
Noblesse in Other World : Part 2

Part 2 of Noblesse in Other World

ASH_MK · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Prologue (2)

In the veiled solitude of his closed-door cultivation, Raizel immersed himself in the timeless embrace of introspection and growth, shrouded from the tumultuous currents of the outside world for a span of fifteen years. Meanwhile, amidst the ever-shifting landscape of the Dou Qi continent, the transmigrators, empowered by their arcane systems, rose like titans from the ashes, casting aside the so-called geniuses with disdainful ease.

From the crucible of their shared trials emerged the formidable IBIZA Clan, a bastion of strength that loomed large over the fractured realm, their dominion unchallenged and their power unmatched. Yet, amidst their ascent to prominence, the pursuit of the elusive Heavenly Flames persisted, an unyielding quest that drove souls to the brink of obsession.

In a twist of fate spun from the threads of destiny, the coveted map once held by Raizel found its way into the hands of Xiao Yan, igniting a chain reaction that would shape the course of history. With the map as his guide, Xiao Yan brokered a lucrative exchange, selling its secrets to the highest bidders—the GU Clan, the Hun Clan, and the formidable IBIZA Clan—each eager to claim the mantle of supremacy.

Together, united by a common purpose, the three clans embarked on a perilous journey to the foreboding depths of the Magical Beast Mountain, where whispers of a malevolent presence known as the Red Demon stirred in the shadows. It was here, amidst the primal roar of the wilderness, that they encountered Raizel, his scarlet eyes ablaze with otherworldly fervor, casting him as the very embodiment of their darkest fears.

In their eyes, Raizel stood as the Red Demon, the elusive figure who had dared to steal the coveted Heavenly Flames, a symbol of defiance and reckoning in equal measure. As the clash of wills loomed on the horizon, the stage was set for a confrontation of epic proportions, where the boundaries between friend and foe blurred in the tempestuous maelstrom of destiny's design.

As the tumultuous clash between Raizel and the three clans reached its crescendo, the very air crackled with palpable tension, thick with the scent of impending doom. With a mastery born of ages past, Raizel unleashed the primal fury of his blood skills, weaving tendrils of terror that ensnared the hearts of his adversaries, rendering them powerless in the face of his dark majesty.

With a chilling precision, Raizel wielded the dark spear, a weapon forged from the depths of his unfathomable power, its sinister gleam heralding the grim fate that awaited those who dared oppose him. With each strike, the souls of the fallen were rent asunder, their essence torn from mortal coils to become naught but mere pawns in Raizel's grand design.

As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded into the ether, Raizel stood as the solitary figure amidst a sea of fallen foes, their lifeless gazes bearing silent witness to the raw might that lay dormant within him. With a steely resolve, he gathered the keys forged from the souls of the fallen, each one a testament to his indomitable will.

In a moment of profound revelation, the keys converged, their energies coalescing into a radiant symphony of light that danced before Raizel's eyes. And then, as if by the hand of fate itself, three ethereal tomes materialized before him, their pages whispering secrets lost to the annals of time.

Among them, the tome known as "Battle through the Heavens" stood as a beacon of ancient wisdom, its pages filled with the echoes of battles long forgotten. Yet, the other two tomes, shrouded in enigma, bore no name, their mysteries tantalizingly out of reach, waiting to be unraveled by the hands of fate. As Raizel gazed upon the tomes, a sense of foreboding gripped his heart, for he knew that the journey ahead would be fraught with peril and revelation in equal measure.

Immersed in the timeless wisdom of "Battle through the Heavens," Raizel unraveled the intricate tapestry of fate, discovering the destiny that lay in wait for Xiao Yan—a path destined to lead him to the pinnacle of power as a Dou Di. Yet, the stark disparity between prophecy and reality loomed ominously over the horizon, casting a shadow of doubt upon the fragile fabric of fate.

Undeterred by the enigma shrouding the other two tomes, Raizel's quest for knowledge remained unyielding, yet the impenetrable veil that cloaked their secrets defied his every attempt to unlock their mysteries.

Departing from the realm of arcane tomes, Raizel materialized before Xiao Yan, a beacon of serenity amidst the tumult of uncertainty. With a gesture both solemn and profound, he bestowed upon Xiao Yan the Di Tier Embryonic Pill, a symbol of hope amidst the chaos that gripped the world.

Xiao Yan, stunned by the weight of Raizel's words and the gift he had received, could only watch in awe as Raizel vanished into the ephemeral embrace of the unknown, leaving behind naught but whispers of destiny unfulfilled.

As Raizel embarked on his own ascension, the very essence of the Dou Qi continent trembled in awe, bearing witness to the birth of a new era, where the titanic presence of a Dou Di reshaped the very foundations of reality.

Yet, as Raizel transcended mortal bounds, the forbidden tome beckoned once more, its pages whispering secrets known only to the winds of destiny. With a resolute heart, Raizel delved into the depths of the unknown, his destination shrouded in mystery as he was drawn inexorably into the embrace of the enigmatic tome, his fate intertwined with the threads of eternity.

I got you there.

As I said before, if the readers can guess what's going to happen already, where is the kick in that story?

ASH_MKcreators' thoughts