
Chapter 1

Iris is a strange kid. She has always been alone and doesn't talk much. Iris's parents were killed in Tokyo when she was just 4 and since that day she hasn't said a word. I met Iris when we were little, she would just stare at me emotionlessly. She had a hard life she was always bullied. One day when we went to the comic store,she saw a little girl getting beaten up in an alley.Out of no where she gave the girl to me and beat the bullies to a pulp in a second. Since then I had my suspicions about who or what she really is. Is she the girl I met when we were little or a different person? I have a gut feeling that I'm in for a surprise. Iris is starting to creep me out. She isn't acting like herself. Her eyes are so dark,those hazelnut eyes are so dark,like an obyss inside a vessel. Her smile is gone,she sits in the dark corner of the classroom now. Staring at me,it feels like I'm getting my soul ripped out through my eyes.I don't think she's the Iris I used to know. She keeps on whispering "help me". I haven't heard her voice in so many years. The power went out in the room and she disappeared. I went to look for her,but she was no where to be found. I have to find her,I will find her no matter what. For some unknown reason I found her outside of an old church staring at it intently. I tried to give her one of the crosses I had gotten from a priest,but she backed away in fear. I don't know what's wrong, is she possessed?