
Nova Force Book 1

Nova Force grants extraordinary abilities. Follow the story as people battle monsters and villains, exploring mysterious realms. As stakes rise, they conquer inner demons, trust each other, and face thrilling adventures and uncover mind blowing mysteries. Valor and triumph await. Embrace your potential!

Romario_Harrison · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
59 Chs

Chapter Thirty-Eight





As the colossal monster's monstrous mouth enveloped me, a cocktail of fear and adrenaline surged through my veins. My heartbeat thundered in my ears, a stark reminder of the impending danger. The acrid scent and slippery texture inside the creature's mouth added to the urgency, compelling me to act swiftly if I stood any chance of escaping its gnashing jaws.


A surge of memories hit me like a lightning bolt—my trusty sword, a cherished relic that I I got from my friend to take on any threat including Nevarro and his friends, caught the feeble light within the monstrous confines. Swiftly, I drew it from its sheath, the familiar weight offering solace in the face of impending doom.


 With every slash, a surge of purpose coursed through me, a steely determination that turned each movement into a declaration of resistance. The blade, an extension of my will, sliced through the oppressive shadows within the monster's cavernous mouth. Each cut was a defiance against the encroaching darkness, a fervent protest against the looming abyss that sought to devour me. The metallic ring of the sword meeting flesh echoed with the resonance of my resolve, a rhythmic cadence that resonated in the chaotic symphony of the life-or-death struggle. The act of slashing became more than a physical exertion; it transformed into a visceral expression of my refusal to yield, a testament to the indomitable spirit that fueled each strike. Each sweep of the blade carried the weight of survival, an unyielding commitment to carve a path out of the engulfing shadows and emerge victorious from the belly of the monstrous adversary.



After a few seconds, the monster's head shook and I knew I was getting somewhere or so I thought. I continued to attack with all my might, punching, kicking, and stabbing with all my strength. The monster's teeth snapped at me, trying to chew me up, but I was too fast.


I dodged its teeth and made my way to the back of its throat. There, I stood on the back of its tongue, holding on for dear life. I knew I couldn't stay there for long, so I gathered my strength and prepared to make a break for it.


Just as I tensed to charge out of that reeking mouth, I felt the inside of the monster's throat growing hotter. Some vile attack was coming, and I needed to flee before it was unleashed.


With a desperate surge of determination, I drew a deep breath, driving the blade into the depths of the monster's throat. The moment the steel met the fleshy confines, I propelled myself outwards with all the strength my battered body could muster. Fortuitously, the monster's maw parted just in time, and I found myself hurtling through the vast expanse of the sky like a ragdoll caught in a tempest.


As I soared into the obsidian void, disoriented and at the mercy of the chaotic winds, the monster below unleashed a cataclysmic assault. A burst of blinding light erupted, and instinctively, I shielded my eyes from the searing brilliance. The force of the attack, though not directed at me, reverberated through the air, creating a tumultuous atmospheric upheaval.


Caught in the crossfire of this celestial clash, I tumbled through the air like a discarded plaything. The invisible forces unleashed by the monster's onslaught tossed me around mercilessly, my body subject to the whims of the tempest generated by the colossal entity below. Every twist and turn in the sky mirrored the unpredictable dance of a puppet yanked by unseen strings.


Despite the disorientation and the relentless buffeting, my resolve remained unwavering. I had no clear destination, no sense of where the winds might carry me, but the imperative was clear—to distance myself from the malevolent creature that had become the epicenter of this celestial turmoil.


Plummeting through the vast expanse of the sky, my eyes caught sight of another radiant light in the distance. It emanated from above, illuminating the heavens as I gazed upward. A visceral growl echoed from the monstrous creature, its anger reverberating through the air. The sky, shrouded in an ominous darkness reminiscent of an impending storm, carried an unsettling weight. A palpable seriousness hung in the atmosphere, intensifying the sense of dread. Yet, amidst the foreboding gloom, that distant light held the promise of revelation.


With a resounding boom, a powerful lightning attack struck the monstrous entity. The force of the impact bewildered me; it transcended a mere thunderstorm. The creature bellowed in agony, and I couldn't help but question the origin of the formidable power that damaged this bird, the same bird that had made us look like ants. The query echoed within the recesses of my mind as I continued my descent through the ever-darkening sky.


As the panorama unfolded below, a breathtaking spectacle unfolded before my eyes. Another bird, looking even more majestic with lightning crackling from its entire body with blue feathers with golden markings.


The two birds engaged in a fierce aerial battle, their movements a graceful dance of elemental forces. The first, a majestic bird that destroyed us, boasted shimmering gold feathers that seemed to pirouette with the ambient light. Its adversary, even more formidable, wielded powerful wings that conjured gusts of wind and crackling bolts of lightning. Every angle revealed a majesty in the clash of blue and golden feathers, dancing amidst the tumultuous energy.


Despite the ferocity of their conflict, a sense of enchantment overcame me. Lightning flashed, thunder roared, and I found myself tossed about by the whirlwind generated by their celestial duel. Unable to tear my eyes away, I marveled at the stunning interplay of power and grace. The second bird's lightning attacks, both fearsome and captivating, intensified the mesmerizing display before me. In that suspended moment, falling through the heavens, I became a silent spectator to a symphony of nature's raw beauty and unforgiving might.


As I fell, I couldn't help but wonder if this was really the end for me, even though I had been falling for almost two minutes now I could still feel the intensity of the battle, even the hairs on my body stood up. Could I survive if they both launched powerful attacks again? The victory of the battle had its sights set on me. 


The majestic thunderbird closed in, its colossal wings beating the air with a ferocity that sent shivers down my spine. Though I had always considered myself a fighter, an unexpected wave of despair engulfed me in that moment of looming uncertainty.


Yet, a peculiar transformation unfolded. As I extended my hands, bracing for the impending encounter, an unexplainable warmth enveloped my entire being. It was as if a newfound energy, a revitalizing life force, surged through my very essence. The source revealed itself as my chain, emanating a mesmerizing glow that painted the sky with an otherworldly hue. A bizarre phenomenon that defied logic.


Eyes opening wide, I found the thunderbird no longer advancing but hovering above me, its wings spread as if in an embrace. Its piercing gaze bore into my soul, and a revelation dawned – this was not the culmination but a genesis, a prelude to something extraordinary.


Summoning the remnants of my strength, I harnessed my fire attacks, propelling myself away from the enigmatic bird. There was no room for it to strike; I refused to become prey in this celestial ballet.


A disconcerting voice echoed in my mind, "You're so weak." Ignoring the unsettling remark, I focused on the imminent threat of free-fall, my surroundings a dizzying blur as I descended towards an unforgiving fate.


The sea materialized below as I plummeted, a frantic attempt to slow my descent with fire attacks. Despite my efforts, a mysterious force seemed to resist, impeding my progress. Panic surged as the inevitable collision with the water approached, and I braced for the impact.


The underwater plunge felt like a punch to the gut, the force stealing my breath. Struggling against the pressure, I fought to break the surface, gasping for air as the vast expanse of the ocean surrounded me.


Miles from any shore, desperation set in, and a depleted energy weighed heavily on my limbs. Resolute, I attempted to swim upward, my attempts met with exhaustion and fading hope.


As the darkness threatened to claim me, a pair of sturdy arms encircled my waist, lifting me to the surface. I inhaled sharply, tears streaming down my face, met by the concerned gaze of a striking young girl with long brown hair and vibrant red eyes. Overwhelmed, I succumbed to unconsciousness, rescued from the clutches of the 
