

The clockmaker stands to one side to let us in. Clout leads the way into a very large room at the very end of the hallway. Clout walks briskly but the old man behind us is shuffling as fast as he can.

I turn to look at him and I can see he is trying his best to keep up. I hold my arm for him to hook into. He accepts gladly and we follow Clout and Brent at a much slower pace. The old man looks at me from time to time and smiles the most genuine smile I have seen in quite some time.

"Still the same sweet soul" he murmurs under his breath. I want to ask him what he means but it but he muttered it so softly that I am not completely sure he said anything.

We enter the large room to find Clout and Brent staring back at the wall we are entering through. When we join them and turn around, I can see what the fascination is all about.