

Time is an essential and determinant factor that influences life of an individual. A well managed period of time with concise decision making breasted with precise action by a person, could best be seen as most active and successful person. Does that mean those with actionable thought and diligent in their works with little or no result to show for it are mere failure? Kent and Stone are characters of world most successful and world most perceived failure.

Amoolphorc · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Wonderland in my room

Imagine that you worked into a room you least expect to find luxuries, and out of nowhere you are dazed with most crispy surprise of the millennium, money chests heavily loaded with new mint of money. Having recently gifted the house of his late house owner, another miracle knocking on his door to take or shun.

This is the historical life changing situation that Mr. Stone found himself. He never expected the overlapping surprises of positively impactful events that has begun to replace the ill-fated years in the past that he does not want to recall for memory sake.

OMG! is this really real? How on earth did these get in here. These are chests. Exclaimed by Mr. Stone who almost immediately covered his mouth with his hands.

A whole lot of things might have happened here behinds my back while in prison. But I can only the picture of prosperity even when the whole events look more like life threatening. He said to himself.

Philosophical lessons learned here are, life is full of mysteries that can not be explained. Many are the events of life that can only be explained with economical ideologies. While some activities of life can only be understood by scientific calculations. As many as there are mysteries which can only be explained by combination of two or more philosophical approaches: Combination of scientific and economical philosophies in order to get it right. Some of these approaches serve as solution to all forms of illness or ills of life.

Some people believe that where there is life, there must be a problem attached to it just keep it grow and established. While some people obviously believe that life is not hurdle of problem but journey of excitement . The problem still remains who is the decider of all that ever happened to men.

Morality does not justifies abundant goodness neither immorality justifies abundant evil. What dictates the tune of life is the hand of the author of the universe who has given every individual opportunity to adopt characters to play in the fulfillment of universal will.

But who could define the universal will when every character adopts by every individual changes with time and season thereof? Many more of this philosophical imaginations keep flowing in my head. thought by Mr. Stone.

I actually thought it was over for me back then, now it is just a new beginning. I can't just believe this. Anyway, Let me start counting this money instantly. He pulled one silver coated chest to himself with lock openers attached to each of them. He made for the opener, the key and insert in, turn it anticlockwise and the hook lose its grip to flip open the chest.

Oh I shouldn't have opened this one now, let start the counting the first one I opened when I entered in the first place. He slid the first chest close to him and push a bit far from him the just newly opened chest. I don't even know where I dropped the key for this, am I sure I am still alright. This money is making forgetfully crazy.

Mr. Stone sat down comfortably on one of the chests and started to count the bundle of monies in them. He afore counted the note in a bundle to confirm the amount with certainty. He felt a little uncomfortably with his sitting on the chest at some point, when he paused the counting and went to bring a more comfortable seat.

I...2...3...4....5...6.. 100 x $100= $10,000. OMG! Let me count how many bundles in this one chest.

"Yes this is complete" He confirmed the bale of cash. He made for some more bale of money to be one thousand and one sure that every bale is completed with 100 number of $100 note.

Having confirmed that he emptied the chest in order to count how many bale are there in the chest altogether.

1..2..3...4..5..6...7....8..9...10....500×$10,000= $5,000,000.. Five hundred Thousand Dollars... wait first, He muttered to himself. How many chest do I have here?

1.....2..3..4....20×$5,000,000= $100,000,000...Wooooo!

A hundred million dollars. I am rich. Thank you God. Mr. Stone cannot hide his joy and excitement. He just fell on the chests of money in total lost of feelings to show anymore.

"But wait a minute, how did this happen?" Mr. Stone asked himself. How possible were these people able to bring into this place so huge amount of money? And they brought it safe without looking back to check it. Who know when they will come back for this? Or something has happened to all of them? I am really not sure for real.

"Danger on the way this is." He called himself to reality. "The man whose hand caught with fire will definitely not rest." I am at the cross road of fortune. I will stylishly take advantage of this opportunity before anything unfavourable may happen, if it will happen though.

From this time forth I would be spending the money bit by bit before I find substantial means of spending the money for profit. Mr. Stone affirmed. Looking at the situation of thing now, if I should inform the police about this, something might happen harmfully to me because I don't know who is who among the police officers.

Nothing about this life is certain with certainty as everything takes a certain degree of risk before one's life can change. There are things that are beyond normality but are anomalies that nature of man cannot explain. I hardly could figure that this huge opportunity await me eventually after this short time of getting released from correctional yard.

I must stead softly as must as I must be very careful with my spendings. I must doused all suspiciously heated emotion or excitement that may be attached to these chests of money in my room from within me. Stone control yourself. He tutored and mentored himself to new life of large amount of money found in his underground wonderland.

Life is a risk as everything pertaining to lack of money and too much of money bring this anxiety to the person in custody of the either.

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