
MHA ("And This Chaos, It Defies Imagination)

[MHA] Ochaco, Mina, Momo, and Kyoka are the first students in UA's new experimental 'BWC 101' class, with Mt. Lady, Midnight, and Mirko each giving a weekly class to the girls to prepare them for white men. And this first week is already a doozy.

And This Chaos, It Defies Imagination


"Okay, these are Steve, Kevin, Larry, Ken, and Tall Steve," said Mt. Lady while setting a dildo down onto each chair.


"Tall Steve?" asked Mina, her hand going up to flag her surprise.


"Yes. I fucked Steve, then I met Tall Steve, and he was very tall." Mt. Lady offered no further explanation than that, but she didn't need to; this was BWC 101 at U.A., and the small class of Mina, Momo, Ochaco, and Kyoka were too focused on the dildos that Mt. Lady put out. Huge dildos of white cocks. "Each one of them is made from the real cock of a white man I had sex with when I was abroad. And each of them is an absolute lesson for an aspiring bleachbunny to take, so I want each of you to think about how you're going to practice on these cocks and what you might feel is the best way to please it. While you do that, I'll be sitting on this one." She held an even bigger cock up. "This is a perfect representation of Rich Steve."


Another hand, this time from Kyoka. "How many men named Steve have you fucked?"


"A lot of white men are named Steve, Kyoka. It's something you learn as a bleached slut. Now, are there any real questions?"


Nobody's hands went up.


Instead, the girls stared nervously at the intimidating dildos in front of them. The first day of BWC 101, and the girls who'd signed up for the elective already felt a little bit shaken by just how insane this was about to get. The elective was a test run on seeing if UA should start teaching girls to be bleached as part of standard hero curriculum, and the four girls had signed up for what was basically a mystery class until they arrived. Now, they were staring at the intimidating dildos supposedly cast from the cocks of real white men, while videos of interracial porn played on several televisions set up along the room. Mt. Lady was earnest about her part, one of several teachers being brought in to handle this class. It was all so much weirder for it.


Mina decided she would go first, pulling her skirt up and sitting herself down onto the and onto Steve. "I can take it," she said, slamming herself ass-first onto it, sinking down the cock, letting out a moan. "If white dicks are so big, then it's going to be perfect for my fat ass." She didn't hesitate, getting to work at stubbornly pushing her way down the cock, forcing herself onto it and trying her best to work through these wilder insistences. She felt the pressure hit her quite immediately, but she was happy to give in to it and happy to roll with the pleasures.


Momo followed forward, undoing the buttons on her blouse and nervously deciding to start by trying to titfuck the dildo. She didn't say anything while she did, but a poster put up on the wall said, "Big tits are for white cocks," and she felt like it was a sign to her to get to work. Silently, she titfucked the dildo, not sure how good a job she was doing on it, but prepared to try her best, enthralled by 'Larry' and how much stuck out of her cleavage even when she wrapped so snugly around him. This was a surprise she was going to have to learn how to deal.


"Well, if it's the class I have," Ochaco said, inching toward Tall Steve, taking it in hand and starting to

lick along it, kissing the shaft and wondering how to broach the topic of a proper blowjob. One of the screens showed a pair of Japanese women taking turns sucking a huge, white dick, and it left her feeling a little stunned and frustrated, wanting to do her best with this. That meant trying to get her mouth open, trying to push down the shaft and showy t as much attention as she could muster, even as her head became a bit dizzy and the pressures upon her certainly felt a little bit out of control.


Kyoka was left the last one without a dick. Ken was hers, she supposed, nervously working over to the chair, legs shaking as she tugged her panties aside and pushed down onto it, sinking her way onto the dick and starting in on the utter strangeness of what she was up to. She pushed down onto it, her slender frame causing her some immediate struggle thanks to the girth of the cock in question. Hissing, aching, she tried to take deep breaths and prepare herself for this, but each push down felt like something a little more heavy duty than she was fully prepared to deal with.


"Very good, girls. Just like that." Mt. Lady held Rich Steve in her hand and casually fucked herself with it while she watched the girls go, learning their ways around the dicks. The freeform nature of how each of them took the dicks left her intrigued and elated, happy to see them all working at their respective ideas of what to do and how to explore it. It was a good sign of everyone's eagerness and willingness to be bleached. She loved the sight of it, fucking her pussy harder with the toy. The sight of these eager teens so ready to give in to this was just as exciting as she'd hoped it would be, the potent, throbbing indulgence writhing across her, persistent desire she could give in to hotter, the deeper heat she was prepared to give in to deeper.


As their teacher walked around them, the girls continued to try their best. There was a senseless, throbbing excitement to give in to hotter now, pleasures that continued to compel deeper desire now, lustful fever to embrace harder. However they took these dildos and tried to learn how to pleasure them, the moment felt like a swell of throbbing, pulsating heat, the persistence of a raw pleasure to have to ride out, giving in hotter to the pleasure and to the idea of excelling at this. With Mt. Lady pushing them, encouraging them, they wanted to do their best.


She did have input on how the girls could tend to matters, which she gave happily while drifting around, but she liked having the long breaks to just fuck herself with Rich Steve and watch the girls work at it. She loved what she saw, and she was all too happy to keep encouraging it, even if she did need their holes properly trained.


Looming over Ochaco, she helpfully brushed the girl's hair back and said, "If you relax your throat and take it slow, you can take his cock deeper than you think. Don't worry about being fast at first; it'll impress a white man just to see an inexperienced Japanese schoolgirl taking his cock at all." She gently guided Ochaco through that pace, not quite pushing her onto the cock, but guiding her to feel the pleasure and find the pleasures that she could give in to fully, the warming lust of pleasure and desire that felt like it kept escalating beyond sense. Ochaco did her best, nodding along in pursuit of handling his cock, giving herself up to these pleasures utterly. Ochaco took it, surprised by how deep she could get, moaning around the cock as she entered a hazy focus state of pure desire now.


When she came around to Momo, all Mt. Lady could do was marvel. "I have no notes, you're a pro already." She leaned in to grope Momo a little bit, hands-on with her mostly by just pushing her to excel harder, adoring her and the sheer insistence she was capable of. It was a remarkable show of ability from Momo, and Mt. Lady felt like she had what she wanted. "White men are going to love you and everything about this perfect body." She wasn't ashamed of fondling a bit longer, making the most of touching her and adoring her. She loved what she saw. It was perfect. Every push forward was a burn of pleasure and indulgence much too potent now to deal with.

That excessive praise made Kyoka all the more frustrated and embarrassed when Mt. Lady grabbed he by the hips and began to instruct her, "Take Ken deeper. White men's cocks are so big, they don't care about shallow penetration." Firm, forceful, chiding her, she pushed Kyoka down harder, forcing her to take the dildo down. "Push past the pain. Once your hole is trained, all you'll feel is pleasure.

Work that tension out now, before you have to take a real cock." She guided Kyoka along the pace, giving her a pat on the hip and finishing with, "Keep this pace now. Don't stop."


Mina was the last one to receive guidance from Mt. Lady, which was simply, "Lean forward more. Your ass is remarkable, let the men see it bounce. You're taking it in the ass very well, but you need to practice stability at a more dramatic angle so that they can really appreciate you." It was a push she was happy to guide Mina, into, and the pink alien girl happily surrendered to that idea, leaning forward to heave about madly through the wicked pleasures awaiting her, the direct passion and the sloppy fever of what she was pushing for more of, indulging in the pleasure of giving in to this. Mina leaned forward, doing as instructed, trying her best to explore all these pleasures and finding herself confidently where she needed to be, feeling great about all of this and giving in the pure spectacle of this need now.


By the end of the lesson, all four girls had a lot more confidence in at least two ways with handling white cock. They were learning, and with a few orgasms to go with it all, they were ready now to end their first class feeling good, and ready for Wednesday's session with Midnight. Mt. Lady saw them off with one final go around with the toys for everyone, and the girls prepared themselves for the next lesson.


Wednesday's BWC 101 class was held at seven PM off-campus, with Midnight and the girls getting into a car and heading away from UA in search of what Midnight called 'practical lessons'. While in the car, she gave the lesson, a very straightforward crash course on how to seduce strangers. It all seemed a bit outrageous, the forceful claims of how to go pick up white men, how to weaponize being cute, objectionable, Japanese teens into tempting white men into putting out.


The lesson was thin, and almost immediately, Midnight pivoted toward, "I want to see you work, one by one. You'll receive a pass if you can get a white man to fuck you. Further lessons will come later, but first I want to see how well each of you perform. Bonus points if the men you fuck don't even seem that interested in bleaching a girl until you're already fucking him."


It put a lot of pressure onto the four girls, who had no idea what they were doing, but Midnight was quite direct in how she wanted this done and in what they were going to have to do. It all seemed a bit crazy, but she wasn't giving them much time to breathe or think, pushing them right out toward these ideas. Then, they began to hunt down white men downtown, lingering near alleyways where they could find men and have locations to be taken back to right away.


Momo was the first one out and pushed forward. She undid some of the buttons on her blouse, and as the white man took notice of her, she simply flashed him, giving him the fuck-me eyes and wordlessly inviting him to come pound her tits. Simple, but classic. Effective. A tilt of her head and a soft smile was all it took to get him there.


Hands dug into her ass while the man lifted her up, hidden away in the alleyway while he pounded her down onto his hung, white cock, fucking up into her with deep strokes while she howled out in joy. "BWC really is the best," she said, her body struggling to deal with this while her heaving tits shoved into his face. The lucky white man was happy to suck on them, to keep up the appreciation for these

attentions, giving her what she wanted so badly and melting into the sweet, dizzy joy. "I'm glad you like them so much. Consider them the property of all white men, and use them any way you want to." Her body heaved through the dizzy bliss, a continued indulgence up and down along his shaft.


This was all a bit much for Momo. The huge, white dick stuffing into her pussy left her feeling drunk on the desire, on the idea of letting herself surrender. She needed to give in to it so badly, needed to embrace the surrender and the obsessive, almost sloppy desires that tore across her now. The attention paid to her chest by this white man even with both his hands on her ass to hold her up and bounce her on his massive cock kept her dizzy, overwhelmed with a joy persistent and hot enough for her to want to lose herself, to need how far she could slide into this. It felt incredible, compelling her to crave anything she could get from it, lost to these sloppy and devoted desires.


"They're perfect," he said, muffled by the chest he pushed in to keep adoring, losing himself fully to the sloppiness and the spectacle of what compelled him deeper. He wanted to make a point here, loosing himself to the chance to drill madly up into Momo's tight hole, using her cunt with reckless delight. He was unstoppable, forceful, finding it impossible now to deal with just how hungry he could get. This felt like everything he needed, every chance to push her deeper. He didn't hold anything back in how he used her, recklessly pounding her while still in her UA uniform, completely detached from any sort of control or restraint that could have gotten now in his way.


Momo took every thrust like a champ, moaning out in ravenous delight while taking her first-time bleaching, ready to give in to these pleasures as best she could, riding high and hungry atop these attentions as white dick treated her hole to the same training she'd done with Mt. Lady's dildos. She felt determined, happy, happy to surrender in the name of just being taken. Momo understood her place, her desire, and the throb of relentless lust that kept sweeping across her. She accepted it.

Cherished it. Praised it. And for her trouble, she was treated to a gooey, sloppy creampie, the raw pumping-full of a white man's seed for the first time. She rode it out to the orgasm of her life, feeling like she'd barely scratched the surface of how good it could feel to be bleached.


When the white man was gone, Midnight happily loomed over her student. "That was an easy pass. You didn't even need to say words to compel him into the alley, and despite the offer of those perfect tits, he fucked your pussy anyway. You did well, but I want to see you work more on vocalizing your seduction. This worked once, but you have to be a well-rounded seductress if you want to get all the white cock you can. Ochaco, I want you up next."


"I'm up," Ochaco said, sounding a bit nervous about that prospect, but preparing herself regardless with a few sharp breaths and the tension of having to put on a bold face. Ochaco needed to impress, and she needed to be ready to sell it. She was in a weird position here, but one that Ochaco felt like she could work with she just had to know what her assets were. Momo flashed her tits, and that worked for Momo, but Ochaco's charm points were something a little more ephemeral than just having a big rack.


She was going to have to harness being sweet, being bold, and being outrageously fucking horny. Momo set a steep bar, and Ochaco decided the best way to overcome it was to try and land something impressive for scale rather than time, and she felt like she knew exactly how to do that, inching toward possibilities and reaching out happily for the first white man to pass by.


"Excuse me, but I was wondering if you were the kind of hung foreign stud who bleaches Japanese girls dumb," she said, cutting right to the point as she slipped up and all but wrapped herself around his arm, walking alongside him in an effortless transition right into steadiness.

"No, I'm not, sorry," he said. Polite. Slightly stilted Japanese, but he was gentle about it. "I'm married, thank you." Married and with his family here from abroad for work. Happily married to a white woman. The love of his life. He was fine ignoring it.


Which made it all the more perfect as Ochaco leaned in against him. "Married! Oh, a poor, foreign stud like you should be able to enjoy Japan to its fullest, and be able to fuck horny, white cock- worshiping teens like me without a problem. Please, let me show you what you're missing out on. My tight, virgin, Asian pussy has been waiting for this moment for so long." She pulled him in toward the alley, insisting herself upon him without much care for what he said or wanted; she was unstoppable, shameless, pressing carelessly forward with a ruthless desire to give herself in, to lose everything to these hungry pleasures, a burning obsession and a fire she could.


The man was reluctant and confused, but utterly accepting as Ochaco dragged him in. "I really shouldn't," he said. "I'm really not--some of my co-workers talk about Asian women this way and I don't like it. I respect this country too much for that."


But Ochaco leaned forward against the wall, pulling up her skirt and revealing she hadn o panties on underneath, her tights torn open to show off her plush ass and her waiting pussy. "Forget that respect and bleach my cunt, sir," Ochaco said, looking over her shoulder at him with needy doe eyes and a hopeless, obsessive need to want to give in fully, the embrace of hotter passions she couldn't ignore, and she was ready just to give up. To give in. Her body trembled for this, and she was happy to weaponize her looks and her charms in a very different way.


"I can't. I'm--my wife."


"Is your wife a round-assed, cute Japanese girl like me?" Ochaco asked, fawning over him with her big eyes, reaching into his pants and fishing out a rock hard slab of white cock meat. A big, meaty one just waiting for the chance to have her. "If not, you really should. Live a little, come on." She pulled him in, guiding him with her grip on his cock to slide into her and give Ochaco precisely what she needed.


The man sank forward, and something inside of him snapped, his body shoving forward in a hasty burst of aggression as he gasped his way through the snug sensation of her ripe pussy around his cock. He gasped out in wild joy, a burn of trembling ecstasy that made him need to press onward, burning with outrageous desire and obsession now, hammering madly forward. All of his worries simply melted away in a fit of mad aggression and desire, obsessive under the throbbing ecstasy of burning need pushing him forward now, pleasures to want to embrace without sense, unstoppable in the throes of this mess and its wildest hungers. It felt like too much pleasure to ignore, an obsessive and sloppy burn of lust to keep giving in to.


Ochaco squealed through dizzy joy as he pushed her up against the wall, surging madly forward and throwing herself right into the aching delirium and the joy of being fucked raw. "Yes, bleach me.

Bleach my pussy hard, I knew a white man couldn't resist me!" Her body shook happily. "Am I built for bleaching, sir?"


"You are. Fuck. You are." What was he saying? He was stunned at this side of him, but he threw everything he had into fucking Ochaco so hard that he couldn't bring himself to stop it, embracing the hunger and all of the messy, sloppy obsession that came with it. The pleasure was relentless, wicked, as stormy and as harsh as she needed, pleasures to want to embrace fully, hotter under the

burning spectacle and fever of wanting to give in. He fucked Ochaco hard, betraying everything he wanted to hold on to in the process, and Ochaco's delirious moans were a devious encouragement to keep him hanging on it, to throw himself fully into this pleasure.


The words made her feel amazing, made her want to fully accept these burning thrills, possibilities of lust and of aching hunger she was all too happy now to melt in to. There wasn't anything even remotely decent about what she was doing; that was what made it so fucking fun! She slammed back harder against his lap, moaning her way through obsessive need and delighted, fixated glee. Her hips kept slamming back, ass bouncing against his cock while she took the strokes forward, every sign of wicked madness and obsession within him making clear how hopeless he was against her offer. He was losing himself to it, groaning, begging, "Did you bring a condom?"


"OF course not, but you're going to cum inside me, aren't you?" More needy looks, more sweet sucking up. Ochaco realized she wielded a fucking weapon, and threw herself happily into this. The man groaned, he shook, and despite every bit of resistance he could have tapped into, he pinned the cute brunette teen against the wall and came raw inside of her without even knowing her name.

Ochaco's orgasmic squeals were dizzy, vigorous, and bright as she welcomed his attention, soaked in the lust and the passion of deeper bliss and wanting now only to give in to these outrageous and hot pleasures, an obsessive need only to give in completely. This was unreal, and Ochaco felt the pride ache now through her body, the confidence and the certainty of pure control now over this man.


Midnight stepped in from her voyeur position at last, the other girls by her side as she remarked, "That was incredible. You turned him from a happily married man to a pussy hound for Asian girls in a second. I think you're getting the highest marks on this assignment out of everyone. Mina, Kyoka, you can still do well on the assignment, but the pressure is on."


Mina nodded, stepping out into the alley. "Watch this," she said, deciding to take a page out of Momo's book. Momo had the best tits out of the group, sure, but Mina had the best ass, and all she had to do was single out a white man. "Do you like PAAGs?" she asked one of them. "Pink-assed Asian girls?"


It worked. In a heartbeat, Mina was bent forward in the alley with a white cock stuffed up her ass, pounding deep into her tight, pink ass while she moaned her way through the chaos upon her. The steep angle she worked at was a dramatic one, made to further emphasize the shape of her plump rear and how perfect it looked slamming down against the man's lap with inexhaustible vigor, pounding down hard, greedy, brimming with pleasure and wild satisfaction that Mina was all too happy to keep indulging in now, bringing on pleasures that felt better, hotter, like the most reckless and indulgent swell of pleasure she could have asked for. It was all so much to have to give in to, but it was well worth all the heat sweeping across her, madder indulgence she could embrace without hesitation.


"All white guys like PAAGs," Mina moaned, happily taking the wild slams up her fat ass, the wicked satisfaction of embracing every stroke and push forward, the insistence and chaos of deeper pleasure making her fall to pieces, guiding her to lose herself to all of these possibilities and the maddest of indulgences. It all felt so good, a just-right burn of sweeping ecstasy and madness to want to give in to, finding it impossible now to contain the possibilities sweeping up across her. She was committed to all of it, happy to find herself in a place where this could all come together and where he could surrender to all of this.


"Fucking right we do." The man slammed hard into Mina, drilling away at her tight ass hole and

keeping her thrashing about harder under his touch, giving in to the sloppiness and passion of giving in completely, finding it impossible now to contain these burning excitements. The unstoppable ecstasy behind these pleasures kept coming on stronger, fiercer, with a strangeness and an aggression meant to overwhelm and ruin.


Mina gave up to all of it, growing louder and more confident while her round ass slammed down again and again onto the lap of the man fucking her, everything about her commitment making her feel happier and hotter. Confidence was what Mina had the most of, and she threw that all into the wild excitement of just losing her fucking mind, giving up to all of it and finding it impossible now to contain these lusts, desire desire much too potent within her now for her thoughts to be held back. She gave in to these pleasures, let herself melt into beautiful, obsessive bliss as the chaos hit her at its hardest and she let herself fall readily to pieces. An anal orgasm was worth everything to Mina as she gave in to all of it, letting herself just lose control and letting the pleasure rip across her.


Cum leaked out of Mina's ass as the man stepped away and Midnight strode into place again, grabbing Mina's cheeks and spreading them open to examine her ass a bit closer. "Effective. Direct. A little joke for good measure. I can't fault you for that one."


It was Kyoka's turn. She had no confidence. Absolutely none. No tits, no ass, no sugary-sweet charm. She was just a normal girl with an unspectacular body stuck comparing herself again and again, and as she strode out into the street to flag down a white guy, she really didn't have the beginning of an idea what to say. She grabbed a guy and said, "I like white dick, can you bleach me?" and just hoped it worked out.


And it did. Sort of. Enough for her to feel good about this, at least, as she gripped at the guy, smothered under kisses while his thick, white cock thrust into her, insistent and hungry in the pressures that he offered her. Her voice jerked around in gasps that sounded openly disbelieving of the idea she could even be in this position, twisting against him in slightly fitful panic, giving in to all of these wilder pleasures, the rapturous hunger and fever to keep wanting to give in to. The pleasure was outrageous, keeping her gasping, shivering, finding it impossible to contain herself. 'My name is Kyoka!" she gasped, the only of the girls to actually give her name while getting piped by a foreigner, but it felt right.


"My name's Steve," the man said, groaning and pounding forward harder. "Nice to meet you."


"Steve!" gasped Kyoka, stifling a laugh while giving in to these sloppy pleasures, a throbbing passion and obsessive heat getting to her, the indulgence and ecstasy of wanting to give in fully, the hotter pleasures she was committed to harder indulgence of, allowing these lusts to get the better of her, allowing the passion to rip her apart. "It's nice to meet you too, Steve, and nice to feel your big, white cock taking my virginity." She panted and writhed through hotter indulgence, the wilder passion of giving in to all of this excitement, a madder, sloppier pleasure she could give in to fully, embracing these needs without hesitation, finding it impossible now to contain herself and wondering if she had it in her to really address all of this, her thoughts falling to pieces completely and the embrace of mad, writhing ecstasy bringing her to have to just give up.


It was a weird comfort to be fucking Steve, to have confirmation that a lot of white men were indeed named Steve. She wanted to work with all of these ideas, the pleasure erratic and fierce, maddening enough for her to just have to keep rolling with this attention, surrendering herself to the sloppier lust and letting to completely ruin her thoughts. She was desperate, hungry, eager to give in to all of these hotter and madder excitements, embracing the idea of giving in fully, allowing passion to rip her

apart, crossing along her thoughts and making her give up to pure satisfaction. This was all worth the world, hotter and sloppier passion making her feel better, making her need to just throw herself now into the deep end.


Kyoka didn't expect it to all feel this good, didn't expect to deal with the hotter, needier lust making her feel too good to be able to resist. Her body thrashed back and forth in mad surrender, giving up to all of this and welcoming the madder, more obsessive delight that made her want to just lose herself completely, allowing pleasure to take her to the limit and tear her thoughts apart. She called out in throbbing, gasping joy for all of this, her eyes rolled back and every semblance of reason leaving her gasping, shaken, awestruck by how easy it proved to be against all odds, the maddening throb of pleasure and delirium decadently demanding that she fall to pieces and love every second of it.


Steve came deep inside of her, the raw excitement of gooey, unprotected creampie that sent her into thrashing bliss without a shred of decency or dignity in sight. This was unbelievable, the unreal satisfaction melting her thoughts into gooey euphoria and a draining sense of pure surrender now taking her to the limit. Satisfaction hit her with thunderous vigor, the wild whines and thrashing, obsessive joy of just giving in to this all. Kyoka gripped Steve tightly, not wanting to let go and finding it so difficult to contain herself. This was all so much to give in to, and Kyoka shuddered in delirious ecstasy under the weight of it, so happy to be there in the depths and so eager to give in fully to this chaos and the crushing lust behind all of it.


"That's a pass," Midnight said, stepping up to Kyoka and groping her petite butt to congratulate her. "Be sure to tell Yu that you fucked a white man named Steve. She does love her Steves."


Kyoka breathed a sigh of relief. All four girls passed the assignment, maybe with Ochaco clearing out and impressing the most, but it was a good sign, and each girl had now taken real white dick, ready for their next class and eager to find out what the next lesson would even be.


Friday's class was taught by Mirko, and the four girls were back into an after-school lesson, one that they were surprised to be doing over in the gym. At least until they arrived and saw that they had company; standing behind Mirko were a dozen white men, all eyeing the four students of BWC 101 with hungry stares and a need to see this all play out. They were a bit stunned by all of it, but so enthralled by the utter shock behind it, by the strangeness of a deeper obsession and pleasure that was going to be too much for them to believe.


Mirko had the girls sit down, standing there proud and sturdy in front of the white men she'd called in. "Fridays are practical lessons in getting pounded like dumb, bleached whores. I'm not here to teach theory or prepare you. I'm not here to help you learn how to seduce foreigners. I want to see your holes get wrecked by white cocks, and I want to see how you perform in orgy situations in particular. Lessons with me are about the essence of serving white men, and about the hardcore training it takes to learn to serve white men! So get ready and spread those legs because these studs have all been rigorously tested by me, and each of them is going to ruin you."


That was all they got. A brief, fiery speech from Mirko before the white men descended upon the girls, and brought chaos raining down with them in unrelenting and unstoppable fever. They threw themselves right at the girls, on direct orders from Mirko to fucking ruin them, and ruin them they did,


Kyoka found herself quickly down on her knees, swarmed with white cocks all slapping down across her face, rubbing on her skin and demanding attention that she dizzily threw herself into providing, melting into the obsession and the fever of direct, throbbing lusts she couldn't help but give in to

completely, embracing all of the hottest and hungriest of passions now. It felt so good to give in to, mouth opening wide to accommodate the shove of white dicks into her mouth and down her throat, her hands gripping the incredibly warm-feeling shafts of hung foreigners here to help train her body to serve them. It felt incredible to give in, something intense and hopeless burning brightly across her while she succumbed to all of it without restraint, needing to lose herself fully.


She kept sucking and slobbering, drool dripping down onto her uniform in her frantic efforts to keep up with these men, their huge dicks begging for attention she had no choice but to give fully in to, surrendering sloppier and messier to the hunger upon her and all of the wildest of lusts now. It felt so good to give in to, stoking fiery hunger within her that she had no choice but to throw herself into the deep end of, allowing erratic and obsessive desire to fucking ruin her, bringing on a storm of messier and more obsessive bliss she was powerless to resist. Kyoka was stuck here, giving in without sense or restraint, finding herself lost to the unreal joy of simply letting go, and for her trouble came incredible bliss.


Doing her best to keep up with the pressures and expectations upon her, Kyoka let her mouth serve with reckless adoration, melting into the joy of slurping and slobbering all over the cocks in front of her, juggling the demand of all these men at once and doing her best to please them. Her throat loosened up to accept their lengths, and she gagged with reckless glee on their dicks, finding as confidence in the throes of stroking and pumping and sucking. She was a good blowbang slut, it turned out, and a bleached bitch how could handle the demands of white cocks all demanding her attention, shifting around clumsily between them with what was, for a girl still learning the ropes, incredible adaptation and speed.


Her efforts worked like a charm, flexible and mobile enough to get what she wanted from the men: all their cum raining down on her. Kyoka braced herself for the flood of white men cumming on her face and in her mouth, hot ropes of jizz making a grand mess of her and her uniform, and she cherished it, trembling and slobbering harder, not wanting to let up as she clung as tightly as she could to being a sloppy suckslut for white men who was ready to serve without question. It was a niche that Kyoka felt certain she could make the most of.


Mirko's studs had Mina on her knees with a cock in her mouth and one buried in her cunt, her whole body electrified under the joy of a nice, deep spitroast with her back arched and her round ass pressing back against the man's lap. A dizzy urgency carried her in this mess of pleasure, a passionate obsession and a fire she didn't have any worry or hesitation about throwing herself right into. There was so much to have to just give in to here, the persistence and ecstasy of mania and obsession getting to her right away as she worked for it. White cocks delivered, so big and so enticing, keeping her electric while throwing herself madly back and forth for all these pleasures.


As much fun as Mina usually had in talking and going back and forth with the guys fucking her, nothing about being slammed into and used like this could bother her, either. Her mouth and cunt were readily on offer, and she felt confidence surge up through her while giving in to all the pleasure and the chaos behind this, an insistence raw and chaotic, driving her hotter forward and urging her to want to lose control here, letting loose the passions and obsessions she wanted more and more of.

This made her feel better and hotter, her first threesome experience with a pair of white dicks that stuffed her full at both ends. It kept her obsesses, kept her fixated.


Her body had so much room for these cocks. Big, throbbing, white dicks that Mina learned she was even better at taking than she expected she would be, and she was eager to melt into this all, happy to embrace the chaos throbbing across her, inviting her to need to give in to all the pleasure bubbling

around her thoughts. It kept her motivated, forward, throwing herself into harder and more obsessive devotion, the passionate throb of something truly outrageous that kept her giving in harder, kept her fixated on giving up and giving in. To allow herself this moment of absolute surrender felt incredible, and Mina couldn't hold back from it, letting loose hazy moans and ecstatic expressions of obsession and glee while she took this all on.


Drooling on one dick while throwing her fat pink ass back against the other, she was in heaven, generating more momentum and more excitement, a momentum persistent and forceful enough for her to just lose herself. It felt incredible, carrying her to completely lose herself to the unfocused obsession of giving in, passions that made her fully unravel. The best orgasm white cocks had fucked her to yet took hold of Mina, and she knew she was just one more step in toward being the perfect, trained slut for white dicks she was meant to be.


Taking on three cocks at once, Ochaco was in a bit of a panic state, struggling to keep herself grounded while she was shoved ass-first down onto one cock, fucked firmly down onto him by another white man, amid a third gripping her hair and plunging down her throat. Ochaco knew she was impressing and succeeding with white cock, the pleasures taking her into the stranger passion and the joy of losing all control. It was a bit scary to be fucked airtight, to be caught in thrashing panic and obsession through the utter bliss of giving up to all of it, but the ecstasy that came with this was worth everything to her now. Ochaco had to keep moving and had to keep impressing.


If she could take all of this on, then she was surely the perfect bleachbunny. Her cute face, her killer body, her ability to serve and satisfy white cocks... Ochaco had aspirations of making sure she could find a way to make lots of money, and maybe she could find some hustle on the side selling her perfect, tight, Asian holes to hung foreigners. It was an idea she knew she had to at least consider given everything she'd done, especially after the success she had on Wednesday with Midnight's practical test. She was on a roll, and the momentum pushed her toward the certainty that she was finding something here, that these pleasures were worth pursuing harder. So she kept going, kept indulging in the wilder heat and hunger throbbing across her, and all the while, Ochaco was ready to lose herself.


So Ochaco kept moving, thrashing harder and more confidently between these cocks in a fit of sweeping ecstasy, the madness she was happy to ride through, finding it impossible to ignore the joys of these huge dicks filling her holes and stretching her out so hard. Obsession and chaos invited Ochaco to need more, unruly bliss keeping her hungry and insistent, driven by a momentum and a passion she gave in to with less and less focused control now. Her body just moved almost of its own volition, an automatic response shambling along with obsessive need for more white cock. it consumed her in all the best and most satisfying of ways now.


The men all fucked her like she was a piece of meat. It was exhilarating, guiding her to want to give in to these pleasures, the burning obsession and bliss of just losing fucking control, all sense melting out of her thoughts and inviting her to lose everything, her body sinking into throbbing ecstasy now as she gave up. All reason left her, replaced instead with the hot, gooey cum of white men pumping huge loads into her stomach, womb, and guts. It was like no other experience she'd ever known.


"Are big breasts really what white men want?" asked Momo while rocking madly atop the cock of one of Mirko's studs, with another drilling into her ass. Her plush tits were over the face of the man she rode, his lips wrapped around her nipple and sucking greedily. "I know a lot of Asian women are very petite, and I've seen white men pay them a lot of attention before, but--mm, every white man I've fucked seems to like them." It was probably silly for Momo to be uncertain of her own body, in truth.

But there she was, giving in to these pleasures hotter, allowing the sweeping ecstasy to push her to a hotter place, and she couldn't resist it now. "Was I wrong? I've been--ah, I've been doing really well so far." It was silly to have all this doubt after using her breasts as weapons both times in the past, but she'd been wondering the past few days if they were as much of an advantage as she thought.


"Asian girls with big tits are my favorite," groaned the man behind her, who kept fucking her ass with deep, hard strokes. "You shouldn't feel insecure about anything about your body, what are you talking about?" It was sharp and insistent, his thrusts speedier and more forceful under the sweet ecstasy of giving in to this, the pleasures to keep giving up to. It baffled him to imagine she would have any worries about being attractive. "You're gorgeous. White men are going to love you."


Momo let out appreciative moans, feeling a bit embarrassed and maybe even a little uncertain about where she'd gotten those ideas. All while the thrusts got the better of her. Maybe it was nice just to hear confirmation that white men weren't specifically seeking waifish Japanese girls.


It certainly helped to keep feeling the wild thrusts fill her up so deep and so hard, the persistence throbbing across her with unstoppable joy. Her body continued to work back and forth, pumping between these dicks with unstoppable need and a feverish, greedy bliss carrying her harder along. Momo continued to need this, finding it impossible ow to resist the sweetening allure of pleasure taking her to the limit, all while her moans became a greater expression of hunger and passion. The cocks filled her, and the love paid to her breasts kept her moving faster, throbbing with a heat and a dizziness unreal and overbearing.


Momo's orgasm was a hard, throbbing storm of ecstasies, the sweeping lust making her feel incredible, pushing her to want to lose all control and embrace the pleasures drowning her thoughts out, carrying her to need these pleasures and to lose all sense of dignity and sense to these lusts now. She savoured every second of it, throwing her head back, heaving under these wicked lusts and the burning joys she needed. Mad gasps of bliss, of fever, of pure hunger, carried her in the joy of losing control fucking utterly, and allowing herself to surrender in the process to their hot seed filling her holes up, leaving her desperate to keep carrying on for more.


Mina wasn't any closer to being able to speak, but that was fine by her as she threw her incredible energy into now taking on not two but five white cocks at once, her hands grabbing madly at the dicks around her and letting all of the throbbing passion carry her to the limit of sense, an incredibly forceful push to try and undermine her focus and make her feel even more pleasure than she could take.

Mina wanted to give in to all of it, finding her thoughts spinning off in too many directions to make sense of, the joy of giving in to these lusts and finding herself powerless to resist the sweeping lust upon her now.


Her body heaved about, breasts bouncing wildly while she took on the sheer chaos sweeping across her, a scale of madness pure and hungry. She was unstoppable, letting the pleasure throw her into this with less and less idea of how to contain it. She needed white dick so fucking badly, and Mina was happy to embrace it, unstoppable and committed only to losing herself to it, accepting the hotter sweeps of panic and obsession inviting her to keep sinking. All the challenge of cocks filling her up and pressing at her thoughts kept her panicked, dizzy, losing her focus to hotter sweeps of mad desire, a lust she was eager to keep pursuing. Five men to pleasure! Imagine.


One in each hole and one in each hand. Five huge, throbbing, veiny, white cocks to give in to. Mina was happy to keep up the pace, finding herself ready to do anything she could to handle these sloppier passions, and she felt herself giving in to the hotter passions, to the obsessive needs taking

her deeper into this mess. No stopping, no controlling herself. Mina was here to get fucked, and she wasn't going to be anything less than the perfect pink bleachbunny for all the foreigners her female teachers could throw her way. She proved that here, not even sure if she was being graded on this by Mirko or if this was just an orgy to put them through their paces. But there it was, and she felt powerless to handle it.


But was it even about the grades? Mina kept working these cocks over, sucking and slobbering, stroking, bouncing, throwing all her energy and her jiggly pink ass into overtime to give in to these pleasures, and she was happy to just roll with the obsession and the fever of giving in. She needed this, and the simple joy of being fucked by white men was all she really needed here. The joy pushed her to the limit, especially as the man all pulled out of her so they could fire off hot ropes of gooey white seed all over her pink skin and drench her cute face in it.


Momo was on the floor now, her legs spread out, one cock in her pussy, one thrusting down her throat, and another now fucking her tits, as if to reinforce how her ample chest was nothing but an asset. Did she need the reminder? Maybe not. Her doubts were never that deep. But Momo was all too happy to receive it, her body twisting hotly under these pleasures, drowning under the ecstasies and the joys of giving in to this mess, all the sweeping lust carrying her to need to give in, lost to the dizzy fascination and passion of being taken deeper. Her body responded happily to three cocks upon her at once, the burning hunger throbbing across her and making her feel like she needed only to melt into this.


There she lay, happy to give in, happy to fall apart under burning lusts and a throb of ecstasy and obsession to give in to. She didn't need to do much but take it, spit bubbling around her lips while she slurped down the cock plunging into her throat, finding that she didn't need to do much around all of this but let it happen, the embrace of pure obsession that took her. Her pussy squeezed down around the cock plunging into her, keeping Momo committed and ready, keeping her giving in to the hotter passion without much direction, simply finding herself in a good place to keep up this hungry expression of desire and excitement. Momo was eager to feel out these hotter passions now, the burning obsession and the delight she needed more and more of.


Her body felt like perfect form, the maddening fever and the obsession of wanting to simply lose herself. Uncontrollable ecstasy made Momo feel incredible, made her want to sink into the hunger of letting her eyes roll back and letting pure joy rip her asunder. She needed it, burning through these hotter obsession and passions, the pleasure she was opening up to harder, finding it impossible to deal with the unstoppable obsession that all bore down on her. She loved it, though, having a certain sense of her ability to tempt in white men lead her to something lazy and hedonistic, the joy of simply having these hung white studs fuck her body with all they had and take the pleasure from her.


The men did their part to sue her, to keep pushing for more of these wicked desires, a lust escalating without sense or calm, so unrestrained in what it offered that her only choice was to give in to all of it, embracing the pleasures and the desires she needed more and more of now. Acceptance swept across her, the pleasures she couldn't help but need to fully surrender to. Her body lit up hard for all this attention, for the joy of giving in completely, and she was all too eager to let it be just what she'd craved all this time. They filled her mouth, her womb, and painted her tits with white ropes. Ecstasy.


Kyoka thought she was just a petite girl with nothing special to hook in white men, but the gangbang learned differently: she happened to have an ass so tight and so hot that even the mercenary white dicks Mirko had brought in for the lesson couldn't keep from finishing in record time into her, losing control to the sweep of mad joy as they gave in to the pleasure. That set up a pretty lopsided train for

Kyoka, bouncing hard on top of one white cock while a whole line of men took turns fucking the unbelievable joy of her perky ass, their orgasms wrung out of them like she was a pro and not a clueless mess of a girl with the most fuckable ass hole they'd ever felt.


"It feels so good!" wailed Kyoka. "Fuck my ass harder. Fuck it all you want. I can take it. Fuck, fuck, I can take it!" She felt pride surge up through her body, the electrifying chaos and indulgence of needing to see how far she could ride out this madness now. It was a lot to have to consider, passions that made her head spin and made her desires spiral into pure ruin. All so good, all so potent, and she was happy to just want to throw herself into it, the deep end of obsession and fever making for something truly perfect now. Her pussy squeezed around the cock inside of her, and she savoured the fullness of double penetration, the sensation of thew two cocks in her at any given time squeezing her insides together, creating an incredible friction.


All while men came in her tight ass hole, filling her up with cum and pulling back for the next one in. She wasn't exactly without climax either; the ruination of her tight ass hole being stretched out by white dicks made her fucking lose herself, cumming her brains out again and again. Rapid-fire orgasms every time the white men filled her ass. But she was steady, enduring and pushing on, riding harder atop the white cock she kept taking on, giving in to these wicked lusts and allowing herself only to keep embracing these needs. Escalating madness kept her coming back for more, and Kyoka was proud of how hard she could keep throwing herself into this.


The foreigner fucking her cunt held out as long as he could, but he had to give it up eventually to her perfect pussy, slamming her down with a pull on her slender waist to hold her on the base of his dick, impaled on his dick while he flooded her womb directly with his seed, sending her crashing into pure ecstasy now. The maddening desire pushed her to the limit, to senseless lusts making Kyoka's eyes roll back as the hardest orgasm yet came from the simultaneous flood of cum in both her holes, and all the brilliant, wicked satisfaction she could have asked for hitting her in the process. She savoured fucking everything about this ruin.


Ochaco was tired of being anchored to the ground, and ended up floating up off of it, activating her power so she could be anchored near the ground instead by white cocks jammed into her. An upside- down spitroast had her breasts bouncing freely, Ochaco's every commitment being to let her throat be rammed and clogged up by dick while her cunt took a nice pounding. "Gluk gluk gluk," she went, happily taking on the mad throatfucking, her weightless body offered a sleight sway and a chaos while she received the simply excessive force across her all at once. She needed to give in to this, letting the pressure they exerted upon her be everything to her.


For extra security, she had her hands around two more cocks, beating off the men over her midsection and savouring the joy of simply having this much demand on her. She was determined to meet it, happy to let these pleasures carry her to keep giving in. It wasn't the most intense job anyone could do, but it didn't matter. She was exploring deeper, succeeding hard under the sloppy obsession and need of wanting to keep this up, finding it impossible to resist the utter madness sweeping across her. The sweet madness of giving in to all of this felt better, felt like the outrageous key to losing herself. Uncontrollable joy made her want to simply lose all control to this.


Everything happening to her made Ochaco realize that a life of taking white dick really was the best option. This felt incredible, the burning passion and fever of giving in to these pleasures, something she continued to fall into deeper, the deeper need to lose herself, unstoppable obsession and sloppy passion bringing her to the limit of good sense. It ruined her in ways she didn't want to even worry about, the fundamental joy of this surrender keeping her committed, eager, allowing all this pleasure

to be her undoing and accepting that all she really wanted was this. This moment of utter euphoria and chaos to have to accept, giving in to deeper obsession and loving every second of needing to just lose control.


That loss of control came in sweet sweeps as her orgasm burned across her body. Ochaco savoured every second of this sloppy euphoria, the guiding chaos that made her feel herself fall to pieces, lost to the fire and joy of complete acceptance, the mad surrender she couldn't get enough of. It was precisely what she needed, and everything inside of her begged only for more, allowing her to succumb and allowing pleasure to be too much to fight off. She didn't care, though. With the cum filling her holes and splattering all over her breasts, with her body thrashing in pure ecstasy in a state of floating, antigravity ecstasy, Ochaco was more sure now than ever that her future would be as a bleachbunny first and a hero second. And that was how she was maybe meant to be


After a few more rounds, the girls were finally dragged into place with Mirko looming behind them. "You sluts are going to ace this class. Didn't you only take white cock two days ago for the first time? You're already addicted. I'm so happy to see it. Now, we're going to finish this orgy the way orgies are supposed to be finished; these huge white dicks are going to bukkake your cute faces, and you're going to give them lots of reasons to. Do it! Go!"


All the cocks swarmed in around the exhausted and dizzy girls. Huge, white, still hard, getting beaten off in their faces and demanding attention, and the girls knew their duties were to give them something to beat off to, that their roles as sex toys for these white studs ended only once they were fully satisfied, and even something as simple as a bukkake demanded some performing and some enticement. A bleachbunny's job was simply never finished.


"I'm addicted to white cock!" gasped Ochaco. "I'm so addicted to white cock that I want to make foreign men crave Japanese holes. I want to go to America and turn ordinary men into ravenous Asian-fetishizing studs who come to Japan. I'm committed to getting all the white dick I can." Ochaco went for the dirty talk approach, staring up at the men surrounding her and melting into this joy. "I think all white men deserve Japanese pussy, and I think we should only take white husbands to help with that. I promise, I'll do everything I can as a hero to make Japanese girls go white, too. I want it to go both ways. I just want everyone to be happy!"


Kyoka fell back on blowbang habits and desperation, not having the confidence to dirty talk like she wanted to, so she got to stroking and sucking, gagging hard on the white cock she'd slammed her throat down onto, and deciding she'd sort out the rest when she got there. Erratic madness back and forth kept her sucking and stroking, the struggle harsh and feverish but well worth the sheer chaos inviting her to give in. Kyoka was learning her holes had a lot of appeal, and all she had to do was keep pressing on along those lines to make it work.


"Don't you wanna fuck up my fat pink ass and tight pink cunt until this bug girl goes bug-eyed?" Mina asked, rubbing cum all over her skin, smearing it in shameless indulgence to take advantage of the mess the men had made of her. She was happy to eyefuck the men around her, burning with energy and desire while she gave in to all of this, pleasures inviting her to delve in hotter. "Come on. I've got so much energy left to burn, we can go all night if you want to. I'll keep putting out for white cock.

Even when I pass out! Just roll me over and use my mouth, it's all fine. All fine. White men deserve it."


Emboldened to fall back on her tits and just accept it, Momo had one cock nestled in her cleavage and the other tow in her hands to slap down on her plump breasts, rubbing them against her nipples.

She felt like she realty did need to just keep blasting home the one point and the one point only, insistent and hungry under the pleasures of giving in fully, hotter obsession carrying her to keep needing more, losing herself to all of this and accepting that it was precisely the pleasure she fucking needed. These perfect tits were going to be the doom of white men everywhere, and she was ready to double down on their value for that, using them to service the men and leave them not even needing to jerk off.


The result, through each girl's own way of approaching the matter, was all the same. Each girl took on the flood of hot, sticky cum from the white men they tended to, moans ringing out in sharper and dizzier bliss as they gave in to all of it, accepting the wild satisfaction searing across them. Each girl took on their bukkake, cute faces buried under hot ropes of gooey spunk, pure satisfaction carrying them to give in hotter and to lose every semblance of control to this utter satisfaction. They moaned for it, encouraging the white men to empty their balls onto them, happy to be the best Asian sex toys to these men that they could possibly be.


"You four understand the power of white cock, and what it deserves!" explained Mirko. "I'm going to call this lesson a success, and I'm going to encourage you to spend your weekends finding white cocks to serve before Mt. Lady takes over again on Monday for you."


Monday. More lessons. Oh fuck. This was only the first week of BWC 101. The girls had only just begun to scratch the surface of what they were going to be taught, and already they were gangbanged and used every which way. They had no idea what insane depths of joy awaited them, but they were so eager to find out what next week would bring, and how much deeper they could fall down the rabbit hole of being bleached for school.