
NPC System in the Immortal World

Earth The year is 2087. After more than a decade of development, the world's latest virtual reality game has been announced, named "Martial Journey." The key difference between this game and others was that one, it had an extremely realistic cultivation system, and two, one day in the real world was equal to an astonishing month in the game. This meant that one could "live" 30 times more if they played the game their whole life. But as people flocked to buy the VR headset for the game, they didn't realize that they weren't merely playing a game, they were exploring a whole new world... ------------------------------------------------------------------- Immortal World Bai Lixue is a lone cultivator hailed as the number one genius of the immortal world, breaking through to the Dao Lord stage at the young age of just 1,091 years of age. Now known as the Snow Sword Dao Lord, she continues cultivating towards the next stages. Yet despite cultivating for 300 more years, she is unable to advance from the first stage of Dao Lord, becoming forgotten by the immortal world. One day, she hears a voice inside her head: [Binding game system to host...] [Binding complete!] [Hello Bai Lixue, and welcome to the NPC system of Martial Journey! You were the lucky winner, and the only person to have acquired the system! To improve your cultivation, gather NPC experience points to increase your level, and eventually your cultivation. Best of luck!] Using this system, watch as Bai Lixue acquires NPC experience and rises to the apex of the Immortal World!

Sombress · Fantasia
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19 Chs


Opening her eyes, she realized that the area around her was covered in ice. However, this ice looked unlike the normal ice she had seen before. Instead of being light blue or clear, the ice was a dark blue color, similar to the color of the middle of an ocean.

In front of her, she could see the Rock Bear, frozen in place with its arm stretched in front of it just a couple of feet from swiping her life away.

Slowly getting up, she winced at the pain as she leaned against a tree for support.

'Why does it hurt so much' Guo Wen thought as she slowly made her way over to the frozen Rock Bear. As she walked towards the Rock Bear.


[Winter Wind | Level 2

HP: 29/100

Experience points: 2/60 exp

Physique: Arctic Abyss Physique

Cultivation Stage: Qi Condensation 2nd stage

ATK: 23

DEF: 10

SPD: 17

VIT: 10

Wealth: 8 bronze coins

Affiliated Power: None

Cultivation Technique: Universal Qi Condensation Manual

Skills: None

Artifacts: None

Game Status: Closed Beta]


Guo Wen first realized that her stats had gone up. They were now equivalent to the amount of stats she should have when she was at stage 4 Qi Condensation when currently, she was only at stage 2 Qi Condensation. Immediately, she associated this status increase with the physique she had unlocked.

Then, she opened up the information about the Arctic Abyss Physique.

[Arctic Abyss Physique: Blessed by the Dao of Ice and the Dao of Space, you are unmatched by others in your cultivation realm. Currently, your strength is equivalent to someone 2 stages above you. When you level up you will gain the amount of stat points equal to someone two stages above you.]

'Wow I'm lucky. I guess this is how some cultivators feel when they also realize that they were born with a heavenly physique. With this, I can help the guild become a first tier guild, or even higher!'

Punching at the ice coated Rock Bear, she realized that for her, it was quite easier to break. This was due to a combination of her improved stats, and the fact that she was punching ice which came from her body, not the skin of the Rock Bear.

After shattering the ice which also killed the Rock Bear, Guo Wen started searching for the demon core she had read about in books, she finally found it in the head of the bear. Digging it out, she stored it away in a bag where she also had put the night grass and started walking back towards the village.


As Guo Wen disappeared from sight, up in the sky, Bai Lixue thought about what she had just witnessed.

Just as Bai Lixue was turning away to go and see how Guo Wen would respawn (she was quite interested), she felt a chill from below. Turning back, she saw a dark blue ice sweep across the area.

'Oh? This seems like this is the stimulation of a physique. I wonder which one it is.' Checking Guo Wen's status panel, she realized that it was the Arctic Abyss Physique, a physique which had not been seen for the past 37 million years. The last person to possess this physique was recorded a Dao Immortal called the Nether Ice Dao Immortal. Remembering this, Bai Lixue was stunned.

'What the heck? Are all players this talented or something? There's only been 1,000 of them and already there is one talented enough to rise even above my current cultivation rank. Anyways, I should definitely try to accept her as a personal disciple. I can complete the quest and teach someone super talented.

I don't think I'm going to accept her yet though. I kind of want to save her or someone from a mortal danger to complete the "Life Savior" quest. When I appear then, I can also accept her as a disciple. Someone may even make a forum post about me so that would essentially be knocking out 3 birds with 1 stone!'

Thinking about how she could complete three quests relatively easily, she smiled to herself. She was excited to be able to increase her cultivation again after 300 long years.


After a couple more hours of travel, Guo Wen finally arrived back at the village. By this time, it was night time so no one saw her reenter the village. Trudging tiredly back to her residence, Guo Wen then sat down and began cultivating.

And thus ended her second day in the game.