
Chapter 19

Laura pov

I was a smiling red gutter after his double-meaning comment. But he was so stubborn. He turned me around and I kept my ear in his chest. This is the feeling I missed every moment from yesterday. I held him just like he showed me. He found my chin and uplifted it. I looked at him. He was waiting for my answer eagerly and I was finding his patience level. Because he was losing it.

His face changed and gave me a kiss on my lips. I smiled and kept my forehead in his chest again.

‘Come on, baby.’ He said and I stopped smiling. I start to tell him keeping my forehead on his chest.

‘I came to you to give me some time. You announced the wedding and it was a short time. Also, I am not ready for marriage right now. I have a life in New York. And I saw both of you in that position. So, it was my right to go from here. I crave a family but not a betrayer. I am not saying you are but you were, right?’ I finished and looked at him.