
Novel Ideas DrakeGrimmhound

The dark place I put all my novel ideas after my brain stops working. To see which novel I updated go to the very start and look at the update page. Not dropping them or looking for adoption.

DrakeGrimmhound · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
62 Chs

Ch 1 : Red Riding Hood

"This is the best steak I've ever tasted.", said the wolf-man as he licked his sharp teeth clean.

He then picked up his wine glass and took a sip of the viscous red liquid that washed down the remaining pieces of meat that was caught between his canines.

Taking another bite of the steak put a smile on his face which showed off his teeth, they were dyed a dark red colour from the mysterious red liquid, bits of white teeth stood out when they shined through the thick red colour.

You couldn't help but think of a vicious wild wolf tearing apart a dead animal with the blood splatted across its face.

"This steak has aged well and yet it still tastes like its young, fresh and alive. It is soft and tender when I knead it between the roof of my mouth and my tongue, yet when I bite down on it, it becomes just the right amount of tender and tough."

He monologue's about how much the steak has moved him as if it was just him and the steak in the room.

He then came out of the dream like state and said, "I can't wait for dessert ... she should be almost half the way now.", he said with a villainous tone.

After finishing his steak and his drink he then sat there for a couple of minutes to savour his meal.

"I can't wait anymore, she's taking to long to get here!", he then shot out of the room through the out window.

After landing on the ground he started sprinting on all fours down the forest path, his breath gradually got heavier and rougher, all smaller animals around hide when they felt the bloodlust oozing from him.

"I've missed this ... the hunt!"

After running around 800Meters he picked up a new scent, "That's her scent alright ... lets go eat!"

He then ran even faster and jumped into the air, aiming to land onto a young girl wearing a red hood.

Hearing the air be torn through the girl in the red hood looked up, she pulled out her sword from its scabbard when she saw what was rushing at her.

"Red Ridding Hood! AAARRR!", he screamed at the young girl.

When they met, sword struck claws and they both got thrown far away from each other.

"What are you doing here Wolf?!", the young girl asked the wolf-man.

"I'm here because of your grandmother, she was delicious, some of the best witch meat I have ever had!", he said with a evil grin across his face.

"H-How did you find out she even existed?! Did you kill her?! Is she still alive?! TELL ME!", the young girl screamed as she cast a fire ball at the wolf-man.

After dodging to the side he retaliated by saying, "She now rests in my stomach! You're going to be my dessert!", he then leaped at her with his claws spread out in front of him, like a bullet.

She was able to defend against his heavy strike and then repay it by getting one hit across his chest, opening up a large wound.

She then doused him in fire, setting him ablaze, the burned hair smell made her cringe and her nose crinkle up. She then ended his life by separating his head from his neck.

"That's was for you grandmother.", said Red Riding Hood as a solitary tear fell.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.


Pat reon.com/DrakeGrimmhound


DrakeGrimmhoundcreators' thoughts