
Not so wonderful after all

How would you feel being left by the two people in the world you loved more than life it's?. Well I can tell you it sucks. And now after 5 long years I'm back in Cathdale having to face them and a whole lot of other problems just to make it through to live another day. Sound fun huh? Hi I'm Lexi Stevens and I'll be your guide with the ups and downs and twists and turns of my life in Cathdale. What's Cathdale you ask? Well I'll tell you. Cathdale is the official name of Wonderland and it's not like in the movie with talking cats or white rabbits. It's dark and dangerous but it's also warm and lovely. And above all else it's a place I swore I'd never see again. " I want you." He says in a low seductive voice, that sends shivers down my spine. I try and push him away he's too close but he catches my hands and pins them up over my head. I'm now trapped against his hard chest and the unyielding wall at my back. This was supposed to be a conversation and now it's turning into something dark and hungry. I look him in his eyes and for a minute I'm thrown back in time when I would have welcome this and him but now I'm older and know better than to believe this man in front of me. I take a deep breath and say, " But I don't want you. " Before I can continue he laughs low and brings his free hand up to cup my chin. He lowers his head a little so his breath is warming my lips and says, " Little lair. You want nothing other than us.

Deborah_Strohm · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

Awake and Not Loving It......Ouchy

I see the look in his gold eyes before he can say something the door opens up and in walks a disheveled looking Julian.  Julian looks tired and a little nervous as he walks in between Vance and myself.  I feel bad for him, he'll have to deal with both of the Queens because after this I'm not seeing either of them again and I'll use Julian to accomplish this.  Ah poor guy but what other choice do I have. I can wait around for them to finish the job of killing me or I can use everything at my  disposal to prolong my life. Now that I'm in Cathdale it's going to be harder to live and not be at their mercy.

" Good your awake . How are you feeling sweetheart?" Julian says with his eyes focused on me. He walks up to me and looks at my face, I don't miss the wince but other than that he keeps this both personal and professional.

" I feel like I've been beaten, stomped on and nearly killed but other than that I'm just peachy." I say but notice Vance clenched his hands into fists and set his jaw. Oh someone is pissed probably because his guy didn't succeed and now him and his brother have to be more careful about getting rid of me. Well game on Mother F#$ker.

" I bet you do sweetheart.  You nearly died on me in the OR. Here sit up and let me check your other wounds then I'll get you some pain meds so you can rest more comfortably." Julian gives me a small smile and reaches down to help me up. I stop him with a small shake of my head and regret it instantly. The pain shoots to my head and has me seeing black and white spots in my vision. But I have to make it clear how things are from the start.

" Julian could you show the Queen of Spades out before you do your exam. I'm sure he's a busy man and doesn't have time to waste here on this." I try to implore him with my eyes and convince him this is for the best. With a sigh Julian shakes his head once to let me know he's gotten my message.  He turns around and says,

"Please would you give me and my patient some privacy." 

I see Vance get even madder and his voice is even and cold when he answers,

" Like hell am I going to step out and leave another man to see my wife naked. You can do your exam with me here or not at all."

Does he think I won't refuse the exam. Oh baby boy you are so mistaken. I'm not that yes saying people pleaser  I once was. Vance is about to find out that not just my age has changed. I've grown up in the last 5 years thanks to him and his brother.

" Then that's fine Julian. " I pauses seeing how Vance and Julian both sang in relief. Oh but it will be short lived. I wait for Julian to reach for me again when I push his hand away from me. He looks shocked and a little bit surprised that I'd do this.

" I thank you for your care so far Julian but you don't need to come back in the future. I'm fine and I won't require your services any more." I pause to let my words sink in. Then I continue,

" If I could ask you to get me something to wear I'll be out of your hair and you can continue with your duties."

The silence in the room is deafening but I'm drawing my lines for them. I'll not be bullied or manipulated by them or anyone else.  As I'm waiting for Julian to make his next move, I see Vance out of the corner of my eye he looks pissed and he's moving towards us or rather me.

" Lexi, I've had enough of this. It's not up for you to decide what's going to happen but for me and Voughn." He means every word he says.

" You will not leave this room without Voughn or myself by your side and you will submit to the exam Julian is going to do or so help me god I'm going to bend you over my knees and spank some sence into you. Do you understand stand me little girl?"

Yup he's pissed and I can't find it in me to give a flying fuck. I look him in the eyes and say,

" Go ahead what's a couple more bruises to add to my body. I don't give a fuck. Or do you wish to kill me yourself?"

I had started out calm but I was screaming at him by the end. I've come to my limit of what I can take and I'm damning the conquestion of my actions.

" What's going on here?"

The question is asked with a calm but cold voice.  It makes me shiver as I look towards the door and see Voughn standing in the open door looking like he's about to kill someone.

As I look into his cold gold eyes I realize I'm doomed.