
Not perfect enough for Love

"Fated" encapsulates the meeting and falling in love with the same person, even if they aren't who they claim to be. It's about crying on the same shoulder year after year, lifetime after lifetime. It's about meeting after parting many times. Fated is you, fated is us, fated is love, friendship, family, and even the twisted events that brought me to you... We are fated, Adam. Aziza is the battleground for war between spies and mafias. The future heirs, however, were promised to each other during their childhood to end the conflict. Salama, the mafia heir, marries her boss, Adam, the spy heir, and their love story begins with hate and despair. After years of longing and fighting, they must decide whether to keep their island in peace or in war. "Salama, I've heard that napalm is a gut-wrenching chemical that devours flesh... But I'd rather drink napalm than lose you. You're the antidote to all the toxins my father used to inflict upon me..." "I cannot love a man steeped in darkness. I wish I could numb my heart and erase your memory..."

Muskan_umata · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

The carcass of the martyer

Chapter 21

I could not recover from my encounter with Adam. He had given me a fair warning about who he truly was and why he never wanted me to see that side of him. He was a killer, a heartless brute who only cared about getting the job done. I had met the secretive CEO side of him, but there was more, and I had always known it. My brother said no one knows where Adam stands in the war; he just happens to always be present during transactions. He also mentioned how his brother did the same and his father before them.

As I was still learning how things actually worked, I felt defeated at the thought of knowing he could kill the people I love—even me—just as he had killed the man I thought he was.

I may be a mere comrade trying to understand, trying to better the world in my own way. I just wished it weren't this way. My first love is now my enemy, my biggest threat.