
Not a Spider, But a Dragon

Peter had thought that he would die that day, yet he lives now, with such powers he had never thought of even in his dreams. He admired a Spider, tried to be a Lizard but now he faces the world as a Dragon. Witness Peter Parker in a completely different form in his journey throughout the multiverse of Marvel. This is a Marvel fanfiction with elements from various other fictions.

DRAGONS_EYE · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
115 Chs

Chapter 19

I was battling Master Ying Nan once again on the training grounds of Ta Lo. Unlike the first battle with her where I just took a one sided beating, this time however, I was matching her blow to blow.

It had been a month since my arrival at Ta Lo. At first I had thought that it would take me months to reach this stage but the encounter with the Great Protector was truly a blessing for me.

This encounter had given me a much needed head start in controlling my instincts.

Although I never encountered the Great Protector again, I always experienced a soothing feeling whenever I sat down at the lakeside for meditation. This further helped me in reigning in my wild instincts.

The effect of the Great Protector's blessing could be easily felt in my training speed.

According to Master Ying Nan, I had mastered so much in a month which she had expected me to learn in at least six months because of my condition.

Furthermore, it helped me to polish my martial arts style which I could never have done when my wild instincts were raging.

Master Ying Nan had suggested me to use my martial arts in combination with my instincts. According to her, my instincts will always be a part of me so I should take advantage of them, not suppress them.

I was reluctant at first because if I depended on my instincts to fight, it was very likely that I could take a wrong decision at a critical moment.

However, I believed Master Ying Nan and tried it anyways. The results were simply phenomenal.

I could easily breach the gap of experience which existed between me and her and match her blow to blow.

Moreover, my worries lessened as I continued making impressive strides in controlling my instincts. The combination between my dragon sense and the martial arts was simply too great, easily allowing me to find openings in mid combat.

The villagers also started respecting me ever since I was acknowledged by the Great Protector. Although I still do not know why they were initially cold towards me.

I also took pictures with the adorable unique creatures of Ta Lo when I was free after borrowing a camera from the villagers.

Although it had been quite difficult for me to get close to them because they were scared of me for some reason.

Master Ying Nan and the villagers also offered me training in weapons as I had made impressive progress in martial arts.

However, I denied it because I believed that my claws and my lightning were enough as my weapons for now. Perhaps I would give it a thought after I had complete control over my body.

Returning to the present, I was fighting Master Ying Nan, matching her blow to blow. Although it was not as power intensive as my spars with Ancient One, it was just as intensive for my mind.

"Alright! That's enough." Master stopped the spar after a few minutes seeing that it was likely to end as a draw.

"Peter, I have already taught you everything I could for now. You have also made tremendous progress in controlling your instincts." Master Ying Nan declared as we stopped the spar.

"Now, I just have to test you. Remove the restraining belt." Master ordered me.

"But Master! You know my strength. I could give you a critical injury if I lose control for a single moment." I hesitated because of the consequences.

"Don't worry. Nothing will happen." She showed me the bracelets she wore on her wrists.

"Ancient One gave them to me for such a moment. However, I did not know that this day would come so soon." She seemed a little wistful for a second as she spoke.

Master Ying Nan activated the bracelets causing a protective cover to enshroud her body.

"Get ready, Peter. For here I come." She attacked me immediately after the bracelets fully activated.

I instinctively defended causing ripples to appear on her protective cover. It seems that my strength slipped slightly out of control for a second there.

Seeing that there would not be any accident, I fought fully focused on the fight all the while trying to control my strength.

During the initial few minutes, it was okay but as the battle progressed, I become swept in the flow and my control started wavering.

Ripples started appearing continuously on the productive cover surrounding Master, a signal that my control over my strength was slipping.

"Master, I believe that is enough." I urged her to stop the spar but she continued her relentless assault.

This spar continued until finally I lost control over my strength enough to shatter the protective cover. As the cover shattered, Master was pushed backwards by the remaining force.

"Master, you alright!" I moved towards her, worried.

"I am alright, Peter. Sorry, I needed to assess the true extent of your control over your strength." Master Ying Nan said, apologizing for her conduct during the battle.

"Now, let me tell you what I analysed from our spar just now." I eagerly awaited her analysis.

"You should now be able to have physical contact with people and carry on your daily life as long as you consciously restrain your strength. You should even be able to maintain control over your strength in a battle, if needed for about a minute."

I was truly relieved when I heard that I would be able to carry on my daily life. I was truly tired of wearing a restraining belt while going to bed.

"However, don't be too happy. Excessive emotions such as anger or hatred can lead to you losing control easily. So, be cautious of such situations." Master Ying Nan warned me of the potential danger.

"Now, there is only one test remaining before you complete your training and return to Kamar Taj. Follow me." I followed her curious of the last test.

We did not go out of the training yard. She took near a large boulder which was on the training yard.

"You just need to show that you can channel chi energy through your body to enhance it as I have taught you. Let me show you how."

The chi energy was what the martial artists of Ta Lo used to enhance their body. It was an energy created from one's lifeforce as well as spiritual energy.

I had also learnt how to use chi a little during my training in Ta Lo. But I knew that the chi energy would never be the energy I would use much despite me being exceptionally gifted in it due to my body.

It was because my body was just too much saturated with magical energy for me to freely use chi energy.

Master Ying Nan showed me how to channel chi energy through one's body by channelling chi energy through her fist causing it to glow with a fiery light.

Then she punched the border, creating cracks on it. However, I knew that these cracks were not created by the punch but had burst from inside.

"This is what you have to do. Inject the chi energy into the boulder which will then burst from inside." Master Ying Nan explained.

After hearing what I had to do, I channelled chi energy through my fist. However, it glowed with a familiar red lightning instead of a fiery light .

Although I had now enough control over my powers that I could now use neutral magical energy instead of my red lightning, the chi energy was formed from one's lifeforce. As such, the red lightning always bled into my attacks whenever I used chi energy.

I hit the boulder like how Master had done and injected it with red lightning. Cracks burst out of the boulder along with my red lightning.

"Well done, Peter. I am proud of you. You have now completed your training in Ta Lo." Master Ying Nan congratulated me.

"Although they are other arts of Ta Lo, this is extent to which I can teach you for now because you are only starting your journey into mystic arts. As such, it would not be beneficial for you to learn more." Master said that she could not teach me anymore because it would not be beneficial for me.

"However, you should be able to use the mystic martial arts to create your own personal style by combining it with the teachings of Kamar Taj. Several sorcerers have already done it before. You should look into their records when you return to Kamar Taj." Master Ying Nan suggested me to find my own style.

"Now, go and get cleaned up. You will leave for Kamar Taj tomorrow." Master Ying Nan ordered.


Now, one more chapter and we will be back in Kamar Taj. The Kamar Taj arc will soon end and I promise this to all of my readers that it will end with a bang.

If you want to read 7 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n /DragonsEye