
Chapter 9

Laura pov

As far as I loved the stroking on my cheek, I had to wake up from my sleeping. I slept at 8.30 pm or something. I woke up from sleep and saw the most beautiful green eyes. I straightened myself and asked, 'what time is it?'

'3.50. Everyone went to their room a long time ago but you were sleeping in comfortably, so no one woke you up. Let's go.' he answered extending his arm to hold.

'I can go, thank you.' I replied rubbing my eyes out.

'Don't you sleep at night?' I asked going to the stairs.

'No, I have sleep some problems and I keep some work to complete at night not every night though.' He said.

Is he referring to his sex life for God's sake?

I glared at him. We were already on the 1st floor when he asked, 'do you want to see what work I do?'

I snapped at him, 'NO'.

'You will love it, come on.' He ushered me to go down again.

'You don't know me, how come you know what I will love, Mr. Accardi?' I asked with confidence.