She flashed a playful glare in Naruto's direction, and he flushed for what seemed the millionth time.

"I think about time we wrapped up anyways!" Naruto said, and he stood--yes, he was well and indeed shorter than Sasuke and he had to resist the temptation to sit down. "My mom needs her rest you know, and plus I'm sure we can get more done once we have the stuff we need, right?"

"Sure," Sakura said. Sasuke shrugged.

"You don't have to run them off because of me," Kushina insisted, but Sakura had already stood and Sasuke had already made for the door.

"No, it's fine," Sakura murmured.

"We'll be back over soon," Sasuke said. "It was a pleasure to finally get to see the person who birthed that idiot--the resemblance is... nonexistent." He smirked, and Kushina laughed--she was probably under the impression that he was joking, but there was no joke as he soaked in her wonderful and curvaceous frame one last time.

"Bye, Sakura-chan!" Naruto said. He did not say goodbye to Sasuke, but rather glared at his back. Something occurred to him, and he hurried out of the door behind them. "Actually, I'll walk you home, Sakura-chan," he said, and he grasped her arm as quickly as he could.

"Thanks!" Sakura said. "Bye, Sasuke-kun."

"See you."

They went their separate ways.


Naruto frowned. "Hey, wait a second..." he said, "where did my things go?"

Another day, and they were to finally begin their project--Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura had shuffled back to the Uzumaki's house after school, laden with the supplies they would need.

"Huh?" Sakura said.

"I lost my backpack!" Naruto fumed, and he patted his pockets as if the book bag was simply going to materialize out of thin air. "Fuck! I must have left it in class, Sakura-chan!"

"How did you miss it?" Sasuke said. "You have to be pretty stupid to lose something like your backpack."

Naruto growled. "I didn't- I, I thought I had it!" he insisted. "Jeez, I guess I'll have to go and get it. I had my homework and a bunch of stuff in there, I can't afford to let anyone just come in and grab it at school tomorrow before I get there." He grabbed his coat, and made for the door to his bedroom--they had decided to take things up there, since the table downstairs was sticky since Naruto had spilled a bottle of soda on it.

"Naruto, wait!" Sakura said. "You know there's barely any trains nowadays, it'll take you hours before you're back!"

He thought about it for a moment, and for some reason--that would haunt him from this day onward--he forgot to consider the fact that he was leaving Uchiha Sasuke alone in a bedroom with his girlfriend. That didn't occur to him, instead what occurred to him was the fact that he'd left some porn in his backpack that he'd rather not have discovered by a teacher or a fellow classroom.

"I need it, Sakura-chan," Naruto said, and he yanked open his door. "I'll be quick, don't worry!

And he raced out of the room; they heard the front door open and slam closed a few seconds later, and he was gone.

Sasuke smirked, and tossed the notebook in his hands onto the floor without a second thought. "Finally," he said, "I thought that idiot would never leave."

Of course, Naruto's backpack hadn't gone missing. They took the train together against school to get to his house, and while they had been waiting, Sasuke had seized an opportunity. Sakura and Naruto had been distracted by something, so Sasuke had picked up Naruto's backpack--which he had left on the floor by his feet--and threw it into the river, all without either of them noticing anything. It was only Naruto's idiocy that he didn't realize that he had lost it after he'd left school.

"W-what-?" Sakura didn't get the rest of her question out--because Sasuke threw himself across the bed, and slammed his lips against hers. Her pencil fell out of her hand, and Sasuke battered her own notebook away.

"You were always going to be the jewel in my crown," Sasuke said, "the girl I conquered once everything was perfect; yet you started going out with that idiot--you seemed so close to him, so 'in love' that I had to make sure all of my plans were flawless before I could go forward with them."

"Plans?" Sakura whimpered.

"That was before, yesterday, I realized something," Sasuke murmured. "You clamp your legs closed for Naruto, and yet you'd open them and more for me. I could tease you and practically grope you, and all you'd do is blush and stutter. That kind of behavior tells me one thing-" He leaned in, until his hot breath cascaded against her ear. "I can do whatever I want to you, and the only thing you would be able to do is let me."

He slid his hands beneath that school girl skirt she wore--and calmly, yet with power in every movement, spread her legs. True to his word, she didn't resist--her face was red with shame, her eyes looked so pitiful and watery, and yet she did not say or do anything as a man other than her boyfriend spread her legs.

Sasuke paused for a moment, merely to shrug off his shirt and revealed that muscled physique that had caused a thousand wet dreams for various women around the school and beyond.

"S-Sasuke-kun," Sakura whimpered, as his fingers flew to the front of her shirt, to begin to unbutton it. He was swift and nimble, and soon the wonderfully white bra she wore was exposed--fresh, innocent, unmarked territory that Naruto had never touched nor seen, unlike Sasuke who had done both in the past few minutes.

He rolled his eyes, and pointed unbuckled his pants. "This is happening, Sakura," Sasuke said, before he descended upon her for another kiss.

The door had been left open.

Nearly the moment Naruto had run off down the street and turned a corner, a car had pulled onto the road--it turned and parked in the Uzumaki driveway. A redhead came out, walked into the house, and walked up the stairs.

"I'm home early!" Kushina said, as she poked her head through the door.

The first thing she saw was her son's girlfriend on the bed, shirt off and kissing Sasuke.

There was the tiniest pause, as Kushina's brain processed what was happening.


"O-oh my kami!" Kushina said, and both of the teenagers jumped.

Sasuke froze, which gave Sakura the chance to retreat. She yanked her school shirt up, and tore off of the bed--Sasuke was too distracted to notice before it was too late. "I-I have to go!" Sakura insisted, before she raced out of the house; she pulled her shirt back on and re buttoned it, while desperately trying to ignore the growing wetness in her loins.

He had to repress a growl as he stood up and off of the bed, his unbuckled pants sagging ever so slightly and his shirt still well and discarded. Still, he had to keep himself composed--he couldn't afford to let his anger out in front of Naruto's mother, even after that pesky little pinkette had run out on him.

"Uzumaki-san, it's not what it looks like," Sasuke insisted, as he stepped up to her, unabashed at his obvious lack of dress. "I- well, I guess it is what it looks like." He let out a sigh, perfectly calculated to portray that mixture of regret and fear. "You can't tell Naruto about this, Uzumaki-san. This would break him; I-I didn't want to hurt him, but I just couldn't hide my feelings for Sakura. I'm sorry."

Kushina blinked.

She blinked, and suddenly realized just how hot Sasuke was. His muscles put on display--perfect really, the very picture of how a man should look. Her eyes drifted down, down down to his unbuckled pants--more importantly, to where a massive bulge was plainly evident.

Kushina, well-

She rubbed her legs together

And she turned red, bright red, fire engine truck fucking red because it became evident that she hadn't felt this kind of attraction to a man since her long dead husband had been around.

Kushina did the best thing that came to her mind.

She turned, and scurried away with her tail tucked between her legs.

Sasuke blinked, and followed, because he was a Uchiha and already he was halfway to figuring out what was going on.

Kushina stopped when she was in the living room, and turned to face him--only to recoil as Sasuke came close, so close that her bust brushed against his muscled chest. She could see every contour of his chiseled face, symmetrical and strong features so attractive.

"You seem flustered," Sasuke said, and Kushina was overcome by that sweet velvety tone of his voice--it caressed her ears, it made her feel so hot and so warm inside that she couldn't help but gasp ever ever so slightly.

Her lips wobbled, and her face turned nearly as red as her hair. Kushina tucked her chin down in an attempt to avoid his piercing gaze--but all that did was put his vast bulge in her line of sight again, which simply worsened everything. Well, it didn't worsen a thing for Sasuke; in fact, everything seemed to be falling into place for him.

Sasuke inched a hand forward, and gently cupped her chin. He tilted her head upward without resistance from her--and stared into her captivating violet eyes. She stared right back at him enraptured and trapped by his gaze, manly and so masculine, he looked like the alpha male that he truly was and more more more. There was something so irresistible about him--later, Kushina would claim that she had never stood a chance, and to be honest, she hadn't.

"You want this," he purred. Sasuke tipped his head down, gently suckling at her nape. Sasuke wrapped his arms around her thin waist, and pulled her close so that she could feel his bulge, his warmth, his sheer hardness and length that would make any woman quiver. "You want this."

Her brain felt as if it were going haywire--all Kushina could see, hear, smell, feel was him. He was everything, electricity sparked, she felt things that had been decades in the making. Dimly, she realized that he had taken off her blouse. Her bra exposed, territory that only her deceased husband had crossed was revealed, and Sasuke had already made plans to conquer it for himself.

Sasuke pushed her forward, and Kushina felt herself be pressed against the dinner table. He rocked his hips against her, and continued to devour the skin of her neck, planting kisses and leaving hickeys that would take weeks to fade. She was so malleable to his touch--and considering her lack of experience and relative rustiness, she might as well be one of the many high school girls he had fucked, with a cougar's body of course.

He yanked his pants down without a second thought, and his boxers soon followed. His length flopped out, harder than possible--it was a beast to behold, at least a foot in length and thick as a lead pipe. Many a woman had fallen before it, and Kushina was just another notch on his belt; though he would enjoy this one quite a bit more than the prior ones.

"Let's get this off of you," he mumbled, as he slipped that delicious skirt off to reveal the even more delicious sight underneath--her panties, a violet color with an already noticeable wet spot on the front. She was wet, delightfully so, and Sasuke knew that there would be no resistance. He hoped Naruto was held up by the trains--because he wanted absolute privacy as he dominated the idiotic blonde's mother.

Sasuke hefted her up onto the table, and spread those delightfully long legs of hers. He slid her panties to the side, so that core of her was exposed; wet, needy, so desperate for a nice cock to fill them. Luckily for Kushina, Sasuke was more than happy to oblige--he pressed himself against her entrance, and languished in the sweet soft of her moaning.

He eased himself inside of her without further ado. "Ah--I'm actually not... disappointed, hmm. You're every bit as tight as I imagined you being, Uzumaki-san," Sasuke said. "You might be getting on in years, but at least you know how to keep your figure."

Sasuke thrusted into her at a steady pace, and she seemed to melt beneath him. This was here, this was happening--she was being fucked by Naruto's best friend (at least in her mind), and it was shaping up to be one of the greatest fucks of her life. He was so big, so thick, so damned deep inside of her despite the fact that he still had so much cock to go. Everything about him filled her, his smell, the sight of his muscled body, the fact that he was shoving enough man meat inside of her to sate a dozen women all at once.

"Fucking hell," Sasuke groaned, as he continued to piston into the busty redhead. "I wish I'd known how hot you were before, or I would have done this ages okay; oh well, we have plenty of time I suppose."

He pushed, and he pushed--he tested the limits of her body and still managed to batter his way past them. Sasuke was molding her, he was transforming her, he was claiming her body as his own and marking it in a way that was impossible to reverse. And she was loving it, she was moaning and groaning, she bucked her hips back against him and threw her head back in a way that showed off even more skin for him to suckle and kiss.

The table creaked beneath his assault. Her moaning grew louder--she tightened further and further around him. He wasn't even close to his orgasm, and yet she was already teetering on the edge.

Kushina said the first thing that came to her mind

"Yo- you'll break the table!"

Sasuke didn't pause, though he did slow down a little bit.

"I suppose we could adjourn to the couch," he said, and pulled out of her. Sasuke grasped her by the wrist and yanked her off of the table; he lead her into the living room.

Sasuke sat down on the couch, and Kushina--her knees wobbling--fell before him. She stared his cock, which was eye level with her, at the great beast that had given her so much pleasure in so little time. It was slick with her juices, it sparkled and it twitched--the veins throbbed, the muscles pulsed, and she couldn't help but envision it back inside of her aching twat yet again.

It felt like such a betrayal though, to give in like that, to allow another man to tread across territory only her husband had crossed.

Though it wouldn't be the same if it were just oral, right?

At least that was what she reasoned, because it was less than five seconds later when she threw herself at his hardness and began to lick and stroke every inch of cock she could reach. Kushina was like a rabid animal in that moment--cock, cock, cock--she needed it, she needed him. She had been starved for so long, and to finally have it in front of her again was an experience that bordered on heavenly.

If only Naruto could see the way his mom acted when he wasn't around.

"Use those tits of yours," Sasuke insisted. "No use putting them to waste."

Kushina was all in by this point--she had nothing left to lose. With a snap, her bra came off, and those luscious breasts spilled out; she hefted them up, and wrapped them around Sasuke's mighty shaft. Despite the size of her tits, she couldn't quite cover up his cock--though that left plenty of room for her to work over with her mouth.

It was a fine titjob indeed, and Sasuke noted that her skill at it hadn't deteriorated over the years--a good thing if he did say so himself. She worked her tongue like a pro, and squeezed her tits around his shaft in a way that made his eyes cross for an instant.

The best part was the way she would look up at him, almost as if she were saying 'Am I doing good, Sasuke-kun?'. This woman was so naive--with a figure like hers, she could lay down and close her eyes and Sasuke would still fuck her. Still, the more work she put in meant less for him.

"Fuck," he said, because verbal encouragement was always a good thing--and Sasuke was nothing but vocal about how much he appreciated his sluts working over his cock. "Keep that up, Uzumaki-san, I really appreciate it. I'm glad we could come to an agreement over that whole situation."

They hadn't, not yet at least, though Sasuke was sure that a hot load fired into her womb would change that thought process real quick.

Now, you have to remember something--Kushina was not an athlete, she was not some sex goddess no matter how sexy her body was. She was a woman, and all women get tired--and to have to work over such girth and length made her get tired rather quickly.

It was ten or twelve minutes later that she broke off, her mouth starting to get cramped and sore, lips red and her tits still struggling to contain his engorged member. "Just- just need a minute," she panted, her chest heaving.

Sasuke shook his head.

Then, he paused--and a smirk curled his lips. "You know what?" he said, and he stood up. "I think I'd like to see you in another light, Uzumaki-san."

She gasped as he yanked her to her feet, and gave no resistance as he dragged Kushina into the other room.


Fortunately for Naruto, the trains actually hadn't been too bad.

He still hadn't found his book bag though; he had shown up too late, and hadn't been let back into the school. So, he had been forced to return home empty handed, dragging his feet and his head lowered.

When he got back, he noticed three things: Sakura and Sasuke were gone, his mom was home, and the shower was running. Even Naruto could put the dots together--he assumed that his classmate and bully had gone home, and that his mother was in the shower.

But he really, really had to pee.

Of course, Naruto was not observant.

He did not noticed the discarded men's pants and boxers in the dining room, neither did he notice the fact that something that wasn't cherry soda now stained the dining room table.

Instead, Naruto merely went upstairs to the bathroom, the one bathroom in the whole house while his mother was showering and his bladder was fit to burst. "I'm coming in, Mom!" he said, "I have to pee, sorry!"

She did not respond, and he didn't say anything but simply took that silence as a 'yes'.

He turned his head so as to not see a silhouette of his mother's naked body as he went about his business--which was for the best.

Because if he had looked through the glass of the shower door, he would have seen his mother bent over with Sasuke balls deep inside of her hot twat. They were both frozen still, Sasuke's hands groping Kushina's great tits as she grasped a metal bar.

As Naruto continued with his bodily functions, Sasuke shrugged.

And thrusted into Kushina, who gasped as she felt his core be filled by the biggest cock she had ever seen.

"Is everything okay, Mom?" Naruto asked, because her gasp had been loud and had pounded against his ears--he still hadn't looked in her direction, though.

"E-everything's fine," Kushina panted. "Just… the shower water decided to turn cold on me for a second there."

"Oh, okay," Naruto said, and because he was ignorant to the reality of everything he finished up and left. He went to his room, and stared there, not to discover on that particular day that his mother had willfully slept with his greatest bully.

Sasuke began to thrust into her again.

Faster, harder, deeper.

He still hadn't cum yet, not from the very beginning when he had taken her on that dinner table--through that, the blowjob, the titjob, and now the hot and steamy fuck session in the bathroom, he was reaching even the end of his great tether.

"Fuck it," Sasuke said suddenly.

And he came.

It was like something from the barrel of a rifle--instant, coming completely out of nowhere, and it caused Kushina to jolt as if she'd actually been shot. The biggest wad of cum he had ever fired shot straight into her womb, to be followed by dozens more. He hosed down her insides with his seed, painted them white, cleared away the traces of Namikaze Minato and planted the Uchiha emblem in their place.

She melted into his arms.

"Y-yes!" Kushina whimpered, all inhibitions gone because finally she was a woman, finally she was someone who could be with a man who took care of her needs. She came around him, and she came again before he was done with his orgasm--she felt so full, so hot, so warm, and in that moment she forgot everything.




Gone, in that moment, washed away by the hot jizz that Sasuke pumped into her.

It would come back certainly, but for that instant in time all she revolved around was Sasuke and his massive cock.

He pulled out of her, still well and hard but content to rest for a moment as she came down from that high.

The cum he had injected into her spilled out, it sloshed down her thighs and fell to the floor to be washed away by the swirling water, but that mark could not be forgotten. Kushina was his now. Her womb was his, her body, and soon her mind.

He rubbed her belly. Kushina thought it was just a comforting move--but Sasuke knew what ulterior motives he had for the busty redhead that had tripped and fallen onto his cock.

Soon the shower was over, and the two stepped out. Kushina toweled off--then she toweled off Sasuke, draping the cloth over his biceps and chest, and spending a little too long making sure his cock was nice and dry… before redirtying it with her saliva.

Once she was doing freshening up his member, Sasuke decided to progress to the next phase of that night.

He picked her up, wrenched open the door, and stepped out. Naruto was safely in his room--there was some very loud music that played from his bedroom, the kind that only the emos and outcasts listened to. In any case, it would cover up any other sounds that would echo throughout the house in due time.

Sasuke carried Kushina to the master bedroom, and set her down on the mattress.

"Time for round two," he said, before descending upon her.

There was a lot of things that could be said about that night.

But, it's easier to simplify he.

He fucked her--he fucked her so hard that she lost all sense of self. "Please, Sasuke-kun, harder, faster! You're so much better than Minato ever was, please, fuck me, make me yours!" He rode her like an animal, and left her pussy red and raw, stained with his seed. Her moans echoed throughout the house--and Naruto sat in his room, impotently working on whatever he was while his bully fucked his mother in the other room.

As things should be.


"Fucking hell you are an idiot," Sasuke groaned, as she shook his head.

"Hey!" Naruto said indignantly. "What do you mean by that?"

Sakura blushed and looked away--she still hadn't forgotten that episode with Sasuke the day before.

"What do you think? You lost your backpack; all you've been doing is slacking off, doing nothing to help. Sakura and I have been doing all the work while you've done absolutely nothing. Why are you even on this team?�� Sasuke said, his voice biting and his tone almost malevolent.



Naruto retrieved his phone from his pocket.

"Hello?" he said in to the receiver. "Oh, someone found my backpack! I'll be right there!" He jumped up, and like the naive little idiot he was, ran out the door. Because he could trust his girlfriend, right? He could trust her about as much as he could trust his mother at least.

Which was to say, not at all. Kushina's pussy was probably still leaking Sasuke's seed even after all the hours in between him pumping that last load into her and now.

Just like before, Sasuke gave Sakura no time to react.

The second the front door opened, he was on her. "You ran out on me," Sasuke said, and he was not gentle this time--he tore off her shirt, and left her upper body bare in nothing but a simple white bra.

"I-I did," Sakura said. "I… I-"

"What?" Sasuke said. Her skirt came off next, faster than she could breathe--he could see her, clad in nothing but her bra and panties, more exposed than she'd ever been in her life. "What did you do, huh?"

"I regret it," Sakura said.

That caused Sasuke to pause.

"You- you invaded my thoughts," Sakura whispered. "Every waking moment, I thought of you. I can't resist, I can't think of resisting--Naruto can't compare, I can't compare. I need you Sasuke-kun, more than I could even dream about."

Okay, maybe it was time to give Naruto a little more credit than he deserved.

He wasn't that stupid.

Well, he was. It was mostly just circumstance that brought him back.

He came bursting through the door. "I forgot my phone!" he shouted, and then caught an eyeful of his girlfriend clad in lingerie and Sasuke on top of her. "What the fuck?"

Sasuke stood up.

Naruto saw red.

He did, and he couldn't think, he couldn't do anything--all that filled his mind was a desire to hit, to punish Sasuke, to beat the shit out of him for defiling his innocent girlfriend.

Naruto took two steps forward, cocked his fist back, and threw a punch at Sasuke.

The Uchiha caught it as effortlessly as an older brother might stop a toddler. Unlike that previous situation however, Sasuke was not as forgiving--and with a sickening snap, he broke Naruto's wrist with a twist of his own.

Naruto cried out in pain.

"I'm sick," Sasuke growled. "Of you getting in my way. Why can't you just let me fuck your girlfriend, you fucking moron?" Sasuke saw red as well, but he wasn't a pathetic little bitch like Naruto--when he cocked his fist back, he meant it, and it was with another sickening snap that Sasuke's knuckles drove home and broke Naruto's nose.

Naruto staggered back, and to his credit, he didn't fall down. His cradled his broken and bloody nose, his blue eyes watery and his legs shaking.

"Stand down, idiot," Sasuke growled. "Or I won't hold back."

Naruto bared his teeth. Despite the pain, he still had that same stubbornness--he moved forward, cocked back his (non-broken) fist, and tried to hit Sasuke once more.

The result was predictable. Sasuke dodged the attack with ease, and with something that looked straight out of a movie, drove a knee into Naruto's stomach.

It might be worth mentioning that Sasuke was a black belt at numerous styles of combat, while the most experience Naruto had at fighting was throwing sand at the girls in preschool.

Naruto doubled over.

When Sasuke brought his knee up once more, it slammed into Naruto's jaw--he saw at least a few teeth fly, and this time, the blonde fell to the ground in a heap of limbs and shame.

Sasuke hadn't lied when he said that he wouldn't hold back, and so he fell upon Naruto with a flurry of kicks to the ribs and punches that would cause the most jingoistic man to cringe.

Sakura stared.

And she stared.

Some women would be appalled at what was happening. Astounded, perhaps even revolted.

But Sakura wasn't, instead she was…

… aroused.

This was why all the girls at school prefered the bad boys, Sakura thought. Sasuke was prideful, he was manly, he was someone who took what he wanted when he wanted; Naruto on the other hand was a wimp, clingy, he'd sooner kiss Sakura's feet than he would talk back to her.

As Sasuke continued to--for lack of a better term--beat the living shit out of Naruto, she watched on. Blood flowed, and Naruto's cries echoed throughout the room.

Her panties were so wet right now.

What an alpha male, what a stud. Her boyfriend couldn't compare.

He begged for mercy, for forgiveness, but Sasuke knew that Naruto wouldn't have given him in had they been in the reverse situation. So he continued his assault until he was sure the blonde couldn't lift a finger against him any further.

Finally, Sasuke stopped.

The Uchiha chuckled, as he stared down at the pitiful form of Naruto.

Slowly… he unbuckled his belt, and Naruto's eyes widened in fear.

He picked up Naruto, and slammed him down onto a chair.

Then, he dropped his pants and boxers in one go. His length fell out--and whatever dignity Naruto had a man vanished right then and there.

Naruto was a paltry four inches, and hardly the thickness of a tooth bruth.

Sasuke on the other hand….

Well, the fact that Naruto stared at it with such a mix of jealousy and longing and hatred and pain told the entire story.

"Don't pass out you little bitch," Sasuke said, "I'm about to give your girlfriend a fucking that none of us will forget."

Sakura actually giggled as Sasuke lead her to the bed. Her panties were already off--and she had begun to finger herself before Sasuke had even finished with Naruto. It was with ease that Sasuke spread her legs, and positioned himself at her virgin entrance.

"W-wait!" Naruto whimpered.

It was his lasp gasp, his last ditch of effort. He reached into his pocket, and withdrew his wallet--a condom came out, a useless one, an unused one, one that would never had done anything but sit there.

"P-please, put it on." Naruto said.

Sasuke laughed. He actually laughed, because this moron really asked him to put on a condom before he fucked girlfriend--if anything proved his inferiority, it was that.

"Shut the fuck up," Sasuke growled, and Naruto cowered. "Sakura isn't yours. You don't get to decide anything about what happens to her, I do. And I say that tonight, she's going to mark the calendar nine months from now."

The implication was clear.

And it was made all the clearer as Sasuke pushed his way into Sakura.

She moaned in pain, because Sasuke was huge and her virgin pussy was no match for him. He was kind enough to allow her to adjust to his size--but after that, all bets were off.

He pistoned his way inside of her, and let loose all restrictions. Sasuke was pissed, he was angry, he was mad that all of this had taken so much effort--with blood on his knuckles, and a whimpering Naruto behind then, Sasuke pounded Sakura into a shell of her former self.

She gasped and moaned, she bucked against him and screamed his name. "Sasuke, Sasuke!" she bellowed at the top of her lungs, five feet from her boyfriend. "Harder, faster, please!"

And he obliged.

The worst part, Naruto thought, was how long it went on.

When the blonde settled down for a pathetic masturbatory session, he was often done in twenty seconds.

But Sasuke fucking the tightest pussy in a square mile went on for over half an hour.

Every thrust. Every moan. Every growl. He had to hear it, and listen to it, and watch it, because there was nothing he could do to put an end to it.

Naruto's sense of time seemed fairly accurate, because it was near thirty minutes after Sasuke had commenced his claiming of Sakura that he reached his plateau--and henceforth came inside of her.

He came inside of her. No condom, no birth control, and the instant his seed touched her womb she was his. Sakura--in a few years to be Uchiha Sakura most likely--was all, all his.

It was a lovely thing, to conquer a woman for your own; and it was another thing to know that you'd stolen her right from the jaws of another man.

Of course, they didn't stay in missionary--well they had until Sasuke came inside of her, but they transitioned. Sakura tried her hand at riding Sasuke, to bounce up and down atop his mighty cock and allow him that lovely sight.

Sasuke didn't want Naruto to miss out on the fun, either.

So he turned Sakura around, put her so that she was facing Naruto, and fucked her doggy style. So that he could hear every moan, see it leave her lips--it got to the point that Naruto could tell exactly when Sakura came from the instant her face twisted up, and she came a lot.

It was a while later when the door opened, and Kushina poked her head in.

Sakura was in the rather difficult situation of having Sasuke's cock stuffed down her throat. Naruto hadn't moved.

"Oh my god!" Kushina said, because even if Sasuke's cum was still in her womb she still wasn't going to completely brush off the fact that he'd been beaten to an inch of his life. "What do you do? He needs to go to a hospital!"

Sasuke discarded Sakura as one might a piece of trash--she fell to the ground, cum sloshing out of her face and giggling as if she were drunk.

"He provoked me," Sasuke said, "and he's not going to a hospital either, Uzumaki-san."

"He is! I don't care what he did, Sasuke-kun, my-"

She was stopped by little more than a kiss.

A hot kiss, a fiery kiss, a passionate kiss that made her skin crackle and her mind recall all the dirty, dirty things they had done the previous night.





Sasuke won, as one might expect.

He grasped her ass in that business outfit of hers, and squeezed as tight as he could--she moaned in response. "Finally," Sasuke said to Naruto, who stared at the two with the kind of look that a dying puppy might sport. "I can have some fun--it's about times I do to your mother that even your dead father couldn't do."

Sasuke shoved Kushina onto the bed, and she giggled and grinned and stripped off her clothes because all thoughts of dignity had evaporated in the face of Sasuke.

So, Sasuke did what he did best--and that was to take his bitch.

He entered her.

Naruto watched.

She moaned.

Naruto listened.

Her juices and arousal flowed forth.

Naruto smelled.

He began to hyperventilate.

Sakura and Kushina--they were strong, right? They were the strongest people he knew: independent, free willed, so smart and powerful that he'd always looked up to them.

Then why could Sasuke break them down so easily? Why did all it take was a snap of his fingers for them to drop to their knees and worship his cock?

It goes on.

And on.

Kushina's moans imprint themselves into Naruto's brain, as Sakura's had.

Eventually, Sasuke yanked Sakura up onto the bed and forced the two women into a rather scandalous position.

Sakura on bottom, Kushina on top, the two girl's bodies pressed against each other so that their breasts and legs were all interlocked. Two wet, lovely pussies right above or below each other--both dripping, both wet, both so needy for his cock that it seemed as if they were competing.

The two gave him a look of complete adoration.

Sasuke smirked, and settled behind them.

"Kiss," Sasuke said, and they followed--Kushina and Sakura made out like passioante lovers, tongues twisting and arms wrapped around each other's torso. As he alternated between the two girls, thrusting inside of one for a minute or so before pulling out and entering the other, Sasuke leaned forward and nibbled at the nape of Kushina's neck.

"I love your cock, Sasuke," Kushina rasped, as he gave her that minute of bliss before she was forced to endure a minute of emptiness as he worked over Sakura.

"Me too," Sakura whimpered. "I love it more!"

"No~!" Kushina cooed. "I love you, Sakura-chan, but he took me first. I could show him things that you can't even dream of."

"Oh yeah?" Sakura said. "I've read plenty of books! And I bet I'm tighter!"

It was all very playful of course, and soon they were kissing and groping each other once again.

Sasuke decided to cum inside of Kushina.

He had instructed her to not take her birth control after all, though he was sure that her old age would make it take longer to impregnate her. Not that they had any shortage of time.

Sasuke filled her womb up to the brim with jizz, and that put Kushina out of action for the next five minutes or so. He decided to move onto Sakura.

The next position was again, a lovely one.

He pounded Sakura from behind in that delightful doggy style, to pound her glorious ass. Naruto watched still--and the next thing he saw would be imprinted in his mind until the day he died. Kushina was still out of it, but Sakura didn't let that stop her.

The pinkette shoved her head in between Kushina's thighs, and began to lap up Sasuke's sloppy creampie. She ate it as if it were a gourmet meal, and moaned into her boyfriend's mom's pussy as she was pounded from behind.

Once Kushina had recovered, they alternated again.

Sasuke lay on his back, and Kushina sandwiched his member between her tits once again. Sakura worked over his shaft with all she got--the combined titjob blowjob was a wonderful one indeed, and it was all the better since Naruto got to witness just how much his mother and girlfriend loved his bully's cock.

The next one was nothing short of a classic.

He towered over Sakura and Kushina.

He made them kneel right in front of Naruto.

And he came over their faces.

He shot his hot, messy, sticky loads onto them until they were bathed in his seed. Until it dripped from their eyelashes, their cheeks, their jaws and their lips. Until they weren't even recognizable, aside from Kushina's bright violet eyes and Sakura's shimmering emerald ones.

They beamed up at Sasuke.

Then, they looked at each other, and began to make out--to swap Sasuke's seed, to press their cum-soaked faces together and relish in the essence of the man who had conquered them above any other.

Naruto, of course, despaired in his shame and impotence as he watched his mother and girlfriend whore themselves out.

'This is a nightmare,' Naruto thought, 'I'll be waking up any second now…'

He would be waiting a very long time.


A good while later, at least nine months

The crowd cheered.

Sakura looked lovely in those robes of hers, the squared hat perched on her head and her emerald eyes looking upon the people arrayed before her. The only thing out of the ordinary: the obvious baby bump that she brandished with pride.

The speech she gave, as Sakura was prepared beyond belief, was rehearsed perfectly. She said every word in the way it should be said, and wowed the crowd in a way that could not be topped.

"-I think," Sakura said, "that there's only one man responsible for the success I've enjoyed during my time here." She stared right in a certain blonde's direction.

Naruto smiled.

She was talking about him surely. Any moment now, his name would leave her lips and he would get the praise he deserved.

Then, reality set in.

A hand swatted his ear from behind, and suddenly he was roughly shoved out of the way. "She was talking about me, idiot," Sasuke muttered out of the corner of his mouth.

A few chuckles emerged from the crowd--Naruto flushed red hot in shame, and put his head down.

The last touches of Sakura's speech were as riveting as the beginning and middle--and once she finishes, everyone throws their caps in the air to signal a new beginning. Except Naruto, who was too busy imagining Sasuke's dead corpse to notice much of anything.

It's a little afterwards, once everyone has filed outside, that the true ending can be shown.

Everyone took pictures with each other, their friends and their family. The atmosphere was jovial, it was bright and chirpy, and even Sasuke had a small smile on his lips.

Kushina--clad in a red dress that hugged her curves like no other--came up to Naruto and Sasuke. A stroller is pushed in front of her--and three infants grin up at their father and (for two of them) brother.

"Sarada and the twins had fun watching their daddy graduate, didn't they?" Kushina said with a smile. "That was a nice job, Naruto-" She made to give her son a pat on the shoulder; then, like always, Sasuke stole her attention. Kushina passed the stroller onto Naruto, then fell upon Sasuke like a hawk.

Sasuke smirked.

"Congratulations, stud!" Kushina said. She jumped up, and wrapped her legs around Sasuke's waist; he caught her by the ass cheeks, and they began to kiss. It looked as if they were fucking then and there--they ground against each other, tongues swirling, quite a few horny teenage graduates looking on as Sasuke lived their wet dream.

Naruto stared on, mouth agape.

Sasuke kissed and suckled his way down Kushina's neck. And for the hell of it, he even motorboated her gigantic tits--just to really hammer down the control he had over this woman.

He dropped Kushina onto the floor gently as Sakura made her way to them. Naruto tried to talk to her--but she blew him off, and instead swept in front of Sasuke. They didn't kiss. They didn't grope each other.

Instead, they stared lovingly into each other's eyes.

Finally, they embraced--and kissed. It was no french kiss, but rather a deep passionate one that made the onlookers who had previously been blushing give a light 'aww'.

Sasuke caressed Sakura's belly, which was ripe with his seed.

'It should be mine,' Naruto thought bitterly. 'Not his.'

Yet they looked so good together, they contrasted so well: and their offspring, Sarada, was the best baby one could ask for. Sasuke looked better, he was taller, more handsome than Naruto could dream to be

He was made for Sakura. And Kushina.

"Take some pictures, sweetie!" Kushina said, and she pressed a camera into Naruto��s hand.

The first one was lewd.

Sakura and Kushina crowded around Sasuke, and both of the girls put one hand on Sasuke's bulge--Sasuke corresponding grasped each of their tits. The photo was taken, yet their hands took at least a minute to stop trying to give him a handjob through his robes.

The next few ones were with Sasuke and Kushina kissing, groping, basically coming as close to fucking as you could get without taking your clothes off--Naruto even accidently caught a look up his mother's skirt with a picture.

After that, it was a little sweet. Sakura pressed up against Sasuke's stomach, his hands caressing her belly and his head on her shoulder. It was something that would go in a yearbook--something that Naruto would likely be forced to show to the unborn child that grew in Sakura's womb.

A limo pulled up to the curb, and the door opened.

Several girls from the graduating class clamber into it among them: Ino, Karin, Samui (pregnant with her third child) and Hinata.

"Make sure you take the kids back to the house, son," Sasuke said, as he walked up to Naruto. "Mom, Dad, and all of his bitches are going to a club to 'celebrate'."

Naruto scowled, though he knew that Kushina would have his head if he didn't babysit little Sarada and the twins. And the other half a dozen of Sasuke's babies that would be leased to him.

"Yes, Sasuke," he choursed.

Sasuke swatted Naruto on the ear. "What was that?" he said threateningly.

Naruto swallowed. "Yes… Dad." his face red and his shame greater than ever.

He laughed. "We might be gone for a few days," Sasuke said, "I do have a lot of bitches to tame after all. Not to mention how much Kushina wants to give you another brother or sister--and I fully intend to do exactly that. See you."

Kushina and Sakura climbed into the limo, followed by Sasuke--already, before the door closed, Naruto could see the frenzy of girls--including his mother, who was at the forefront of the assault--pulling of Sasuke's clothes and slobbering over his cock. He smirked at Naruto as the door slammed shut, and the limo pulled off.

'It's just a dream, it's just a dream,' Naruto thought, 'Any minute now.'

He would be left waiting for that dream to end for the rest of his life.
