
Not the Harem Protagonist

Dean McLovin was just your typical 2nd ranked student of an Esper academy located on one of Mars' moons, Deimos. He had no friends or family members, but that was okay for him as his career was set and stone after graduation. One day, he woke up to find undead and former classmates turned insane hellbent on killing him and anyone else who isn't. Even worse, the 1st ranked student, Mark von Harem and his harem of Espers belonging in the top 10 are missing. Hoping to find survivors and answers, Dean along with a trusty assistant sets out into the darkness filled academy to stop this nightmare....or at least escape it. ------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Notes: (Cover is not mine)

DeftHyperion · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
55 Chs

One Who Controls Gravity






"It's okay Dean....everything is going to be okay"

"Mommy...please don't lea-



Dean woke up with a shiver down his spine, partially shaking, and panting in a cold sweat.

It was the same nightmare for the past week, the only problem is...

'The memory fades away as soon as I wake up.'

He knew it was from his childhood, his past before being adopted by Granny Judy, but that part of his life is still a fog to him. 

Dean check his surroundings while letting the cool air enter his lungs almost cleansing himself of the nightmare. He sees the empty husk of Mary still sitting listlessly with unfocused blue eyes escaping from her own nightmarish reality....one without her twin brother anymore. 

Then he sees Kat next to him wearing a different attire, it was a military uniform but colored pink and instead of a military cap, it was pink bunny ears.

'Still too much pink'

Kat was busy looking at a set of data while listening to Mary's recording on repeat about the gravitational pull.

[You're awake], Kat commented while her eyes were still glued on the holographic screen in front of her. Her serious demeanor was the complete opposite of her usual cute bubbly personality.

Dean wasn't sure if Kat was simply in work mode or she changed a bit from their experiences earlier today.

Slightly worried he asked, "Are you okay Kat?"

[Hehe, the usual stoic Dean McLovin is worried I've become edgier because I changed my outfit and in work mode.]

"Haaa....how long was I out and did anything happen?"

Dean inquired as he got up to stretch and put his glasses on then his partially torn jacket. 

[Just an hour nap, and nothing much happen aside from Mary making a grunting noise for a brief second.]

Dean raised an eyebrow and walked over to Mary, getting on one knee he made eye contact with her then...


....slapped her across the face to see a response.

"Uh uhhh"

The only response to come from Mary were grunts as she still continues to escape from reality.

[It's rude to slap someone little Dean~]

Kat playfully teased while her face was still glued on the holographic screens of random data.

Dean though completely ignored it and continue analyzing Mary's mental state.

"Sigh...I read that there were cases like this from victims of horrendous crimes. With our current technology, society was able to rehabilitate these victims by locking their memories of that event away like a dam with a device. Then slowly like a dam and with professional help, the victims were able to slowly process their trauma and become well again"

He finished his surprisingly short explanation and pushed his glasses up, seemingly proud of himself for reading a lot of books when he wasn't training or doing school related activities.

Clap Clap

[Wow what a short explanation there genius, no fun facts or a detailed explanation on the process?]

Kat's cute busy voice resonated with her claps as she was still preoccupied with her work. 

Dean looked away as if he was ashamed of himself and muttered, "I was only able to read the introduction before 'this' happened."

'And it doesn't work on people with brain damage....like me'

His thoughts drifted to his strange circumstance, he couldn't fully remember his childhood as the doctors said his brain was damaged from overtaxing his telekinesis when he was six.

Using it on a damaged brain could either work or permanently causes the patient to go into a catatonic state.

Luckily with Mary's state, the device could restore her state of mind but there were issues...

"She recently lost her brother and bringing her near that 'site' could reopen the wound like a dam breaking down causing a flood. Repeated use of the Memoria could damage her brain too. This'll be a delicate situation." 

Memoria was the name of the memory device, one of the Latin words for memory, and looked more like a headband.

[Hey hero, we need the device first before restoring her state of mind. Given its heavy regulation, there's only one here in that therapist's office down in Pleasantville.]

"Please don't call me hero", Dean's expressionless demeanor cracked causing his mouth to twitch uncontrollably from Kat's little tease. 

Seeing a facial reaction from Dean after finally looking away from her busy work, Kat went on the assault.

[Hehehe, Dean admit it, you're a good person but you're not like Mark who force his beliefs on others]

"I just hate to see other people suffer", Dean mumbled, "and Melanie was the only person who kept a lid on his loud mouth."

[Oh yeah, she was very controlling of Mark on that aspect heck I wouldn't blame her hahaha]

Kat overheard Dean and even laughed at the end remembering how the cruel princess would glare at Mark whenever he would try to spew his thoughts out loud especially the negative one on how the UHA 'handles' the colonies who want independence. 

Dean, on the other hand, remembered how hurt Melanie was after her engagement broke off despite her insults and hateful looks, he respected her for her intelligence and competence unlike many spoiled noble kids in the academy. 

And of course, he remembered how harsh Melanie was on him during cooking club after her breakup. 

'You call this food? No wonder you're a peasant, Peasant.'


'Where's the lamb sauce?'

Dean's entire body shuddered recalling those painful memories and almost regretted joining the club.


At least those harsh insults resulted in Dean cooking 'decently' by Melanie's high standard and somehow brighten her mood since the breakup.

After he finished recollecting those bittersweet memories, Dean asked Kat a serious question. 

"About the gravity pull situation is it real?"

[With my connection to the Academy's central network cut off, I had to create a new program from scratch to read the gravitation pull. And well, we aren't feeling heavier but time is moving extremely slowly for us. This level of power isn't in the scope of a S rank gravity manipulator...but maybe the uncategorized SS ranked one.]

Kat stated gravely as for the past hour, she constantly analyzed the data to see if it was actually real. She joked with Dean earlier to lighten the heavy mood in her heart, but now it came back when Dean asked the question she wanted to avoid.

"Since Mark is the only gravity manipulator who was the highest rank of A rank Esper power. Then he's most likely the culprit, but we're not entirely sure until there's more available data to gather, maybe if we encounter any of his fiancés turned or not may give us more information on the matter."

Dean was calm to the situation but inwardly he was nervous because of a possible SS ranked Esper power.

No matter how much one trains their ability, no Espers were able to reach higher than S+ rank.

No one knew why, despite Espers having a longer lifespan after reaching S-rank, but people were aware of the unrecorded SS rank.


There were cases where S+ Espers reached a higher level overclocking their abilities but it usually resulted in their deaths afterward because it was like adding too much water pressure for a hose to handle causing it to explode.

The mood was somber because of a possible SS rank enemy, but it was only superficial data based on the gravitation pull. Thinking that....

"Let's put the matter to rest for now as the gravity situation could be something else."

[Yeah...], Kat replied weakly.

Dean began to carry Mary like a potato sack again but stop suddenly.

[Huh what's wrong Dean?]





"I need to take a leak."



A/N: Maybe I should take cooking lessons from Melanie Ramsay if it makes me a better cook. I can handle verbal abuse....probably >.>

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

DeftHyperioncreators' thoughts