
Not a Slave Trader, For Real! [WC-ATG SI]

Dude becomes the contractor of The Company, yeahhhhh! Starting World: ATG (Custom Budget) PS: In case you don't know what The Company is: https://waifu-catalog.neocities.org/

meatball_san · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

New Template

-Xiao Kuangyun PoV-

Within the guest pavilion given to the Xiao Sect members, Xiao Kuangyun opened his eyes. The first thing he did was jerk up, run towards the bathroom, and vehemently start to vomit; though, since his stomach was empty, all he did was gag and cry.

"Ahhhh! I can taste it! I can taste it!" he cried loudly as the unique and distinct taste filled his taste buds, and no matter how much he tried to clean it, it remained. Not only that, every touch and feeling he had experienced within the dream felt so real that Xiao Kuangyun found himself clenching his butt unconsciously.

"Xiao Yulong…" he muttered the name of the man who had his way within his dream with hatred and killing intent. All the plans they had made yesterday, and all the camaraderie they had shared, were thrown out of the window the moment Xiao Yulong's face appeared in Xiao Kuangyun's mind. It was all replaced by one single thing—the scenes of last night's dream as Xiao Yulong pushed him down on the ground and had his way with his body.

"Uwaaaa!" he gagged loudly, over and over, only stopping after some time.

"I'll kill him… Even if it's the last thing I do, I'll kill that bastard!"

Xiao Kuangyun made up his mind.

Once he got his hands on the goddess he saw yesterday and the woman Xiao Yulong talked about, who had the same beauty as the goddess, he would personally kill Xiao Yulong in the most painful way imaginable. After that, he would spend day and night with the goddess and the other woman to remove all the impure, disgusting thoughts from his mind.

That's right. He hated Yulong now with the deepest part of his heart, but at the same time, he wanted the goddess under him more than anything else. So he would bear with his hatred for a little longer. It was only a day, after all. Once he was done with the morning assembly, the goddess and the other woman would be lying on his bed, servicing him!

Thinking about it, Kuangyun felt slightly better. And to improve his mood further, he turned towards his concubine, whom he had brought with him to his visit to the Xiao Clan. There was still some time before the morning assembly, so he decided to clear his mind by playing with his concubine instead.

He needed something to remove the disgusting dream of last night from his mind!

-Xiao Che PoV-

Feeling someone shaking me, I reluctantly open my eyes to see the beautiful face of my wife as she stares down at me with those black, abysmal eyes of hers. Mars wasn't exaggerating when he said that one could lose themselves just by staring into her eyes, huh? Because I almost did. I wonder if it's a cultivation thing or because of her physique. Either way, I sometimes find it hard to look away from those enchanting eyes.

"Husband, the clan assembly is about to start soon," she says gently. Her voice, as always, is soft and extremely smooth. Just hearing her calms me down. I raise my hand and wrap it around my wife's soft waist before pulling her into an embrace. I bury my face in her ample chest. Feeling the unparalleled softness, I sigh.

Man… this is life.

A shade of pink covers Qingyue's face, but she doesn't pull away. She raises her hand, lovingly rubs my head, and softly mutters.

"If the husband doesn't want to go, we can miss it."

I shake my head between her breasts and smile.

"It's alright. I just needed to recharge for the day."

She really stops caring about everything else once something involves me. Sometimes, I wonder if it's because of The Company's binding or her genuine feelings for me. But I always push such thoughts aside because it leaves a bad taste in my mouth when I start thinking it's all because of The Company's binding. It starts to feel like I'm living in some simulation where everything is fake; a horrendous feeling, indeed.

My grip around her body tightens, as if to make sure this is reality and not some dream. I softly mutter.

"Qingyue, do you love me?"

"Yes," she replies firmly.

Yeah, let's stop overthinking it. I really don't want to end up in the rabbit hole of fake reality. After all, who's to say this isn't some cheaply written fanfiction? Such thoughts really make my head hurt.

After recharging my "wife energy," I leave the bed and take a quick bath. Qingyue wanted to help me, but I refused. I know myself better than anyone. If Qingyue joined me in the bath, we wouldn't be attending the clan assembly—we'd be having a child-making ceremony instead.

However, I didn't stop her when she started helping me get dressed. I must say, it feels really good having a beautiful wife help you dress up. It gives you a sense of achievement, watching her while she does it.

After changing clothes, Qingyue and I leave our courtyard and make our way toward the center of the clan, where the assembly is about to take place. The assembly is set to start at eight, and it's almost eight. I can already tell that we are the last ones to arrive.

But it cannot be helped. After all, we ended up discussing matters of life until morning. We barely slept an hour or two before waking up to attend the ceremony. It might not be a problem for Qingyue, given her strength, but it sure is for me, as I still haven't started cultivating.

So, throughout the way, with my right hand intertwined with Qingyue's, my left hand was constantly on my lips as I kept yawning. It couldn't be helped. I'm just that sleepy. If not for the fact that I knew what nonsense was about to unfold at the assembly today, I wouldn't have bothered attending.

But I'm surprised that nothing seems out of place within the clan. I had thought when I woke up, the clan would be in chaos, with Kuangyun asking his bodyguard to kill Yulong, but nothing of that sort has happened.

Normally, such a reaction to a dream would indeed be quite extreme. But the dream they had wasn't just any ordinary dream—it was a dream where they carried all the emotions and feelings into the real world. In such a scenario, there was no difference between reality and a dream.

With Kuangyun's personality, it's really confusing that he didn't do anything drastic, which is quite disappointing since I had to witness that disgusting act for nothing.


"Is everything alright?" Qingyue asks worriedly, to which I shake my head.

"Nothing. Just tired."

She nods and drops the topic.

It doesn't take us long to reach the middle of the clan, where the assembly is supposed to happen. Our entrance instantly steals everyone's attention as dozens of eyes turn toward us, watching our every move. Most of those eyes are filled with disdain, disgust, jealousy, and so on. Of course, all those negative emotions are directed toward me, not Qingyue.

They hate me for not being able to cultivate—make it make sense. And after I married Qingyue, the woman of their dreams, they hated me even more. It makes me laugh for some reason.

Suddenly, a loud voice resounds, followed by a chorus of laughter.

"Everything within the Xiao Clan is excellent, except for the fact that we have an unnecessary and unsightly piece of trash!"

I look toward the person who said it and find another one of my cousins standing there, with his back to me. But anyone with two brain cells can tell who he's talking about.

If it were any other time, I would have just ignored him since there's no point in talking back. It's like debating with people on Reddit—you're bound to lose a brain cell or two. But today is different. Not only am I planning on killing Kuangyun's bodyguard, but I'm also not in a great mood, considering I didn't get enough sleep, and I had to watch two men having sex all night.

So without giving it much thought, I turn to Qingyue and say:

"Slap him."

Not even a second passes before the sound of flesh hitting resounds loudly within the assembly, causing everyone's head to turn toward my lying cousin, with teeth and blood leaking from his mouth.

Not only him, but everyone looks dumbstruck as their minds try to process what just transpired.

I smile.

This feels great.

I can see myself doing this over and over; it feels absolutely exhilarating.

"Chen-Chengzhi!" Oh, so that's his name. I honestly didn't know it—I must have forgotten.

The elder, who I presume is the grandfather of Chengzhi, appears beside him and hurriedly checks his injuries before glaring at me. Yes, not at Qingyue, but me.

"Xiao Che, you bastard! Have you lost your fucking mind!? You dare hurt my grandson? Do you have a death wish!?"

I smile, my eyes turning into crescents.

"Slap him."

Another slap resounds; this time, the elder spins in the air before falling beside his grandson with a swollen face and missing teeth. He looks stunned, staring at Qingyue with a blank gaze and touching his cheek. Clearly, his mind is trying its best to process what just happened.

Everyone else hisses loudly, their heads collectively turning towards Qingyue, who still stands beside me, our hands and fingers intertwined as if she never left my side.

This is just how weak the Xiao Clan is.

Qingyue was already at the peak of the True Profound Realm even before she married me. After becoming part of my Retinue, she gained the Template of her future self. Even though she didn't regain all her powers instantly and it would take at least half a decade to completely digest the whole Template, it was still enough for her to break into the Spirit Profound Realm!

Adding to that, her body now contains the Moon God powers. Matched with her physique, jumping small realms or even great realms isn't hard for her. It's as easy as breathing.

Excluding the Earth Profound Realm bodyguard of Kuangyun, within the Xiao Clan, there really isn't anyone who can be her opponent! Well, maybe grandfather, considering he is at the peak of the Spirit Profound Realm. But it's debatable since Qingyue hasn't fought him yet. If she did, I could definitely see her winning.

One should understand that her physique allows her to bypass level restrictions for Profound Arts. So, even though she hasn't regained all of her future powers, she can still basically learn any Profound Art her future self knows.

And I also possess that physique now. So, just like her, I can learn any Profound Art. Matched with my Ancestral Goddess Sacred Physique… Yeah, Yun Che really was blessed by heaven from the start. That's what happens when the reincarnation of the creator is your simp.

Where people need to spend decades learning something, Qingyue can learn it within days to weeks, while all it takes me is a glance. I'm fucking busted.

"What is going on!? Are you guys seeing this shit? I'm not dreaming, right?"

Once the shock subsides, the surroundings buzz with the voices of disciples, all of them staring at Qingyue with mouths agape.

"Che'er! Qingyue!" I turn my head towards grandfather, who runs towards me and looks at me with worry before his gaze snaps towards the Third Elder and his grandson. He opens his mouth to say something, but soon closes it, as if finding it hard to form a coherent sentence. "Che'er, this…"

"Aren't you glad, grandfather? Your granddaughter-in-law is busted. Not only is she good in bed, but she's also good at cleaning trash—Ouch!" I look towards Qingyue, who pinches me with a red face. Despite how bold she is with her actions in bed, she gets really shy in public.

"Ouch!" Now what?

I turn to my side to see Lingxi pouting, her cheeks inflated, with her hands crossed below her chest as she looks away from me. She looks angry.

"..." Grandfather, on the other hand, stares at his daughter with a narrow gaze. I remember him saying in the future, when the relationship between Yun Che and Lingxi becomes public, that he had already predicted it. I guess he already knows his daughter's feelings.

After staring at his daughter for some time, he looks at me worriedly.

"Che'er, you're still too young. You're only half-grown, and your body is still developing. Concerning these matters between men and women, you should control yourself as much as possible, or else it may harm your body."


I look towards Qingyue to see her lowering her head, redness covering her face completely. It almost looks like she's trying to merge her head with her chest right now. It's kinda cute, not going to lie.

"Xiao Lie, what is the meaning of this!?"

The happy moment is destroyed by the angry voice of our clan head, who appears beside the Third Elder and his grandson before he looks towards Qingyue with a thoughtful gaze.

"I've really underestimated Miss Xia! To think you have already reached such heights at the tender age of sixteen. If word of it gets out, the whole Blue Wind Empire will be abuzz. But… talent is talent. Today, the esteemed guest of the Xiao Sect is going to join the clan assembly. To make such a scene here—do you not care for the Xiao Sect?"

Ah, it's that, right! Since I cannot do shit to you, I'll use my master's name to scare you. Quite a common tactic in this kind of world. Sadly, it only works on side characters, as the main character, aka me, always ends up spitting on the so-called backup.

Just as I'm about to ask my dear face-slapper wife to slap my dear uncle, my grandfather stands in front of me and Qingyue protectively. He looks towards the clan head and says,

"Yunhai, let's discuss it later. As you've said, the esteemed guest of the Xiao Sect should be coming to join the assembly soon. You do not want to displease him now, do you?"

"Humph!" Yunhai smiles. "I doubt you will have the will to discuss it after the assembly."

While grandfather frowns, Yunhai simply looks towards the Third Elder and his grandson before loudly ordering,

"Someone apply ointment to their injuries." He turns to look towards Qingyue one last time before turning around and leaving for his position.

"He is planning something," grandfather mutters before turning around and looking towards me. "You've been really rash today, Che'er. Even if Qingyue is strong and talented, in the face of the Xiao Sect, all that talent and strength means nothing. Listen to grandpa: if something happens today at the assembly, take Qingyue and Lingxi with you and leave the clan."

I pat grandfather on the shoulder and chuckle softly.

"Hahaha. Don't worry, grandfather. Everything will be alright." Despite my reassurance, grandfather simply shakes his head and replies.

"Just remember what I've said in case something happens."

"Alright, I understand." I nod.

There is no point in continuing to decline his goodwill. I know the future, but he doesn't. So it's normal for him to be worried, especially after my dear clan head planted a red flag right in front of our faces.

It takes but a small time for everyone to calm down and return to their positions, but I can still feel distinct stares thrown toward Qingyue from time to time. If not for the importance of the clan assembly today, I guess the shock would have been greater than what it is right now.

"Young Master Xiao has arrived!" The loud shout causes the crowd to quiet down instantly as they all look toward the area where Kuangyun has appeared.

The first thought that appears in my mind after seeing Kuangyun is the fun he had with Yulong in last night's dreams. It instantly makes me nauseous. If not for Qingyue's hand within my mind allowing me to feel her softness all the time, I might have vomited.

But this makes me wonder, really. If I'm feeling nauseous just by seeing his face, why can he be so calm and not kill Yulong? I am really starting to wonder if he swings that way.

"Is everyone here?" After he reaches the platform in the center of the crowd and sits on the throne above it, his eyes swim all over the crowd as if looking for something.

"Yes, it has been confirmed."

"Very good." Kuangyun nods his head before he turns toward the entrance of the Xiao Clan. Seeing people gather there, he asks, "Who are these people standing at the door?"

"Reporting to Young Master Xiao, they are the powerful families within Floating Cloud City. They have been gathered here since early in the morning, hoping to catch a glance of Young Master Xiao's elegance."

I cringe hard hearing him, my face scrunching. I'm feeling nauseous again.

"Ah, it's like that. Since they are guests, we can't let them wait outside like that. Let them come in. Having the people outside the Xiao Clan witness today's matter is also a good thing, otherwise others may later say that I was being biased."

"Young Master Xiao is truly worthy of being the son of the sect master of the Xiao Sect. You're this young and are already this open-minded. It's enough to make me blush with shame... Xiao De, quickly, invite our guests in."

Once everyone gathers inside the clan, Xiao Kuangyun looks down at everyone and starts his speech.

"My name is Xiao Kuangyun, and I am from the Xiao Sect. Regarding the great name of the Xiao Sect, you all should be very clear. In the Blue Wind Empire, there's nothing that my Xiao Sect can't resolve. All of you ought to feel honored and proud because even though you are a bit weak, you can still be said to be related to the Xiao Sect. The founder of the Xiao Clan was the son of one of our Xiao Sect's Elders. However, although your founder was the son of an elder, he was actually born from a female servant. His status was so low it wasn't worth mentioning, and his profound strength was really too lacking. As a piece of trash, he wasn't fit to remain in the Xiao Sect. Your founder was thus banished by that elder to this place, and that's how your Xiao Clan came into existence."

I realize once again how strong the mentality of 'the strong eat the weak' is in this world. Despite the blatant disdain and disrespect Kuangyun is showing, everyone is clapping their hands with big smiles on their faces like he just blessed their mothers or something.

"Strength is what matters the most" has never been so true before.

If only the original Yun Che had some working brain cells to understand that, he might not have gone through so much bullshit as he did. Even Shen Xi had to go out of her way to explain it to him, but dude still thought he could have a peaceful life with two Heavenly Treasures and Creation God inheritance.

Sometimes, the personalities written by the authors for the Chinese main characters baffle me.

Midway through his speech, I completely lost interest. Instead, I open The Company HUD and navigate to the talent tab. I still haven't given up on using Domain Expansion: Malevolent Backshots on Brahma Goddess and Shen Xi. But since Hypnos only works on people I've seen in real life, I cannot use it on them.

I've been thinking for a while about how to tackle this problem, and then I suddenly remember this devil from Chainsaw Man that had omniscience; the devil that represented fear of the infinite knowledge of the cosmos and outer space. Honestly, I don't want omniscience since I know it will make everything super duper boring.

But, I clearly remember that the devil couldn't use her powers because her brain simply could not read through all that information. So whenever she used her powers, her target would be teleported into a mental library-like place which contained all the information of the universe as books.

Now such a weakness is going to be useless to me, considering The Company removes all forms of weakness from the Templates when bought. But I'm still betting on the fact that I get her powers in the form of a skill rather than all the information of the universe forcefully thrust into my mind.

If I get it in the form of a skill, then I can simply use it to see the face of Brahma Goddess and Shen Xi so I can use Hypnos on them. If not, then I'll simply sell the Template since there's no way I'm ruining my otherworldly adventure by becoming omniscient in the first week of transmigration!

Such things take years!

The next second, with a simple thought, I buy the Template Stacking I and Template Stacking II for Cosmos. The moment I click buy, I close my eyes and wait.

Cosmos' powers are divided into two parts: Total Understanding and Omniscience. As the name suggests, her Omniscience gives her all the information or knowledge of the universe, while Total Understanding forces her to understand everything completely.

For this reason, Cosmos herself cannot think of anything because her mind is incapable of understanding everything in the universe in an instant. Resulting in her thinking nothing while understanding everything at the same time.

After a wait of a few seconds, I smile.

I was wondering how The Company would remove the weakness of Cosmos' powers, but I didn't think it would do it in a way that benefits me the most!

Instead of giving me Cosmo's powers as they worked for her, The Company instead gave me her powers as a separate entity that I can access to search anything in the universe. Think of it as I now have my own personal Google that contains all the information of the universe. Not only that, Total Understanding upgraded my comprehension talent to infinity and beyond!

With the Edward Morra Template, I could already copy or learn anything in an instant since it allowed me to have an infinite thought process. But now with Total Understanding, I only needed to look at something for an instant and I would understand it!

Even though I didn't become omniscient, I still became the most busted being in this Primal Chaos.

Fighting for the Law of Nothingness? I can search and understand it in a glance. That's how busted I am. That is saying a lot considering that the Primordial War started because of the Law of Nothingness.

The only issue is that even with the Template Stacking II, I only have the Tier-5 Template of Cosmo, who is a Tier-7 character. So the amount of information I can access is limited. Which is quite weird, but that's how The Company works, so I can't really say anything.

I just need to use the Template like a mad lad until I level it up to max. As for other abilities… they really aren't worth mentioning.

"I didn't do it!" The loud shout of Lingxi by my side pulls me out of my thoughts as I close The Company's HUD and observe my surroundings.

"Xiao Lingxi! You made such a large mistake and thus humiliated the entire Xiao Clan. The clan master still personally pleaded for leniency on your behalf, and even Young Master Xiao was thinking of dealing with you mercifully. Yet you unexpectedly still don't know a good thing when you see it! You have really... disappointed us too much!" I look towards the First Elder, who is shaking his head in disappointment.

"Ah, more than disappointing, it's simply extremely heartbreaking," the Second Elder adds with a sad expression. "She would go as far as to waste the clan master's persistent pleas for leniency... Ah! Xiao Lingxi, what kind of existence is the Xiao Sect that they would deliberately and wrongfully accuse you? If you could change your ways after making a mistake, that would be best. But you acting like this in front of our various friends from Floating Cloud City shames us greatly."

I look towards Kuangyun, who is sitting on his cute throne, staring down at Lingxi with an obsessed gaze.

In an instant, I understood everything. It seems that while I was buying the templates, the plot had already progressed so far. But it's alright since I want this to happen. I really don't like the name Xiao Che, so I need to go through this process to change my name to Yun Che.

After all, if I comfort Grandpa in private, he will probably not allow me to make the news public. Meaning, I cannot change my name. Only by admitting everything in public will I have a real reason to change my name.

"I… I… I really didn't do anything like that!" Seeing Lingxi's pale face as her body trembles with fear, I place my hand over her head, stealing her attention. She looks at me with a pleading and crying expression. "Little Che… I didn't… I really didn't…"

"I know." I nod my head and smile to reassure her. "Just stand behind me. I'll take care of everything."

I turn around and take a step forward, causing everyone's attention to turn towards me.

I clap and keep clapping until everyone is focused on me. I look towards Kuangyun and smile.

"Do you have a soul imprint?"

"What…?" He looks at me, dumbfounded, but I ignore him and continue.

"I'm asking, if you die, will your daddy back at home be able to see what you see at the last moment?" I remember the young master of the Burning Heaven Clan had something like that, so Yun Che used the attack of someone else to kill him.

If Kuangyun also has something like that, then I can think of some really fun ideas. So I do hope he has; that way, I can implement them.

"Presumptuous! How dare you threaten Young Master Xiao! Xiao Che, have you lost your mind!" The Third Elder stands and shouts loudly while pointing his finger at me.

"He must have! When he came, he attacked the Third Elder's grandson and the Third Elder. If that's not the behavior of a madman, then who? Now knowing what his Little Aunt has done to the Xiao Sect, he must have completely lost his mind!" adds the First Elder.

"Xiao Che, kneel down and apologize to Young Master Xiao this instant! If you do so, Young Master Xiao might forgive you!" further clarifies the clan head.

And others follow after.

What a clown show.

"So you are the trash that everyone's been talking about? It seems that your inability to cultivate has also affected your mind." Kuangyun laughs. "That's right! I do have the soul imprint of my father. So if something happened to me, he would know it instantly!"

"Nice! That makes all of it a lot more interesting!" I nod my head happily. Now I just need to find those Burning Heaven Clan elders when they attack the Scarlet Dragon so I can start my plan. For now, let's capture him first.

I raise my hand towards him, or to be precise, towards his bodyguard called Moshan something. His face stiffens, and he jumps in front of Kuangyun as if to protect him, but it's useless.

"I'm in a really good mood right now, so forgive me for not entertaining your little scheme. I do tend to change my mind depending on my mood, after all."

I laugh.

The robes on my body start to ruffle increasingly before sharp tendrils of flesh shoot out from my raised hand towards the startled Moshan.

"Xiao Che, what are you doing!?" The First Elder shouts angrily, but of course, I ignore him. He is going to die today anyway, no point in entertaining him anymore.

"Haaa!" Moshan shouts and punches towards the tendrils. As an Earth Profound Realm participant, his punch should have enough power to vaporize a normal human into fleshy bits. Yet when it hit the tendrils of flesh, it didn't even stop their advance.

"Wha-what sorcery is this!?" Moshan shouts as the tendrils wrap around his body, causing his movement to stop. No matter how much he struggles, he cannot free himself anymore; once captured by my Shroud, even a TX being won't be able to free itself, let alone Moshan.

"Chief Moshan!" Kuangyun shouts in horror.

"This… This… Xiao Che, what are you doing?! Free Senior Moshan this instant!" Yunhai, the Clan Master, shouts. "Xiao Cheng, stop him!"

"Xiao Che, free him!" Xiao Cheng, the law enforcement elder, shouts and moves towards me. But he cannot even reach me before he is punched by Grandpa, launching him backwards.

"Xiao Lie! What are you doing?! Protecting him when he is attacking the Xiao Sect, have you also lost your mind?!"

Grandpa frowns but remains silent. He turns and looks towards me with a questioning and worried expression.

"Don't worry. They wanted to use their little scheme to get their hands on Little Aunt and Qingyue. If I don't stop them, they are most likely to succeed. Just trust me, grandpa. Everything will be alright."

At my assurance, grandpa nods and stands in front of me protectively. His stance is clear: he is taking my side in all this mess. It doesn't surprise me since I already knew he would. He just dotes on me that much.

"You—?!" Yunhai points towards Xiao Lie and grits his teeth. "Everyone, attack these traitorous bastards! Don't let anyone escape! For the sin of attacking the noble guests of Xiao Sect, we must capture them and present them to Xiao Sect for trial!"

Except for the other elders and their grandsons, no one seems to agree with Yunhai. Since Xiao Kuangyun has taken the stage, he has been doing nothing but insulting the Xiao Clan and other powerful families of Floating Cloud City, so it's no surprise that they collectively decide to ignore Yunhai.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Yunhai's face turns ashen before he smiles viciously.

"Once Xiao Sect knows of this, do you think you all will be saved from its wrath?"

"Nooo! Stooop!" Before anyone can reply, they all turn their heads towards Moshan as he releases his last cry for help before turning into fleshy bits and getting absorbed by the tendrils.

Silence instantly engulfs the whole area, everyone staring at the place where Moshan once was with pale faces.

As for me, I can feel the power filling up my whole being. The Company said that by absorbing a human using Primal Shroud, all the abilities and powers will be copied to my true form. I was slightly skeptical about it, but it seems it was a heedless worry as I can clearly tell my cultivation has been raised to the Fifth-Stage of the Earth Profound Realm!

Suddenly, I cannot help but laugh.


It feels great.

Before, I didn't have any cultivation, so I didn't know how it felt. But now, I can tell. This feeling is great. Being able to feel everything around me with such precision, the overwhelming power that courses through my veins, it really is addicting.

Even though it's a mere Earth Profound Realm… I think I understand now why cultivators are addicted to strength; it really elevates you above everyone else!

"H-How…" Kuangyun takes a step back before he falls to the ground. With a trembling hand, he points his finger towards me. "You… You evil monster… You dare put your hands on the people of Xiao Sect! Once my father knows of it, he will remove all nine generations of yours from this world!"

"I doubt he can even kill a young member of my clan, but alright. No one stops a man from dreaming. Hahaha!"

I look towards everyone present before I walk towards Kuangyun, whose face turns pale as he starts to crawl backward before his back hits the wall.

"Stop, you devil! Don't come near me! I'm Xiao Kuangyun, the most loved son of the Sect Master of Xiao Sect! If you do anything to me, my father will never forgive you! He will follow you till the end of the world to kill you!"

I ignore him and keep walking towards him with a smile on my face.

"It's okay. Once I'm done with you, your father won't have time to do any of that."

"You two, what are you doing standing there shitless! Attack him! Kill him!" He points towards his other two bodyguards but none of them move, too scared. I, after all, took care of an Earth Profound Realm cultivator. What can they do about me?

But that doesn't stop me from doing something to them. Unlike Kuangyun, they really have no value to their lives whatsoever.

I suddenly chuckle. I really am becoming more and more evil, aren't I? Well, considering I'm the contractor of The Company, it's not surprising that my thinking process has changed and I've started to put "value" on other people's heads.

After all, the past me would never do something like that.

But it is how it is. Time changes, and so do people. Different circumstances breed different people. That is just how the world works.

I raise my hand and flicker towards the remaining two bodyguards and two concubines of Kuangyun. The next second, the wind around me stirs greatly before a streak of sharp wind blades cuts through the necks of all four people, effectively ending their lives instantly.

Since I've absorbed Moshan, I've also gained all his abilities, including the Profound Arts of the Xiao Clan. And unlike him, with Total Understanding and Edward Morra's template backing me up, my proficiency with these Profound Arts has already reached an absolute level in an instant.

If I claim to be second in Xiao Sect Profound Arts, even their creator won't dare to take first place. Even though I've said it already, I really have become busted, haven't I?

Reaching Kuangyun, I look down at him with a smiling face. Today really is a good day.

"Didn't you want my Little Aunt and my wife? Where did all that bravado from before go? Don't tell me you chickened out after losing all your people?"

"Xiao Che—no, Young Master Xiao, please spare my life. I was wrong! I had eyes but couldn't see Mt. Tai! If you let me go, I'll give you everything! With Xiao Sect, there is nothing you cannot have!"

"Huh?" I suddenly laugh. To think there would come a day when I would hear someone saying the iconic cultivation line to my face. It's amusing!

"It's alright. I will not kill you. You can be assured of that." I reply before I point my hand towards him, causing him to be absorbed by the Shroud. The good thing about it is that I can consume the target and release them later, so it works as something like a storage room for me. Saves me a lot of trouble.

Though the target consumed will be bound, it doesn't matter. Bound or not, he is going to die soon enough.

For the note, the way the Cosmo Template works is that Yun Che now has a mental library that constantly updates itself with the knowledge of the universe. In simple terms, you can think of it as Yun Che now having Root (Nasuverse) within his mind, allowing him to access and understand everything. But for now, there is a limit on the information he can access due to his low tier. And yes, it's completely different from the way Cosmo used her abilities, but I want it this way while not making Yun Che omniscient, so think of it as headcanon or AU.