
North Of Lies

"North Of Lies" is the tale of the fall and betrayal of a once-mighty Deity who ruled the Celestial Heavens itself. Cast out and sealed under a mountain, this powerful being faced eternal imprisonment. However, before things could escalate, his soul was forcefully ejected from his divine body. He was then reborn as Jin, an ordinary boy stripped of all memories of his divine origins...

zowji · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Examination Day

On the day of my life-changing examination, my room resembled a magical hurricane, with papers and notes scattered in all directions. Amid the organized chaos, I reviewed my magical theory with unwavering determination. I may have gone a tad overboard with my preparations, but this trial meant everything to me—it was the culmination of countless weeks of relentless studying.

My heart beat wildly in my chest, like a caged bird eager to break free. The moment had arrived, and I was brimming with a mix of excitement and nerves. The trials would put my abilities to the test, and I was determined to prove myself.

Before leaving, I gently wakened Inzaghi, my loyal companion, from his slumber. I whispered my intentions to him, almost as if he understood the importance of the day. Making sure he had enough food, I bid him a temporary farewell.

With a tight hug and well wishes from my mother, I stepped out into the vibrant morning light. Today, I was about to embark on an adventure that could change my life forever.

As I journeyed on foot through the bustling city, a sense of wonder filled me. The residents were already immersed in their daily routines, unaware of the magical trial that awaited me.

Approaching the prestigious academy, I encountered fellow students already on their way, each displaying a distinct and unique aura of magical prowess. Their varied flames of mana and soul revealed their exceptional nature. The sight affirmed that there were definitely more individuals that are out of the ordinary; the majority of them hailed from noble families and even royalty. Though tempted to delve deeper into the intricacies of their powers, I focused on my own path, knowing that my trial exams awaited.

Finally reaching the grand academy, my heart pounded with a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation. The imposing stone walls spoke of centuries of magical wisdom and the pursuit of mystifying knowledge. The sprawling campus hummed with activity, brimming with eager young mages eager to prove themselves. In this hallowed ground, destinies were forged, and dreams were realized. I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the trials ahead, ready to showcase my magical talent and embrace the journey that lay before me.

The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as we gathered in the courtyard, each candidate carrying their own dreams and aspirations. The academy's esteemed tutelage was within reach, and we all sought to prove ourselves worthy of this coveted opportunity.

As I joined the throng of aspiring mages, my heart fluttered with excitement and a hint of self-doubt. Confidence radiated from many of my peers, dressed in resplendent attire, their noble backgrounds evident. I, on the other hand, stood among them as a commoner, determined to show that magical talent knew no boundaries of birthright.

Voices filled the air, a symphony of excitement and trepidation. The noble youths clustered together, their conversations marked by privilege and entitlement. And there I was, an outsider on the fringe, determined to prove that my magical aptitude transcended social standing.

As I navigated the bustling courtyard, my attention was drawn to a voice laced with arrogance. It belonged to a random noble, a complete stranger, who seemed determined to pick on me. His condescending sneer and mocking tone pricked at my self-confidence, but I refused to let it extinguish my resolve.

"Look at you, commoner," he spat with disdain. "What makes you think you belong among the ranks of noble blood? You're nothing more than a lowly peasant trying to grasp greatness."

His words cut deep, attempting to dampen the flickering flame of my determination. Yet, I refused to be swayed, meeting his gaze head-on with unwavering resolve. With a shrug of my shoulders, I found strength in my belief, choosing not to be bothered by his arrogance.

"Really? Well... my bad, I guess," I replied calmly, unbothered by the noble's insults. In any world, there would always be people like him, and I had no intention of letting him get under my skin.

A murmur of surprise rippled through the onlookers, taken aback by my nonchalant response. The noble's face twisted with a mix of anger and astonishment, and his air of superiority momentarily shattered.

"Are you trying to provoke me?" he hissed, gritting his teeth. "If you truly want to see the power of the Ramsworth Household, just say so."

His aggression was palpable, and I could sense the tension in the air as he readied to charge at me, flames engulfing his right hand.

Observing the crowded space, I quickly realized dodging was not an option. So, with a split-second decision, I calculated where the flames might land and considered whether I could withstand the attack or needed to block it entirely.

At that moment, I learnt a new skill.

"Huh, what happened? Why did my flame go out so suddenly?" the noble exclaimed, confusion evident in his voice.

A voice of authority interjected, diffusing the fire from afar.

"Gentlemen, this is neither the time nor the place for such disagreements," the stern but measured voice of the academy's headmaster intervened. He stood there, resplendent in flowing robes, his gaze unwavering. "We are here to assess magical potential, not indulge in petty rivalries. I expect better from all candidates."

The noble's glare softened, and he reluctantly stepped back, acquiescing to the headmaster's reprimand. The tense atmosphere eased, and I took solace in knowing that my resolve had not wavered, even in the face of adversity. The headmaster, Galahad, was undoubtedly powerful; I wondered just how strong he truly was.

As I walked away, whispers spread among the other mages, the encounter with the petty noble a topic of discussion. The intervention of Galahad, the principal, had put an end to the confrontation.

Meanwhile, the noble, probably wondering how his flames had been extinguished without a catalyst, remained clueless. The truth was simple—I had manipulated the momentum of the wind, using small amounts of mana within the air to evaporate the flames entirely. By combining wind as the dominant element and fire as the inferior element, the wind engulfed the flames, extinguishing them instantaneously.

Moments later, the academy staff informed us of the locations for the day's exams. With a sense of purpose, we all made our way towards the entrance of the grand academy building, eager to begin this transformative journey.

Inside, multiple workers managed the registration process, ensuring each mage was properly accounted for. As I reached the front of the line, a stern-faced mage with piercing blue eyes took note of my presence. His voice carried authority as he inquired, "Name, please?"

"I am Jin Kamuy," I replied, my voice steady despite the excitement welling within me.

The registrar nodded, his gaze scanning the information displayed on a magical window. "Very well, Mr. Kamuy. Your dedication is noted. Your designated examination room is down the corridor to your right. Good luck."

Grateful for the guidance, I followed the faint whispers and signs leading me deeper into the heart of the academy. The corridors seemed endless, adorned with portraits of renowned mages, their eyes seemingly appraising every step I took.

Finally, I stood before the entrance of the examination room—a threshold to countless possibilities and challenges. I took a deep breath, merging anticipation with unwavering resolve. With determination in my eyes, I pushed open the door and entered a realm of magical anticipation.

The room buzzed with hushed whispers as candidates prepared, their nervous energy creating an ethereal symphony of anticipation. Golden light bathed the room, filtering through stained-glass windows depicting legendary battles and mythical creatures. The scent of parchment and anticipation filled the air, imbued with the essence of magic itself.

I settled in, finding my designated spot at the desk. A booklet and pens awaited me, and I readied myself for the challenges ahead.

Then, a voice echoed through the room, unmistakably belonging to Galahad, the revered headmaster of the academy. His voice commanded reverence, and his words held the weight of wisdom and authority.

Curiosity got the best of me as I turned to the noble by my side, asking about the other figures behind Galahad.

"You don't know them?" he replied, surprised. "Those are the Executive Teachers, the headmasters in their subjects. They control the academy's syllabus!"

"Can you tell me about each of them?" I inquired.

And he outlined:

Magnus Vermillion, the Grand Mage of Fire, exuded power and wisdom. Mastery over fire was evident in his very presence, and his eyes gleamed like fiery embers, reflecting his enigmatic knowledge.

High Enchantress Eldermere, a living legend among mages, had risen from humble beginnings through talent and determination. Her journey was one of relentless pursuit and unwavering dedication to the arcane arts.

Archmage Valarianth, a being of profound knowledge and mystical wisdom, stood as an enigmatic figure revered for his raw potential and ancient knowledge.

Grand Conjurer Orinthal, a venerable master of summoning and the arcane arts, carried himself with quiet contemplation and approachable humility.

Thundarael, affectionately known as "God Speed," showcased lightning-fast magic and unmatched agility, making him a formidable force.

"These three, Orinthal, Thundarael, and Valarianth, are not only renowned for their magical prowess but also hold significant importance to the kingdom due to their noble backgrounds," the noble explained.


Galahad readied himself as he spoke, his commanding presence capturing the attention of all present.

"Welcome, young mages, to the trials that will test your mettle and ignite the flame of your potential," he began, his voice carrying a touch of grandeur. "In this crucible of knowledge and power, you will face challenges that will push the boundaries of your abilities. May you embrace each trial with unwavering determination and emerge stronger, for it is through adversity that true mages are forged."

His words hung in the air, electrifying the room with a surge of anticipation. The trials that lay ahead would demand not only mastery of spells and incantations but also resilience of spirit and unwavering focus. I glanced around at those around me, their faces a mix of nerves, determination, and a shared hunger for success.

As Galahad concluded his speech, a profound silence settled over the room, broken only by the distant fluttering of pages and the crackle of magic in the air. The trials were about to begin.

Galahad pulled out a projection device that showed an indication of how much time there was left and spoke once again.

"You may begin once the timer starts."

Again, he pulled another device, which held a button on it, clicked it, and the timer finally started moving.

"For the next 2 hours, there will be no going to the toilet unless you have handed in your exam papers. Finish at your own pace as you may now begin."

As the theory examination commenced, I found myself seated amidst a sea of aspiring mages, their eyes focused and pens poised, ready to capture the wisdom that would be imparted upon us. The atmosphere buzzed with anticipation as if the very air crackled with the knowledge that our destinies hung in the balance.

Concentrating on answering the intricate questions before me, my peripheral vision caught a glimpse of fiery red hair. Turning my head slightly, her regal presence made her stand out even in this sea of mages. Her attire spoke of both elegance and practicality, befitting her status as a noble. She wore a flowing gown of deep crimson, adorned with intricate golden embroidery that seemed to dance with each graceful movement she made. The fabric shimmered under the ambient light, adding an aura of enchantment to her appearance.

Her emerald eyes met mine, and a knowing smile played upon her lips. She leaned towards me, her voice a hushed whisper amidst the murmurs of the examination hall. "Quite the challenge, isn't it?" she remarked.

I nodded a mixture of determination and curiosity in my gaze. "It certainly tests the depths of our understanding," I replied, my voice laced with a hint of excitement. "But that's what makes it all the more exhilarating, don't you think?"

Her eyes gleamed with shared enthusiasm, and her mischievous side surfaced as she continued to speak. "Indeed, the pursuit of knowledge is a thrilling adventure in its own right. May our pens dance across the pages and our minds illuminate the mysteries that lie before us."

As the examination continued, Her focus and confidence were apparent in her every movement. Her fiery hair seemed to mirror her fervour for knowledge, and she scribbled away diligently, her pen gliding across the parchment with practised ease. She exuded an air of elegance and poise even amidst the pressure of the test, leaving no doubt about her capability as a mage.

In contrast, I maintained a steady pace, navigating the labyrinth of questions with the same determination that had led me to this prestigious academy.

Finally, as the last moments ticked away, the timer hit 0, and the invigilators began to collect our papers. With a mixture of relief and anticipation, I gathered my belongings, ready to step out of the examination hall and venture into the realm of practical exams.

As I prepared to leave, Her captivating presence drew me back once more. Her eyes sparkled with a mixture of excitement and curiosity as she addressed me again. "I believe we shall make quite the impression," she said, her words carrying an undercurrent of determination. "The name is Alice Roycroft, Daughter of The Greater King of Joceus." She bowed in a royal-like manner, but her playful spirit was evident.

"It's an honor to meet you, Princess Alice," I replied, unable to suppress a smile. Her aura of confidence and intrigue captivated me, and I felt a sense of camaraderie with this spirited princess.

"Princess, huh?" I continued, teasingly. "Well, you don't look or feel like a commoner yourself."

She chuckled, her laughter ringing like a melody in the air. "Touché. But we're all here to prove ourselves, aren't we? Social standing matters little in the pursuit of magic."

It seemed she wanted to hear my name as well, so I might as well give her the full detail. "Jin Aurelius Kamuy, born as a commoner, it is an honour to be in your presence."

Alice's eyes narrowed playfully, and she leaned in closer. "By the way, I never caught your name," she said, her voice carrying a hint of mischief.

I smiled, amused by her curiosity. "It's Jin Aurelius Kamuy, I am graced to be in the presence of royalty as a humble commoner such as myself" I replied, offering a slight bow in return.

"Why was there a need to introduce yourself like that?" she chuckled. "I'm not like the royal nobles who look down at commoners as if they were a lower existence. But there's something curious about you that made me think. For starters, you don't look or feel like a commoner in the first place, and secondly, when you were confronted by the Ramsworth guy, you put out his Fist of Fire with ease. That was a high distinction of expertise in manipulation."

She likes to talk a lot, so I better cut this short since I can't lose the flow of information that's running through my head right now.

"It was a mere fluke. Trust me, I was in disbelief at how I even pulled that off! But anyways, it was nice meeting you, Princess Alice. I hope everything goes well for you, and I'll be off."

"Wait..." Alice suddenly grabbed my arm, holding me as I tried to walk away. "I wasn't finished talking with you," she pouted. "And for that, I'll save my questions later for you, and for punishment, you need to escort me to the practical examination room."

"Argh, what happens if I don't comply?" I sighed.

"I'll send assassins to kill you," she smiled.

"Okay fine." In my head, I couldn't afford to make enemies before even getting accepted to the academy.

As Alice and I made our way towards the practical examination hall, a whirlwind of thoughts swirled in my mind. What was she thinking, asking a complete stranger like me to be her escort?

Her non-stop chatter made it difficult to process the multitude of questions she was asking me. In the midst of the overwhelming flow of words, I recalled my father's sage advice from long ago.

[Flash Back to many years ago]

he taught me a valuable lesson about dealing with people who were talkative and exuberant.

"Jin, if you ever find yourself overwhelmed by someone's excessive talkativeness, just stand still and look them directly in the eyes," my father had instructed, a playful twinkle in his eye.

[Flash back end.]

Back then, I couldn't fathom the purpose of such a strange approach, but as I stood there, face to face with the vivacious Princess Alice, I understood the wisdom behind his words. So, I took a deep breath, summoned my resolve, and followed his advice.

I stopped walking abruptly in the middle of the hallway and stepped closer to Alice, locking eyes with her. The sudden change in my demeanour seemed to catch her off guard, and her chatter dwindled into silence. I continued to gaze at her directly, trying to maintain an air of calm and confidence. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and she nervously asked what I was doing, but I remained steadfast in my approach.

Confused and flustered, she covered her face, and for a moment, the hall fell into hushed stillness. In that moment of quiet, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. My father's simple yet effective advice had worked wonders, leaving Alice speechless and me in control of the situation.

Father, your wisdom lives on through me, I thought to myself with gratitude. Your guidance has become an invaluable tool in navigating life's challenges.

As we continued towards the practical examination hall, the excitement and nerves of our fellow mages filled the air. The grand chamber that awaited us was a sight to behold, adorned with exquisite tapestries that depicted the rich history of magic. Symbols of the elements adorned the walls, and the atmosphere crackled with anticipation.

Upon entering, we were met with rows of doors, each leading to various examination rooms, and at the back, Galahad, the headmaster, awaited us. Surprisingly, the executive teachers were absent, adding a touch of mystery to the proceedings.

Minutes ticked by, and the room filled with mages returning from their exams. The air buzzed with excitement and anxiety as we all eagerly awaited our turn to showcase our magical prowess in the practical tests that lay ahead. The grand academy's trials were only just beginning, and the true test of our abilities was about to unfold.

"Welcome, young mages, once again," he began, his words reverberating through the hall like echoes of ancient incantations. The grand chamber seemed to come alive with the resonance of his voice, each syllable carrying the weight of centuries of magical wisdom. "In this practical examination, we will assess your abilities, measure your potential, and uncover the depths of your magical prowess. It is a chance for you to showcase your skills, demonstrate your control over the elements, and reveal the true essence of your magical aptitude."

His words hung in the air, the gravity of the moment sinking in, and the silence that followed seemed expectant with possibilities. The room grew quiet, anticipation building as we awaited further instructions. The teacher, a man of great authority and experience, continued, his voice steady and reassuring, like a guiding light in the mystical darkness.

"Remember, this is not merely a test of raw power. It is a test of control, finesse, and adaptability. Embrace the challenges that lie before you, and let your magic flow through you, connecting you to the very essence of the elements. Show us the extent of your potential, and leave an indelible mark upon the annals of the academy's history."

In the grand expanse of the Practical exam hall, an array of formidable doors stood tall along the sides. Each door, meticulously crafted and adorned with enigmatic runes, bore a distinct number, counting from 1 to 40. The hall was divided, with the left side featuring doors numbered 1 to 20, and the right side housing doors numbered 21 to 40. An air of mystery surrounded these portals, hinting at the diverse challenges and trials that lay concealed within.

Gathered within this enchanted space were the exam advisors, revered mages hailing from far corners of the world. With their venerable presence, they exuded an aura of wisdom and discernment, ready to assess the candidates' magical prowess.

The principal's voice resonated with solemnity and encouragement, each word carrying a touch of ancient prophecy. "Esteemed young mages, behold the trials that await you. Behind each of these doors, a different advisor stands prepared to discern the depths of your abilities. They offer guidance and keen judgment, each representing a distinct school of magical discipline."

He continued, "Today, you shall walk through one of these doors, and only one. The test you undertake will be a testament to your talents, your dedication, and your determination."

"With the wisdom bestowed upon you, let your intuition guide you. The exam is a singular opportunity, and you shall undertake it only once," the principal emphasized, his eyes alight with the weight of the moment. The immense responsibility of their choices lay heavy on the minds of the aspirants, but with it came the boundless potential for greatness.

He concluded with a gentle nod, "In the pursuit of greatness, may your spirits soar and your magic flourish. I wish you all the best, young aspirants. Good luck, and may the enchantment of the Gods be with you all."

The hall seemed to hold its breath for a moment as if acknowledging the magnitude of the occasion. Then, like a spell finally taking hold, the candidates stirred with a newfound determination, their spirits ignited by the enchantment of the academy's trials. Each mage stood ready for the doors that lay ahead, their minds racing with excitement and nerves alike.

I took a deep breath, the weight of nerves settling heavily upon my shoulders. The significance of the numbers was lost to me, but every door seemed like a gateway to an unknown realm of challenges, waiting to test the limits of my magical abilities.

"Jin, I'll be going to another door just so I don't distract you," Alice waved at me as she confidently made her way towards a different set of doors. Her demeanour, a mix of self-assuredness and curiosity, left me intrigued but now wasn't the time to be distracted.

As I stepped into the room designated by the number on the door, I was greeted by a circle of exam advisors seated around a table, their expressions attentive and expectant. The lead advisor, a stern-looking woman clad in elegant robes, spoke with a commanding tone, "State your name and date of birth, please before we proceed."

With a deep breath to steady myself, I replied, "My name is Jin Kamuy, and my date of birth is [4 / 4 / 444]."

The advisors nodded, satisfied with the information. Among them was an elderly man with a long white beard, his eyes twinkling with wisdom and warmth, and another, a mysterious figure shrouded in a dark cloak, exuding an air of intrigue. Each advisor represented a distinct school of magical discipline, their presence a testament to their expertise and judgment.

"Let us now witness your magical prowess, Jin," the elderly advisor said, his voice gentle yet firm. "Demonstrate your understanding of basic elemental magic."

as I formed a different elemental manifestation, this time water. Its cool blue glow danced like a miniature fountain on my palm. Carefully, I manipulated its size and intensity, impressing the advisors with my display of control.

The elderly advisor nodded approvingly, a warm smile spreading across his face. "Now, let us witness your prowess in telekinesis. Move a set of objects using your mind alone, showcasing your finesse and precision."

Drawing upon my training, I extended my consciousness towards a set of objects, willing them to levitate in a synchronized dance. The objects floated gracefully through the air, responding to the subtle commands of my mind. The advisors' nods of approval spurred me on, my confidence growing with each successful maneuver.

The final advisor, shrouded in a dark cloak, spoke in a voice tinged with mystery, "Show us your understanding of elemental combination. Combine water and wind magic to create a unique spell or effect."

With a deep breath, I focused my energy and merged the elements of water and wind in a dazzling display of creativity. Before their eyes, a beautiful miniature whirlwind with a swirling vortex of water at its core came into being. The fusion of these elements held the advisors' attention, their fascination evident in their expressions.

However, it seemed that my trials were not over. The advisors exchanged glances, and a challenging aura filled the room. The stern-looking woman spoke once more, her voice tinged with intensity, "Now, Jin, it is time for a one-on-one combat with an advanced mage dummy, created by us, the advisors."

A sense of trepidation washed over me as the mage dummy appeared before me, its imposing form brimming with magical energy. I knew this would be the most challenging test yet, a true test of my skills and adaptability.

I drew upon my knowledge and instincts, focusing my energy as I engaged the dummy in combat. The duel was fierce, and the dummy's attacks were relentless he adapted almost instantly to my attacks which made me get creative using alternative skills and combinations to damage it, testing my reflexes and adaptability.

I countered with countless spells of water and wind, using my elemental prowess to evade and defend against the dummy's onslaught. This was a bit more difficult than I thought, I found myself growing weary, but I refused to yield. With determination and resilience, I continued to fight, using every skill I had learned to overcome the formidable opponent as I knew that physical combat had no effect on a dummy.

My control over elemental magic proved crucial, as I used water to extinguish the dummy's fiery attacks and wind to disrupt its movements. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I had pierced the core of the dummy with my water bullet, and it dissipated into nothingness. I stood there, breathless but victorious. It felt that dummy was at a higher level than all the bad guys I've fought in my life.

The advisors' approving nods and impressed expressions spoke volumes, and I knew I had earned their recognition. The lead advisor stood, her expression thoughtful. "Your understanding and demonstration of basic magic are commendable, young mage. With continued practice and refinement, you have the potential to become a skilled practitioner."

Relief and joy surged through me, a wave of emotions I struggled to contain. The path ahead might be challenging, but I had shown my worthiness to enter the most prestigious academy in the world.

"You may leave the room now, Jin," the lead advisor said with a hint of pride in her voice. Her words were a validation of my efforts and a reassurance that I was on the right path.

Exiting the exam room, my body felt both exhaustion and exhilaration, a mixture of physical fatigue and the adrenaline rush from the challenging trials. I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of accomplishment, knowing that I had performed well during the exam. The hall was abuzz with activity as countless other mages emerged from their respective doors, each carrying their own experiences and emotions. Some bore visible signs of their trials, with scratches and injuries, while others seemed unscathed, their mastery evident in their composed demeanor.

Thankfully, the Dummy posed little challenge to me, and I managed to navigate its defenses and land a few well-aimed blows. Yet, it was not without effort and strategy, as the dummy matched my speed and skill, testing my reflexes and magical finesse.

As time passed, we were instructed to wait for all examinees to complete their trials before proceeding further. The organizers had thoughtfully allocated spaces for those who had finished, providing us with much-needed rest, relaxation, and complimentary food and water. The spread was sumptuous, and I indulged in as many chicken sandwiches as I could, grateful for the nourishment after the intense exam.

Midway through my feast, I heard someone calling out my name. Glancing up, I saw Alice approaching me with a playful smirk, her vibrant red hair a stark contrast to the surroundings. Ignoring her at first, I continued enjoying my buffet, but her persistence and lively energy got the better of me.

"Are you deaf or were you just ignoring me?" she teased, leaning in with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

I chuckled, trying to be sly, "Oh, sorry. I must have missed your call amidst all this commotion."

Rolling her eyes playfully, she inquired about my exam performance. I replied modestly, "It went alright. How about you?"

Her eyes sparkled with confidence as she recounted her experience, "It was fairly easy, I must say. The requests they made were mainly fundamental magic, but the most interesting part was fighting a mage dummy. I ended up defeating it with a few well-placed fire spells."

Impressed by her prowess, I applauded her, "Wow, amazing Princess! You must be incredibly talented."

She adopted a regal pose, pretending to bask in my praise, "Indeed, it comes naturally to me."

As we continued chatting and waiting for the exams to conclude, the hall hushed suddenly as Galahad, The Head Master, appeared on the podium. All eyes were fixed on him, and a palpable sense of anticipation filled the air.

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed candidates," Galahad's voice resonated through the hall, commanding attention and respect, "Today marks the conclusion of your trials, and I commend each of you for your dedication and courage in facing these challenges."

His words filled the air with a sense of pride and accomplishment, and I felt a surge of gratitude for being part of this momentous occasion. I listened intently, knowing that this moment held the key to my dreams of studying in the academy.

"Rest assured that your efforts will not go unnoticed," Galahad continued, his voice carrying a reassuring tone, "The results of both your practical and theoretical exams will be returned to you via letters in the coming days. Those who have demonstrated the potential and met the standards shall receive an invitation to join our prestigious academy."

A wave of anticipation and excitement rippled through the mass, mingling with nerves and hope. It was both thrilling and nerve-wracking to know that my fate rested on a simple letter, a document that would decide my future and whether I could fulfil my dreams.

Galahad's gaze swept across the room, and he spoke with a note of encouragement, "To all of you, whether you pass or not, remember that this is but the beginning of your journey. The academy awaits, and with it, countless opportunities to explore the depths of magic, to unravel the mysteries of the arcane, and to leave your mark on the tapestry of our enchanted world."

Galahad's speech drew to a close, and the hall erupted into applause and cheers, an outpouring of admiration and gratitude for the headmaster's words. With the conclusion of the trials and the impending announcement of results, my heart swelled with hope.

As we left the hall, The letter that would carry the verdict of our fate loomed on the horizon, yet for now, I chose to revel in the joy of the present moment. Regardless of the outcome, I knew that I had already proven my worth and determination in the world of magic.

Walking alongside Alice, I couldn't help but marvel at the unexpected friendship that had formed between us. How did we become friends so quickly? But I won't lie, In this magical realm filled with uncertainty and challenges, having a friend like Alice was a precious gift.

As the day unfolded, I found myself chilling back at home on my bed as Inzaghi was in his bed sleeping, Gazing at the sealing a bit longer my thoughts drifted to the upcoming letter. The uncertainty gnawed at my mind, but I pushed it aside, No matter what the letter held, I was ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that awaited.

Meanwhile, in a hidden chamber of the academy, a conversation unfolded between Gazette, Gabriel, and Gerald, three mages who assessed the student Jin Kamuy and many others.

"Gerald, with the dummy you summoned for the boy named Jin Kamuy, did you apply the standard settings for the applicant?" asked Gazette with a hint of curiosity.

"Well, of course, Madam Gazette. I made sure that all dummies are summoned from the chamber of Vitrigard. But it appeared as we checked the footage from earlier today, that the Dummy was actually three classes higher than a normal advanced one would be," Gerald replied.

Gabriel, a sage-like figure, stroked his beard thoughtfully. "Oh my, how interesting. So that boy fought on a level close to that of a higher advanced mage?"

"It appears so. But the decision is up to you, Gazette. Though the dummy appeared to be levels higher than the candidate, he emerged victorious. However, we also broke the rules of unfair distribution," Gerald explained.

Gabriel added his wisdom, "Should he not make the cut for this year's group of mages, it would be on us, knowing that the footage was there as proof."

Gazette examined the papers of Jin Kamuy, seeing that he had passed the theory but failed the practical.

"It seems we have wronged the boy," she murmured, her expression thoughtful. "There was a timer to beat the dummy, marked around 5 minutes and 30 seconds or less to pass the whole test, but it took him 12 minutes and 37 seconds to defeat the higher advanced version. Supposedly, that dummy was the senior first-semester test, and he beat it two minutes before the senior time limit. I will commend him for that, and to ensure that he passes, we'd have to distribute and convert the time weighed for the battle of the advanced dummy."

As they meticulously recalculated the numbers, it became apparent that Jin would have beaten the actual dummy in a matter of mere milliseconds.

"Wow, we haven't seen the likes of this since the Golden Age of Mages," Gerald remarked, his curiosity piqued by the exceptional result.

"Indeed," Gabriel agreed, stroking his beard once more as he considered the implications of such a feat.

Gazette nodded, her decision made. "Yes, it appears a result like this should be kept a secret. We would be in trouble if the academy knew we somehow misplaced a dummy, which could've endangered many examinees. So instead of writing those numbers for his actual result, we will use the combined average of the beaten time of the dummy."

With their decision made, the enigmatic trio agreed that Jin would pass, his exceptional performance earning him a place in the prestigious academy.

Hello guys!

It's been a while since I've written a chapter for this novel as I took a looooooooong break cause of other things happening in my life, so please enjoy this in-depth chapter and like always enjoy your day!

my face writing this chapter:

my face editing this chapter: :|

my face reading this chapter: :D

zowjicreators' thoughts