

Time is an essential and determinant factor that influences life of an individual. A well managed period of time with concise decision making breasted with precise action by a person, could best be seen as most active and successful person. Does that mean those with actionable thought and diligent in their works with little or no result to show for it are mere failure? Kent and Stone are characters of world most successful and world most perceived failure.

Amoolphorc · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Life and Death Certainty.

In the heavy but profusely falling rains, that the windscreen was playing full orchestra to the controller of rain balls falling from yet unclear cloud in the sky, a car was seeing coming from crescent with no or little control by the driver, the vehicle collided with side road tree and occupants were seriously injured.

Then there came Mr. Kent, the serial pickpocket who had lost almost everything apart from his life to a higher ranked swindler of a lady, from a nearby in likelihood of superhero, trying to rescue the on board people in the crashed vehicle.

Oh! Jeez! This is terrible. What on earth happened here? Kent pitifully asking himself question with nobody to answer him. "I can't just believe this!"

Cmon..c'mon... you can do this, Kent is talking to himself as he is struggling to force the door of the Toyota Infinix open, but to know avail.

He believed that if they can get help on time, they probably might survive the accident.

Kent continues with the struggling to wrestle with the doors to crack it open, then he suddenly sees some new notes of dollars at the back seats. His mentality changed immediately he saw the money, his thought of rescuing became thought of looting the cash away.

He without sense of what might become of the injured people in the car, jumped by squeezing himself through the pin size hole available to get into the back seats of the crashed car, in order to see clearly the numbers of cash in there.

"Wow! this is cool freshly crashed cash" He flattered himself. This is not ordinary, this is divine. I just believe this. Ha ha ha. this is amazing. Kent continued with his show of shame and weird jubilation of fortune he just coincidentally met with.

How am I getting this briefcase how of here a jiffy without anyone meeting me here? Kent muttering as he become more aggressive and restless in the time of his indecisiveness. "Thank goodness, no cars passes here since" He talked to himself.

"Okay, this should work" Kent agreed with himself as he goes for a stone on the ground. Moving to rear of the car and hit the rear glass to break open, sliding in to get his hand on the briefcase. He succeeded in rattling it out.

"Whoa! This is money, I am back to life." Kent exclaimed and dashed into the woods by the sides of the road.

"I will rise once again, I don't care which way this leads" He talked to himself and he weather through the bushes and trees.

He continued in the woods jumping and wavering aside all blocking branches of grown up weeds, he was determined to run as far as possible from the accident scene to cover up his looting act or taking advantage of accident victims.

"It is getting dark" He looked up and see the cloud in its thick form suggesting darkness is about taking over the affair of authority from the sun at the hour.

He looked to the far front of his and saw a house made of wood planks, from the outside of which he saw abandoned lantern hung in a hook, gangling to and from through the light breeze controlling its oscillatory motion.

He suggested to himself, this at least should help provides shelter for the night. "At last, I am saved for the day" He said being satisfied for time being. How much should be in this briefcase? He asked himself and. "Do I need to even know this now?" Let me keep this money somewhere safe. He concluded.

Kent looked for a seemingly safer place in that house and kept the money. "By tomorrow, I will take this money and start my new lowly life into my buoyant life systematically." He laughed hysterically.

"Where did you say you keep the material" One of the two hefty men in black asked the other guy, in the same house in the woods made of woods, where Kent had slept earlier hours before now, came this two deadly men. "I just kept it here, I am serious. This exact point I kept it." The other man responded to the query in anger that the first man asked.

"Someone must have come here and take it." The second man assured. In anger, the first man stroke heavily with his hands the table beside him by scattering away everything on it. This noise wakes up Kent under one wall-attached-bench, using brownish and dark rag of a cloth to cover easily sighted view of himself sleeping.

He shook and was sore afraid of what that might be in the middle of the night in that kind house. On noticing some movement from Kent's direction , the two men brought out their pistols pointed towards the Kent's direction.

What is that? One asked. "It is me, its me" Kent stuttered while quickly raised his hands in surrendering to their control. "Please I am Kent by name." He introduced himself as sudden sweat welled up on him and half dead while alive at gun point.

Okay, where did you keep it? The second man asked. "Keep what?" Kent replied. "The box, briefcase?" The man angrily responded. " Oh that briefcase, I kept it there, over there sir, as he pointed to the rusted and highly dirty tool box.

The other man quickly walks to check it and as he opened the tool box, he saw the briefcase and said aloud with smiles on his face, "here it is" as he brings it out.

He moved to his second man and they checked it and noticed some unusual touches on it and therefore suggested they check inside it. They opened it and saw some missing bills.

Why did you tamper with what was not yours? One asked. "I didn't... I just.." Bang! was the last thing Mr. Kent heard as the other man impatient to hear anything from him shot at him on his forehead.

Why did you kill him? The other asked. "I don't have time for dialogue with a thief" The man answered with rage.

The briefcase that Mr. Kent looted from the crashed car was actually the money the same victims of the accident stole from the house belonging to the team where they belonged with these two other men that one of them killed Kent. In an attempt to cart away the money for himself and wife, the encountered accident on the road, leading to Kent's looting.

Who is the loser or the winner here? Life or death.

Mr. Stone and his lover attempted to win the race of life together but what happens to them? Let's find out...

Life is sure as much as death is certain, the man in every individual is the choice maker of the formers.

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