
episode 8

The angel who lost his wings

Six years ago

He trembled when he saw the blood of the people he considered family, although his actions committed towards his only brother were to his dislike, he could not help but feel fear of what his brother had become, what his family had made him.

She never liked the idea of ​​blaming her brother for her mistakes, not being the smartest, she kept in mind that luck was just saying something lucky. But seeing how her family did not stop, she intervened only for her to be insulted and her spectator cloud returned.

She was the one who came down like an angel, when her brother's back fell to the ground, healing his wounds and feeding him on occasions, since his parents denied any interaction. Being punished many times for only attending to her brother's bleeding, she never stopped, since in her heart she wanted to return the same affection that he had given her.

But looking at those hateful eyes, she trembled in her position and watched as that boy she protected fiercely attacked her sisters as parents. She could only cover her ears to avoid hearing the blows and closed her eyes to avoid seeing the blood. She was shaking and crying from all of this, something she could have ended, if she had tried harder.

At the end of all the commotion she opened her eyes, only to find her brother covered in the blood of her other family. She went completely still when she saw her in that state. But she felt helpless when she saw her scared and sad. She wanted to go hug him, comfort him and tell him that everything would be fine, as he had told her in his tears.

Still she couldn't move, as she was afraid, afraid of her brother. She did not understand many things, but now she just needed to understand it, why a person that she appreciated, admired and loved so much, now feared her. She cries when she sees how he left the place, since her heart said that she would never see him again. When a few minutes passed and she could see that her brother was not in her sight, she cried instead, for feeling useless.

_ Sorry, linki _ with her heart on the ground, her tears were no longer enough to show that she had lost something. In those moments love had escaped from her hands, she had let him go and that felt bad....


Things changed for him that angel, a plot twist that had changed his life, from seeing everything positively happened to seeing everything under the bridge.

There was nothing to change it, torturing her, paying her, forcing her, no one could move those lips to make them break through to those perfect teeth, just to contemplate the smile of that girl he always had.

It had been seconds, minutes, hours, days, months since she no longer spoke to anyone, her entire family knew why, some were angry for her and others simply disliked her because of the guilt. Her acquaintances were a little skeptical in believing that it was the same girl. Friends and friends, they all worried about her, they all knew that she was not being sad for a long period, and even seeing her discouraged was not something common, they asked and advised help, to encourage the adolescent again, but it seemed that nothing of the that they did have paying off.

_ You are telling me that you want to learn from me _ a surprised brunette, asked her sister. Lisa Loud regularly locked herself in her room and didn't go out most of the day. But to her great surprise, her older sister approached her to help her learn. Something that was not very strange, since it had never happened, being the genius that he was, he knew what was the trigger for those actions or at least he believed that.

_ that's what I said, lisa _ that girl, with straight lips, commented to her sister.

Who with a neutral expression, took the word of her older sister and supported her in her studies, although it would be a bit stressful, because of how distracted her older sister was.

But as the days passed, not only Lisa noticed the radical change that the girl had. Since all her family also observed the great change. A whole week, watching the girl go from one place to the other, with the occasional book in her hands. They realized that this distracted and adorable girl was moving away.

On the other hand, that angel was tired, but relieved to have passed her subjects with very good grades. Teachers and teachers were also amazed by those outstanding notes. He knew the girl wasn't very smart, but she was rewarding him for how dedicated she was. But seeing such good grades, they were happy for her. There was no person who did not like that girl. Maybe the occasional student, but that was the least.

Her classmates were also pleased that the distracted girl passed high school with good grades. I just hoped it would stay that way, so that I get into a good university.


Leni Loud, observed a certain empty chair, imagining an albino applauding him for his achievements. She does not really care that her family is happy with her, inside she just wanted her brother to be here, present, with her.

It was her graduation, with great grades she graduated from school, it was not easy, but she had succeeded. She had tried several times to study with her brother, to improve in their studies, all of them failed, but the attempt and how far they had come, were memories that she had inside her forgetful brain.

Not wanting her, to fail again, she dedicated herself to studying, with the help of her younger sister, she was able to graduate and have her diploma. She was dressed in the distinctive graduation gowns. They had already thrown the hat in the air, as tradition requires. Her eyes were wet from saying goodbye to friends. But only by admiring an empty seat, with a small sign that said, "Lincoln." I let some tears drop, since I would have liked to see him there.

No matter how long it happened, in her heart she recognized that she did not have him by her side.


The big step to a university was complicated, forced studies in the morning, afternoon and night, sometimes staying up only to get into a university and take medicine. It was Lisa's devotion, that of all races, that is the most demanding at the moment. But Leni, wanted a challenge, if once she saw her brother again, show him all her achievements. And that when she saw him she would be proud of her.

Reviewing some exams from previous years, by an oversight he dropped the pencil, it rolled all over the floor towards his closet. She sighed, she was tired and frustrated for not solving an equation. Stretching in her seat, she looked at the direction where the pencil got up to pick it up.

I notice that the pencil had entered from under the door. She opened her closet to look for it, she noticed several styles of clothes, some nostalgia had come to her.

"To get something, it is necessary to sacrifice something of equivalent value"; and she sacrificed what she liked the most, to avoid distractions and study.

Then she noticed a small box and she didn't remember what was inside it. With so much going on in her head, she had forgotten a few things and although she was no longer so distracted, at times she still was. So why hadn't she noticed that little box, inside her closet.

Without further ado, she took the box, forgetting why she had opened her closet in the first place. She walked over to her folder that once had a sewing machine. That she herself had kept in the attic.

Already with the light of her night lamp, she opened the box to look inside. She was a bit surprised to see several photos, where her brother was together. But she remembered that moment, when her dear brother encouraged her to continue her career as a designer.

In a photo it was shown; her and Lincoln, hugging together for little effects. Since they had had a sibling outing, where each one enjoyed the moment.

Then she knew she had been stupid again, then it happened, she had lost her wings, but that didn't say she couldn't fly. A beautiful smile came out along with a couple of tears.

She had thought that her brother would be happy if he studied and improved a lot, but he was not, he would be happy, as long as she is happy.

And the sewing made her happy, not the medicine.

Saving the photos except one, to the box. She put it aside, looked at the book she had in front of her. And since it was open, she closed it. Turning off the lights, he went to sleep, from tomorrow he would start again, but this time, happy.


The smile he had lost had lit a new path. With a characterized smile, the day started, it was early and Leni got ready for the day, his routine, bathing, brushing, combing his hair, etc. Once ready, she went to the attic to collect her machinery.

She found them in the same place where she had left it, it had already been almost two years since she left them. I give them a polish as they were covered in dust. And very carefully under everything to install it in the room she shared with her sister. Already in her room, only to meet her sister Lori, just woken up.

_ Leni, what are you doing up so early? _ Lori asked, since it was usually she who woke her up after so much studying. But she was surprised to see what she was carrying in her arms. The old sewing machines her sister used. They never talked about why I quit, because the reason for that was very obvious.

Although she was more surprised by how Leni looked, she was happy, really happy, her smile had returned and her characteristic cheerful look returned.

_ it's nothing Lori, I just wanted to use my sewing machine_ without caring much, Leni passed her and placed her machine on her desk. Remembering that she had some fabrics stored under her bed, she went to collect them.

_ May I know what happened? _ Asking again, Lori looked at her sister for an answer, if the reason why she left sewing was her brother, she did not understand what the reason would be to return to sewing.

_ What happened? _ a curious Leni, asked her sister, something had happened and she wanted to know.

_Leni, you have literally gone from Lucy to Leni _ Lori explained, trying not to frustrate the day, but it was Leni we were talking about.

_ But, if I'm Leni_ a little confused, Leni put the sewing items on the side of the desk.

_ Ha! Yes, but it was not what I was talking about, I'm trying to tell you, because you're happy and you're sewing again _ this time Lori, I was sure that Leni did understand her explanation.

_ It's for Lincoln _ this time fully understanding her sister, Leni answered part of the story.

_ That was not the reason why you left the sewing? _ Lori asked. If she was confused at first, now she was lost.

_ I just believed that by being someone successful, I could make Lincoln happy, but it wasn't, yesterday I understood that Lincoln would be happy if I was too _ Leni explained, looking at a photo on her desk.

Since Leni was looking at the photo, Lori could only see her back. But upon hearing those words from Leni, she felt her shoulders heavy again, her heart was strangled and all the guilt returned. Not wanting to bring it up, Lori just nodded and went out for a bath.

Leaving a Leni drawing, some designs for the new styles she had in her mind. She was now happy to do what she did best.


Years passed and that angel's smile never disappeared, his lifestyle began to be reflected in his actions. Finishing her international fashion career, she started her new clothing company, which was achieved thanks to a large number of jobs that she had done.

A store not so big, but enough to fully see the owner's imagination. This dress store soon became famous for the unique and beautiful designs they had. Being the owner of the premises, Leni instructed some girls and friends who had requested the job.

Being Leni's good attitude and kindness, she got some loyal employees. In most of the times Leni, worked together with employees, also helping in her shop, being the beautiful angel that she was. She gave dresses to her employees on occasions, she also came home with some dresses that her sisters would wear.

Leni Loud, walked looking at a particular person, someone she had not seen in a long time, someone she had loved. Maybe it was luck or a miracle, but it really mattered that right now, I was seeing it and I had it so close. The white hair he liked so much, the silver eyes that were similar to his own, he knew it was him, it had to be him.

Once he was there, he also stared at him, so that angel had found him. And she didn't know how to feel; sad, excited, nervous or happy. She would just listen to her heart and jump to hug her, cry and cry, but she never let go. She never wanted to let go of him again, she just wanted to stay with him like this, for eternity.

Her heart was happy, the warmth and the great feeling that she had, caused her wings to return to her.