
Non est Deus( Danmachi fanfic)

A strange boy who sees something deeply hidden in people, who owns the strongest sword style without a sword, arrives in the labyrinth city with the goal of finding his master. But the intended fate changes when divine blood touches the child's body. Seven mysterious creatures make a bet that directly affects the life of a child. From this moment his story begins. Events of this fanfic begins 9 years before the main story, a little later after Ais joined the Loki familia. I do not own the characters or plot of Danmachi or Katananagatari. I only claim ownership of the OC and the plot associated with them. I took the picture from Google Image, if it belongs to you and you don’t want it to appear on the cover of my work, please let me know.

Justlucky · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Monster Lover.

Shichika recently arrived on the 39th floor. Another safe zone. Until now, it remained a mystery why the Dungeon decided to make the only exception and place it not immediately after the White Palace; they were separated by another extra floor. The 38th was a strange place, with a small number of monsters, a confusing structure and a huge number of Frontiers, similar to a Xenos hideout.

To describe the safe zone in one word - savannah. Landform no longer took the form of trees as often, and the colors changed from green to yellow-orange, the grass no longer looked so pleasant. The crystals depicting the sky became even brighter than on the 18th floor, most of them now depicted the burning sun, only a few remained in pleasant white-blue colors. The climate here has become hotter and drier, Undine Cloth would greatly help in this case. The only source of water is a wide river running through the entire floor, on the opposite side going around a stone hill, at the top of which there is a passage further.

Of the monsters, the dragons of the White Palace and creatures from the 40th levels mainly ended up here. Such as huge fire lizards that spit clots of magma, kurolisks that inflict some kind of curse with one glance, red imps that can set their own claws on fire, and poisonous bats. Their saliva made the adventurers feel as if they were burning you from the inside. Surprisingly, the poison of these creatures was not fatal.

A large den was chosen as the place to create the camp. On the left side of the dome-shaped structure. Across the river, after crossing a couple of hills, in one of them there was a narrow opening leading to a network of intricate rooms; if expeditions of large families decide to choose safety over personal comfort, then there will be enough space here. A rune provided by Belphie was placed above the entrance.

Many points of the contract were still under development, so the adventurer decided to gradually improve this place with each raid.

For now, his path lay down. Magic stones and dropped loot became much more expensive as you descend. The house project will hit his wallet hard, so it is necessary to begin restoring his financial condition in advance. Waiting for Udaeus or fighting in the Colosseum will earn the adventurer less amount of valis.

Having climbed inside the passage and walked a couple of tens of meters down, the adventurer found himself inside an area resembling a volcano.

The walls turned dark red, crushed stones were scattered across the surface of the floor, and black cracks appeared in the walls, from within which a bright red light emanated, but there was not much of it. Periodically, a stream of hot air shot out in random places, however, for the adventurers who reached these places, they did not pose any danger, only discomfort.

The most common enemies here were red imps. Unlike its distant relatives, this species posed a serious threat. The creatures' bodies acquired a set of muscles, now they did not look like they were dying of hunger. The claws have become longer. Imp groups were rated as level 4. When meeting an adventurer, they tried to encircle him, and, collecting the surrounding mana, set fire to their own upper limbs. As soon as someone looked away from one monster to another, an attack was immediately launched from the blind spot. If their opponent managed to return to their original position, the imp attacking them does the same. After all, the main thing in a dungeon is to survive, not to kill. The monsters on the Deep Floors also began to realize this truth. 

At the moment, a group of these creatures were trying to surround Shichika. As soon as one of them separated from the general formation in an attempt to bypass the adventurer, their bodies acquired extra holes, in some cases their heads burst like a watermelon. Their only option was a direct attack.

*Vile scream*

On command, each of the 10 remaining tried to use a signature move that reminded their opponent of a certain red-haired girl. Which for some reason made him want to carry out a bloody reprisal against them. And so, when the moment of collision had almost arrived, their ability ceased to work.

At level 4, Levi's gift provided the contractor with the same number of hearts powered by mana. With each new organ, the magical energy in space became less and less, and the remaining energy arrived in chaos from constant movement. Such a dense formation of monsters in a short period of time simply burned out the small amount of mana that remained. The passage filled with screams.

Up to a certain point, the raid went smoothly until at the intersection Shichiku was met by a flock of bats. Black and orange colors predominated in their color. It was separated from them by a small open area formed by the connections of 4 paths in different directions. The monsters used their ability to attack with sound waves to avoid getting close.

There is a high probability that creatures of this size will be able to dodge the adventurer's infrequent volleys of green energy, so he had to close the distance.

As soon as part of his body became visible in the passage on the right side, a huge magma clot with a third of his body collided with his shoulder. Somewhere 30 meters on the other side, a fiery lizard, covered with durable reptilian scales and similar to a gecko, roared joyfully and in its free time devours the stones lying on the floor. Due to the special structure of the body, they gradually melt inside her stomach, forming magma. Because the volume of the resulting shells, the monster is extremely slow, and in close combat they are a punching bag. But at a distance, they are replacing mages who support the adventurers from the rear.

Any other Level 4 person would die from such a hit or lose a limb that came into contact due to the energy and temperature contained in the projectile. Fortunately, this was not enough to tear off the hand of the one who fell into the trap. Shichika was thrown into the nearest wall, his arm received multiple fractures and burns.

The bats immediately pounced on him, seeing a suitable opportunity to attack a lying target. There was no time to lie down, jumping to his feet, the adventurer cut down the most hasty enemy. The others began to gain distance again, flying towards the lizard, hoping for its cover.

It was just getting ready to spit out the second shell. The teenager took a stance, as soon as the trajectory of the shot was visible to his eyes, he would dodge and close the distance to the group of enemies.


A clot half the size of the previous one flew out of the mouth of the living artillery, moving to the right, Shichika ran forward.


The lizard was able to sacrifice the lethality of a projectile for additional shots. At the same time, the bats above her began to support her. The narrow corridor began to turn into a sieve, and the adventurer, somehow maneuvering between them, periodically responded with his own blows. It was not possible to dodge everything, so he took on some of the sound waves. Bruises appeared on his body.

It all ended when the fist connected with the lizard's head, causing the contents of its skull to fly out into the air.

On the way back, Shichika, as usual, looked into the Xenos village on the 27th floor. This time they were lucky to cross paths. Gros met him at the entrance. It was his lot to stand guard while his family members rested.

- Who do I see!? You haven't visited us for a long time, although the gifts you left are to everyone's taste. Let's go inside, we found a few more, - over the past time, the gargoyle has developed a feeling of sympathy for the agent assigned by the Guild.

No one knew whether this was due to the constant flow of food, which increases the chances of survival of his relatives, or to the fact that the teenager periodically brings the Xenos he found to the main group. In any case, the hostility is gone.

At the camp, Lyd, Ray and the others were already waiting for the duo. At the camp, Lid, Ray and the others were already waiting for the duo. Among them appeared faces unfamiliar to the adventurer, and one of the newcomers even came forward.

- Shichika, nice to meet you, my name is Aude, I've heard a lot of good things about you, - the speaker was dressed in a full set of plate armor, only his hands were exposed. The gloves did not fit him; the xenos' limbs indicated that the creature in front of the teenager was a War Shadow.

- I'm pleased too.

- Why are you standing still, Shichi? Come in, your arrival is a happy event. I suggest we celebrate! - on command, the intelligent monsters scattered to the sides, they returned with mugs, barrels, lamps and other things that would make the atmosphere more pleasant.

- Is this...alcohol?

- Yes! Fels recently gave us a try. It definitely makes parties more relaxed and fun. Now we don't allow it to run out. Don't worry, we have enough for you too.

- I don`t drink.

- Why? - the unexpected confession seemed to surprise the lizardman.

- It's not tasty, it makes it difficult to control yourself. Even though many people say that it brings pleasure, but the next morning these same people suffer from headaches. I don't see point in that.

- Interesting... Then juice?

- I won't refuse.

While the current leader of the Xenos went to look for where his younger brothers had rolled the barrel of juice, a golden-feathered siren approached the waiting teenager.

- I understand that you are busy with your own affairs and problems, but each of us would be glad to see you more often, - one of the girl's birdlike legs drew circles in embarrassment before the following words, - Especially me.

- I`m afraid I don't get it.

- Hmm... Even knowing how the surface inhabitants might react to this, I really want to tell you something important! You may be unlikely to reciprocate my feelings, but.... *Sigh* I really like you!

The intelligent monsters gathered around watched the development of events in silence. Only a few of them understood the seriousness and consequences of such words. If even one outside adventurer found out about this, the teenager of Loki's family would be branded as a "monster lover", the worst possible insult among the races who received the patronage of the gods.

- Do you like me? - Shichika's thoughts seemed to be in a little chaos. The girl, like the rest of the Xenos, did not evoke negative emotions in him; on the contrary, their company was one of the most pleasant. And most of all, he liked spending time with Ray. Calm, caring, gentle. In addition, he knows and loves to sing. He would be lying if he said he didn't have feelings for her.

- I knew that the outcome would be like this, but for some reason..., - regarding the silence as a refusal, tears gathered in the girl's eyes. She covered them with her right wing and turned around.

- Thank you for listening.

Before she took a single step, the young man's arms wrapped around her shoulders from behind.

- I have already said many times that I have big problems with communication. Please forgive the wait. I really like you too.

Ray could no longer hold back the tears that flowed non-stop. Only their reason had changed; now they brought relief.

- Is it true?

- It is.

The Xenos watching the drama burst into joy, and the Frontier was covered in a cacophony of whistles, roars, rumblings and speech.

- Everyone is so happy, did something happen? - returning with a barrel of apple juice, Lyd did not understand the reasons for celebrating.

Thank you for your time.

It was the last chapter that I prepared before I started to learn English Grammar. The next ones will be messed up a little bit. I promise soon I'm going to be better.

Have a good day everyone!

Justluckycreators' thoughts