
NPC System in the Immortal World

Earth The year is 2087. After more than a decade of development, the world's latest virtual reality game has been announced, named "Martial Journey." The key difference between this game and others was that one, it had an extremely realistic cultivation system, and two, one day in the real world was equal to an astonishing month in the game. This meant that one could "live" 30 times more if they played the game their whole life. But as people flocked to buy the VR headset for the game, they didn't realize that they weren't merely playing a game, they were exploring a whole new world... ------------------------------------------------------------------- Immortal World Bai Lixue is a lone cultivator hailed as the number one genius of the immortal world, breaking through to the Dao Lord stage at the young age of just 1,091 years of age. Now known as the Snow Sword Dao Lord, she continues cultivating towards the next stages. Yet despite cultivating for 300 more years, she is unable to advance from the first stage of Dao Lord, becoming forgotten by the immortal world. One day, she hears a voice inside her head: [Binding game system to host...] [Binding complete!] [Hello Bai Lixue, and welcome to the NPC system of Martial Journey! You were the lucky winner, and the only person to have acquired the system! To improve your cultivation, gather NPC experience points to increase your level, and eventually your cultivation. Best of luck!] Using this system, watch as Bai Lixue acquires NPC experience and rises to the apex of the Immortal World!

Sombress · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Arrival of Closed Beta

Wang Qiang, a 4th stage Martial King, was in secluded cultivation when someone tapped him on the shoulder.

Startled and angry at the disturbance, he jumped up as he roared, "WHO IS DISTURBING ME DURING MY CLOSED DOOR CULTIVATION?"

He turned around to the sight of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She looked to be in her early 20s, with waist-length black hair, dressed in a light blue dress, and a faint smile on her face, she looked like an immortal fairy who had just descended to the mortal world.

Yet what surprised him more was the pressure she gave off just by standing there made the goosebumps on his arm rise and a feeling of extreme danger. Wang Qiang knew that the woman standing in front of him had to be at least in the Martial Emperor realm if not higher. He knew that there was no one with a higher cultivation than himself on this plane, meaning that this woman had come from another plane, most likely from the higher planes.

It was extremely rare for a powerful cultivator to visit a lower plane because there simply weren't the resources and the density of qi to support their cultivation anymore. For them, staying in a lower plane meant living out their life span and dying while traveling to the higher planes, and maybe even the Dao World meant opportunities to become stronger and live longer.

While Wang Qiang stared at her, she also took the opportunity to view the status panel of Wang Qiang.


[Wang Qiang -- Level 87

HP: 7,080/7,080

Experience points: 13,201/38,000

Cultivation Stage: 4th stage Dao King

ATK: 436

DEF: 318

SPD: 313

VIT: 708

Affiliated Power: Green Eclipse Sect -- Sect Leader

Cultivation Technique: ??

Skills: ??

Artifacts: ??

Game Status: N/A]


Viewing the status panel of Wang Qiang, she realized that she could not view aspects that were unknown to her. For example, she had never seen Wang Qiang fight so it was impossible for the status panel to list the skills he used.

"Oh oops sorry for disturbing your secluded cultivation. I'm just here to let you know that I have some business to conduct in this plane. Don't mind me just please don't disturb me and tell your sect to not disturb me as well. Got it?" Bai Lixue stated with her soothing voice, still with that faint smile on her face.

Hearing these words, Wang Qiang quickly came back to reality, stating with a flustered voice, "Oh no esteemed master, I don't mind being interrupted. I was just about to exit secluded cultivation anyways."

"Ah that's good then. Anyways, I might also start a sect here is that fine with you as well?" Bai Lixue had considered starting a sect here as this would where the players would be born, and just took this time to ask Wang Qiang.

Wang Qiang was startled. 'Why would someone with such a high cultivation visit this plane? At first I thought that there was some sort of heavenly treasure being born here but if that was the case she wouldn't need to set up a sect' he thought.

Although he was quite disappointed that his sect would most likely not be the most powerful sect of the plane, he also acknowledged that he was powerless to change this. Besides, now they could have the opportunity to have a powerful cultivator training the people of the plane, meaning that they may become more powerful than the surrounding Lower Planes.

"May I ask when you will be creating your sect?" Wang Qiang asked, still deep in thought.

"I think it will be in around 7 months? Around that time I'll be back to create the sect." Bai Lixue was unsure of who she would recruit as elders in her sect, but she decided that she would first observe the players before deciding on these trivial things.

"Anyways, I'll be leaving now. Here's a little compensation for your troubles." Bai Lixue tossed Wang Qiang a bottle of Saint Pills, and then quickly vanished from sight.

Wang Qiang looked stunned as he investigated the pills. When he realized that the pills were of the fabled saint rank, he was so excited he wanted to jump up and down. However, he also realized that the woman just now, who had never told him her name, was of a much higher cultivation rank than he first thought.



December 6th, minutes to closed beta release.

The leaders of the guilds entering the closed beta version all reminded the other members who would enter the closed beta on things that they should look out for in order to be able to get a head start compared to the other guilds on the actual release date of the game.

All across the world, 1,000 players put on their VR helmets as they recited, in their minds, the important tasks of finding a cultivation manual, finding high ranked quests, and finding opportunities to join a sect. And slowly, their vision began to dim as the prepared to enter the game.