

A Chronicle of a Sojourn Through the Enchanted Land of Yggdrasil. Come, journey with me to the mystical realm of Yggdrasil, where enchantment and reverie hold sway over all. Welcome to the world of my Novel. This is the travel records of my journey within the Novel, King Dragonheir. Here, in a world where the primacy of the elves is threatened by a demonic incursion and the doom of the end of times looms ever closer, our original valiant protagonist must navigate a landscape where technology has progressed to unimaginable heights and the very essence of magic flows freely. Yet, amidst the danger and uncertainty of this wondrous realm, my most pressing concern is one of survival. For I find myself faced with the most formidable foe: the ultimate darkness that lies beyond death. Join me now, as we delve into this tale of fortitude and perseverance, as our hero strives to overcome the odds and emerge victorious against the shadows that threaten to consume him while me, His creator, Will try to survive as a spectator.

LAWVOID_47 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs


But as I stood there, ready to face the horde of demons, a strange feeling overcame me. A sense of calm, a feeling that I was meant to be here, fighting this battle.

I raised my weapon, my resolve strengthened. I had always known that I was meant for something greater, something more important than just being a typical transmigrator in a fantasy world. And now, I had found my purpose.

Raaarrrrr..... Distant roars of demon beasts were heard.

I turned to my companions, my voice ringing out over the din of battle. "We may be a ragtag group, but we have something that these demons don't. We have each other, and the determination to protect our world."

" So please.... Stand here with me. Although seems suicidal but i will make sure that everything will work out well....Like always So trust me. " I said because i was afraid that they will left me alone to fight this hopeless battle.

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes. The earth rumbled beneath me, the sheer number of demons causing it to shake. When I opened my eyes, I was met with a scene of sheer terror. An endless wave of demons and monsters descended upon the city, their numbers appearing to multiply with each passing moment. Their fearsome roars echoed through the air, and the ground quaked beneath their feet.

I had long realized that this battle was not part of the original script. The city was already weakened by recent events, making it the perfect spot for demons to establish a foothold. The thought weighed heavily on me, for I was aware of the butterfly effect - the small actions I took could have a significant impact on the outcome of this tale. This might be a hopeless battle.

As I looked down at the front gate, I noticed some of the defenders looking back at us with expressions filled with fear and uncertainty. They saw us as grim reapers, waiting to reap their souls after the monsters shredded them to pieces. I could not blame them for thinking so, for recent events had left the city hopeless and depressed. And i was at the center of those events, A killer, ruthless and merciless.

I was unsure of the whereabouts of the original protagonist and his party, but I knew that if our paths crossed on the battlefield, he would leave the demons to kill me. Our relationship was strained, to say the least.

But the true reason for my despair was my own personal demon - my Shitty bad luck, the 'fu*klu*k'. Normally, I would not have worried, but the circumstances were different this time. The protagonist of this tale hated me, so hard carrying in the protagonist party is a big NO and I was uncertain of my own luck that nothing will go as plan... as always.

Fu*klu*k" is the type of luck that seems to only bring misfortune and chaos to your life. It's like the universe conspires against you, no matter what you do. If there's a long line at the grocery store, you'll end up behind the person with the longest endless list and endless coupons. This luck makes even the most optimistic person want to throw in the towel.... Sigh. It's like Murphy's Law on steroids, where everything that can go wrong, will go wrong and ten times worse. Imagine waking up to a sunny day and then If there's a puddle on the sidewalk, you can bet your bottom dollar that you'll step right in it... Oh and i am not finished yet... and then getting hit by a bus. That's just the start of a day with fu*klu*k.

So if you're feeling down, just remember that there's someone out here and out there experiencing the ultimate form of bad luck - fu*klu*k. And if you ever encounter it, and i do hope you do, just hold on tight and brace yourself for the ride of a lifetime!

heheheheh.....ahm anyways sorry.

Seeing me silently smiling all by myself One of my subordinate step forward.

"So boss, what's the plan B?" A large and sturdy man, Daemon Farmington, a dark aura user and expert in close combat, stepped forward and stood beside me.

"Are you trying to start a fight here... here?" I asked him.

"Well, we can't blame him. As we all know, your plan A never works," chimed in Bell Carter , a beautiful lady in red who specialized in short ranged fire magic with her summoned beast, Blue Phoenix Azrak.

"Nothing goes as planned. Haven't you heard that? Plan A is just the first version, and as the situation demands, changes must be made to have a Plan B, C, and so on," I explained.

"Now that's our leader, the chatterbox," Daemon started to laugh for no reason." I thought you were silently smiling while imagining your last moments and since we are on the topic, Well any thing is fine by me except beheading, I don't want the last thing i see is my headless body while my head rolls around hahahah"

Bell and i were speechless.

A short note: His sense of humor is the worst among us.

"BOOM!" A blast occur at the main gate

"Battle station" cried one of the defenders, as he looked to the front.

The demons had begun their attack on the second line of defense wall, and the second clash of this great battle had erupted with a resounding blast. The air was filled with a cacophony of cries, both human and demonic, as the warriors engaged in combat.

"Bell, Daemon, I need you to go to the general hospital and use elvish potions to heal the S-class heroes. We must have every hand on deck if we are to win this battle,"I commanded.

"Understood," replied Bell and Daemon, before leaving me standing alone on the rooftop.

But i was not truly alone. I had a secret that I had never revealed to anyone. I was accompanied by two ghostly apparitions.

"Finally, we are alone," said a pale and handsome ghost, his form that of a fragile young man.

"What are we doing here, anyway? This is not even the main army of demons," asked a muscular, golden-skinned elven ghost.

"Our destination is the Duke's palace,"I replied. "The key to victory lies there."

"I do not know if we will survive, but I must satisfy my curiosity. How do you know things that others do not?" The pale looking Ghost asked.

"Who knows? Perhaps I, too, will become a ghost." I looked at him "We can discuss it then," I replied with a laugh.

"Well then" I took a fighting stance.

Suddenly, wooden branches began to emerge from my body, taking shape as an incomplete samurai armor. My face was covered by a grotesque wooden mask as I jumped from the building.

"Let us go," I said, moving towards the city center and leaving behind the chaos of the demon's dominant battle.