
No One Will Ever Hurt You Again I Promise

For each of us, things and events present themselves differently. We cannot afford to be envious of the happiness of others. Happiness comes in different forms; we need to be attentive and know our needs to seize the opportunity when it arises. Do we know what it's like to love and be loved when we are young? Are our choices considered? We will never know if we never try it, and love does not wait for age. It falls on you. And fate? Does that mean anything to you? So no matter how hard you try to change it, it remains unchanged. What is written cannot be undone. At Woodhill, a private high school located in the heart of New York, the elites of this society come together to receive the best academic training of all time. All these teenagers are descendants of responsible and prosperous families. But as it is written, there are always exceptions when there are rules enacted somewhere. Among the rotten-spoiled petty-bourgeois, a few children from the small society are accepted as little geniuses. They all have brilliant brains; that's the only thing they have in common with New York City's future leaders. Again, there are a few exceptions among those who can afford academic training worthy of their social rank but do not have the required level. But as they say, between friends, we support each other. Money makes the law. Of course, you can be brilliant but can't afford to access Woodhill. On the other hand, if you are part of this bourgeois elite, you are unlikely to be denied access. There is a boy with the most interesting personality in this category, who is intelligent but does not have sufficient means. Some say that he is bipolar, others say that he has schizophrenia, and so many stories circulate about him, but no one really knows who he is. Howie is the name of this mysterious boy who is being chatted up in Woodhill. A god-sand-beautiful, intelligent, and talented boy who, unfortunately, is poor and disturbed. Some see him as a waste because of that.

Quentin_ikanu · Oriental
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75 Chs

Did I Kill Him

What did you have planned for this weekend guys, I need to have a little fun, can someone arrange that for me? Howie shouted in the middle of the cafeteria.

Some are surprised to hear him make such a request because he is the one who always rejects their invitation without ever bothering to think twice. this is partly the reason why Kaeli has a grudge against him, he has always rejected her advances of any kind, without mercy.

While many of them dreamed of participating in these evenings, of having an invitation even indirectly. him, he enjoys rejecting her again and again, what's worse is that she always takes the trouble to make the invitation in person.

While others are wondering what the hell got into him to come and interrupt their lunch because he wants to decompress. Where does he think he is? shouted a female voice not far from where he stood. his hair is tied in a ponytail, it looks like it has grown another four inches, almost reaching his waist.

He turned to the voice on his left knowing well that it was Kaeli because he was right where she parked with her little band. He met her haughty and disdainful gaze. Without thinking, because he came for that today, to rub shoulders with anything that stands in his way or thinks that they are better than him, or whatever. He is looking for strong sensations to fill the void and this need to let his inner out.

Hey Barbie Colorado potato beetle, why don't you shut up when you have nothing to say? He scanned the room, pointing a menacing finger at them. This is available for all those of you who have nothing planned for tonight. Shut up your fucking mouth, you scumbags.

Murmurs, laughter, and exclamations are heard in the room which annoys Kaeli. Who is he to dare speak to me like that in front of everyone, she says to her minions who don't dare utter a word.

You know what, you have to put him in his place, answers Adel, a tall brunette, who feels bad about herself but who feels all-powerful by seeking security in the shadow of Kaeli who is taking advantage of her weakness.

Howie clicked his tongue against his palate repeatedly as he approached the table dangerously. Oh my poor Ady, you feel good when you're in the company of Barbie bitch, who is right here, hm? What a shame, because she thinks you're tarnishing her image. doesn't she Kaeli, the big ape who is bad about herself who sticks to your ass, isn't that what you call her behind her back?

Adel abruptly got up from the table, she ran towards one of the exits in the direction of the washroom while sobbing.

Poor darling! Howie exclaims, watching her leave, shoving the chair and table in her path.

Burning with rage Kaeli rose from her chair with a honeyed smile on her face. Ah my poor bum, you want free food, right? You can just ask nicely, we're already doing social work here by letting you stay with us, don't look for an excuse that you want to decompress everyone knows that under your elegant and austere airs you're just a dying hunger.

That's enough you two shouted a voice not far away, Raphael couldn't stand this confrontation anymore and decided to speak.

Kaeli stop it, he just wants to relax, he said why are you talking about starving? Stay polite we are not animals.

Ha, ha! Kaeli burst out laughing, ah now it's your turn to do your coming out of the closet? Do you fall for him too? Your sister has a crush on girls, and you, guys make you hard? You are both sick.

The friendly smile Raphael was displaying instantly faded from his face as she dragged her sister into this whole thing. He squeezed his fingers so hard that his knuckles turned white. And his beautiful pretty little face turned ugly with anger.

You know what, you really are a bitch, Raphael shouted at her, and Todd's mother really misses her target, it's not your mother she should persecute but you personally. because the real bitch is you

Howie, who never expected to see his outburst turn into a real collective drama, is bored watching the little them.

You are unbelievable, he intervenes. Why did you have to come and steal my show?

It's gotten boring now. He touched Raphael's tense shoulder to calm him down. Hey, I just wanna have fun, and if you're into me no one can blame you. Did you see my face man?

At least your sister knows who she is and she's not some kind of trash who takes advantage of her friends. Unlike some people. She's not worth it. Elie is the best of us, we all know that.

Raphael looks at him with a smile, that's right, she's the best. and yeah who can blame me really?

then they burst out laughing.

Kaeli, ashamed of the turn her words had taken, stormed out of the cafeteria, swearing at everyone she met on her way.

He will pay me for having humiliated me like this in front of everyone. She bumped into Oleck in her path, who had just arrived in the cafeteria.

Watch out, holy shit! Oleck shouted.

He turned to the room, which was looking in his direction.

Who touched the queen bee's hive? he shouted raising both his hands in the air.

Under these words, laughter broke out from all sides except within the minion group that Kaeli is responsible for.

They got up, picked up their belongings including those of Ady and Kaeli, and left the room under the amused gaze of the others who can't stop laughing and making fun of them as they pass by.

Who wants to party tonight? Oleck yells again with all his might...

Finally, there's someone who speaks my language here. grumbled Howie enthusiastically.

The twins, who were as always far from any crowd, carefully followed the whole scene without saying anything or intervening. Lately, Howie is on edge, they don't want to upset him more, and sometimes they have this feeling that he is even violent. His behavior changes from minute to minute it's as if he was no longer the one they knew the one with whom they spent wonderful days.

But what's wrong with him, Ay? He's different, he was weird before, of course, but now it's as if he wanted to run away from who he was, I assure you that I prefer a thousand times when he's unstable that he did everything to stay away from all living beings.

Ayke chuckled as he listened to his brother complaining about H's behavior. With a sidelong look, he asked him, what, are you afraid he's accessible now?

Aike froze for a moment with his mouth hanging open.

AY, what the hell are you talking about?

You know very well what I'm talking about little brother. Don't play your rascal with me, you can be cunning, of course, but not for me. You are my blood, my flesh, I am you and you are me. So drop the acting, let someone else fall into this trap, please. He said with a knowing wink

I really don't know what you're talking about, Aike replies in a calm that betrays no emotion.

Fine, if you say so. So we're going to prepare his decompression evenings for him, that he's been looking for so much these days, or do you want to leave him in the care of someone else? Raphael and Oleck always have a solution to help him. I don't know if you noticed, they're stealing him from us.

If that's what he wants, I don't see how our intervention can change things.

You really don't want to try? I know you miss him, Aike as I miss him, but if you say otherwise, we're not going to get involved, okay.

Besides, it will make us a vacation. they'll be back shortly, it's not a bad thing if he gets away from us.

Yeah, that's a point, but it pains me to see him like this and that he can't count on us.

Howie on his side is worried about his safety and that of the boys, he told himself that it will be the best thing to do if he gets away from them, not only because of who he is but also because of the return of their parents.

he knows how clingy boys are, and they're afraid their mother will find out for him. He doesn't doubt his ability to handle the madness their mother is showing, but he doesn't intend to fight the boys' battle for them either. He leaves them space so that they can put their ideas in place for the return of their parents, and for the well-being of their friendship.

He also doesn't want them to find themselves in dilemmas that could cause them to reveal themselves to the public.

He likes what they represent in his life but since Howie is Howie he will not tell them and the boys will continue to believe that he wants nothing to do with them.

He glanced in their direction, he watches them discuss calmly then a small smile takes shape on his lips.

How about we get out of here guys. he asks Oleck and Raphael

We have a match next week and the coach is not going to let us down so soon. These two weeks will be hell. Raphael reminds them.

I already live my hell for sixteen years, the coach is only a bonus says Howie for himself.

The second phase of the day's classes went peacefully, Howie followed them in Olympian calm.

after his little confrontation with Kaeli in the cafeteria everyone expects these two to pick up ta fight wherever they cross paths, but to their amazement Howie as usual acts like nothing is wrong. nothing had happened. That he was not the one who put on a show for a few hours or minutes earlier.

They all changed leaving their uniform for outfits of their choice. The most enjoyable part of their day at the establishment

Hey, guys today we're going to do this fast and quick, there's no way we're staying on the pitch so late tonight, facing Saint August will be like eating a good pie. We already made life hard for them, right?

Todd was standing in the middle of the locker room naked with a towel in his hand as he gave his little speech, the other boys including the twins and Howie who are extremely quiet are busy packing their belongings because they have almost finished changing.

You know what, matches are played on the field, not in the mouth, so we better prepare ourselves well to discuss a good and beautiful match when the time comes.

Aike was putting his stuff away in his locker when he answered Todd without even looking at him.

Howie is standing two lockers away from Aike's, staring straight ahead without taking part in the conversation.

He's been so serene these past few days, he seems less childish to me, what happened to him? Even if he doesn't talk to them like before, he watches over them and notices the slightest change in their behavior.

Yeah man, that's exactly what I think, we're not going to let up on the pressure because we're talking about Sait August, they're awesome. Who knows what might happen later. Raphael answers from across the room.

Howie closed his locker door with a loud thud that startled them all, they simultaneously turned in his direction waiting for him to explain but he glared at them and left the room leaving them dumbstruck behind him.

Sometimes I wonder why we drag such a ball? Todd asked annoyed.

The only ball here my friend is you, Ayke answers him as if he was waiting for him to take part in the conversation.

Be careful with what you say, Morgenstern, I'm paying for this guy's tuition like all of you. If there must be a ball here it's him, he breaks our balls while he can't even pay his school fees. It's a parasite!

What's wrong? Since when did we treat other players with so much contempt? Olek intervenes.

Not to mention that Howie is the best of us, he excels in everything he touches, did you notice his grades for the semester? He tore it all up, I will pay well over and over again for a parasite like him.

Do you mean you can't say the same about Todd? Aike asks him laughing.

That's right man, if you can't match him you can't piss him off because he's on a scholarship. And you and if you had no money would you be with us today? Oleck asks him seriously.

Todd rushes towards Oleck who dodges him skillfully. You don't talk to me like that piece of trash, Todd shouted enraged and red with anger. Remember your family comes after mine here, if you don't wanna get in trouble then lay low man.

If only you knew how much I don't care about this social hierarchy you've erected here man, I'm not even telling you about it. I don't give a damn about any of that and I don't give a damn about you either. This hierarchy you can put it where you know. I'm not just saying this for you poor jerk, but for all of you who swear by that damn social rank and your parents' fortune. Fuck you.

Yeah, fuck 'em, Raphael shouted happily. We fuck them!

The twins, who witnessed the rest of this small discussion with a particular interest without saying a word agreed with what Oleck just said. yeah, they say to themselves, we fuck the social conventions of our group. They had a small discreet smile on their lips after confirming their thought through their link.

We'll see if he'll be as good as you say when I'm done with him. Todd whispered between his teeth. He glared at them with a devilish smile.

Howie has this weird feeling that he's being watched, it's becoming more and more evidence before it was when he was running but now that feeling is chasing him even within the school. for two weeks he has felt this presence pursue him like his shadow, the wolf that sleeps inside him can no longer stay in place. Born to be the hunter he refuses to be hunted and it pisses him off that someone has tailed him. He left the locker room with the firm will to lure this mischievous shadow that is following him.

As long as you don't try anything stupid you're out of my reach he hissed between his teeth. He wonders if they've gotten so paranoid to follow him wherever he goes.

But today, he strongly believes that this spinning is not the work of his parents, there is no one within the establishment who is aware of his identity and this is starting to annoy him at the highest point. Howie in his nature likes to have control over what has to do with his life despite his young age. He has always been aware of why his parents have put everything in place to hide him from his peers but he did not expect them to talk about killing him if he can no longer control his nature.

That's how he developed this ability he has to control what he has around him. He has been fighting since he was ten years old against his inner. But lately, he's been letting him take control little by little, if he keeps him locked up all the time the outcome could be even more disastrous than they predicted. He went out for a run every day more than usual, letting his senses guide him, he can no longer hide from his father that he is letting himself be guided by his senses, he especially does not want Marc to report him to his biological father. He sneaked out of the house at night through the terrace, without difficulty he jumped from the terrace to the backyard of the house.

It must be said that he likes this feeling of freedom he feels when he runs with all his senses on alert. His relationship with his dogs has improved. They became friends again but now more than ever they obey him as if they spoke the same language. it is enough that he looks at them so that they come to join him or that they do what he orders them. This does not escape Aike, who is increasingly fascinated and impressed by him and the way the dogs evolve around him.

Hey, are you sure you weren't a dog in your past life? Aike asked him innocently one day.

Marc was the first to burst out laughing as the others followed him but it was H's response that stopped everything.

No, but I'm more than that my golden sugar if only you knew.

Which earned him a questioning look from Marc, Ayke who couldn't control himself so much he was laughing, he saw nothing of the exchange between father and son. Aike on his side almost died of embarrassment. Howie never treated him like that in front of the others. He does these low blows to him when they are the two of them but never in front of so many people.

You're not ashamed to put on a show, Aike asks him, his cheeks red with humiliation.

You have to stop teasing him, Marc intervenes or his head will catch fire one of these days.

Marc does not use his abilities to eavesdrop on his son's private conversations, although he is a wolf and has overdeveloped hearing, he has never exceeded his limits with him. He respects his privacy. But Howie doesn't give a damn about using them to spy on him since he overheard the conversation about his death. Their sense is ten times better than any wolf in their lineage, they are purebloods, and they have always ruled their pack.

They are powerful, strong, fast, and very fierce. Their beta-like marc almost all have what is called the soldier gene. They are fighters and protectors of the kingdom, their omegas are most often willing to handle crises take care of the community, and mediate and manage conflicts. they are almost all part of the house of lords, however, they are all able to defend themselves. Each alpha in strength and speed is equal to four omegas or two betas. While pureblood alphas are ten times more powerful than any alpha in the pack, it is the reason why despite their rebellion and dissatisfaction with the rules governed to maintain a balance between species, they do not have any choice but to submit.

Philipe does not reign by fear, but deep down fear and respect are required in his kingdom, whether it is the humans themselves or the wolves. They respect him and fear him. And he treats them with respect.

Night walks and sleepwalking have become a part of H's life, he eats a bunch of raw or cooked meat. When Marc realized this, he took the opportunity to prepare tons of meat for him, which he keeps in a cooler for him. He is young, and his hunger and his urges are higher than those of an adult, not to mention that Howie is in the midst of a teenage crisis.

Sometimes he even waits whole nights for him to wake up to feed him without the latter knowing that Marc is taking care of him during his hours of sleep. Marc knew his job would not be easy and that suited him Philippe is a good friend, he watched over him when he had no one without ever mentioning who he was. He was sneaking out of boarding school to run like Howie has been doing for the past few days. This is how Marc met him. And he loves this stubborn kid like he's his own son and he'll never let him down. Like Philippe, he will do everything in his power to keep him alive and out of trouble.

This doesn't prevent Howie from remembering things he did while sleepwalking. he saw them as if he were in a dream and he knows that Marc takes care of him in the evenings when the latter does not report these facts to his father during the reports he is obliged to do.

He went back to drawing like when he was a child, which means he draws his dreams, his drawings clearly show everything he does when he is not himself. And when he goes running each time he always ends up around Aike's house. He knows it because every time he arrives he wakes up immediately. It's become a habit with him and he's not afraid to sleep anymore. He puts himself back in the hands of his inner, he knows that he will protect him against everything. and when he is ready to merge with him, they will be incredibly terrifying and powerful. That's why they are afraid for him.

he ran for miles in the woods in perfect freedom and in harmony with himself.

As he runs as far as the eye can see with his senses on alert, Aike for his part is tortured by these dreams, which he had taken for nightmares the first evening he crossed H's inner without him really realizing it.

His first dreams began the very night after he met him, he woke up sweating, he was being chased by a giant white wolf who only wants one thing, to eat him. and since then he has had a date with this same wolf every time he lays his head against his pillow.

He shares his dreams with his brother who doesn't take him too seriously, he thinks his dreams are due to stress. Their parents are about to return from their trip and they still don't know how they are going to circumvent their mother's vigilance to stay close to H. they don't want to jeopardize the few ties that bind them. His brother thinks it's just a dream that materializes the fear he feels when it comes to their parents.

Not to mention the fact that Howie has been very defensive these days and he is doing everything he can to keep them away from him. and Raphael who best enjoys the privileges that are rightfully theirs.

Ayke hates the smug smile Raphael puts on when he's around H, it's like he's hit the jackpot. Ayke has only one wish: to erase it from his face so that he can never smile like that again.

And as for Howie his imagination largely exceeds his actions, each time he looks at this brat who has tolerance only for his person, he sees himself crushing him under his fingers like a common albino cockroach. Despite his desire to kill him, he still remains at a distance from him, waiting for him to come back to them, to trust them enough to tell them what's bothering him.

On the other hand, they inevitably continue to visit Marc, they no longer sleep at his place in order to leave him his space, but this one really gets on his nerves and he is really tired of seeing him behave like the last one idiots, while he has people willing and available for him who only waiting for one thing that he shares his burdens.

Why turn to this Raphael who considers him as a brand jewel that he must show off before the eyes of his haters. Sure, he's hot and can take your breath away with just a look, or steal your soul from you in the blink of an eye, and even worse with a smile, but that doesn't give anyone but me the right to see him that way. Ayke wonders, freaking out.

If he has to be the most expensive luxury bag in the world, or a car, or a piece of jewelry, it will be theirs and no one else's.

Ayke is someone extravagant in his thoughts and contrary to what he thought before he is very possessive towards H, he considers him as his. He doesn't find it odd that he has such thoughts about him, on the contrary, he's in his element. This is why he decides to do everything possible so that Howie does not move away from him even more than he is now.

He took out his phone and posted a message on the students' forum, the platform they use to start gossip, to watch the pretty boys. To rank them in ascending order from the ugliest to the hottest, the same goes for the girls. And this is how hoopoe parties also spread without the need for a special invitation. but some people are exceptions.

He uses the platform for his enjoyment of reading gossip but never has he ever made a comment. It was a shock to everyone when they saw the post he made and their reactions.

[Hey slobs! Tonight at my house at nine, The Morgensterns invite you all.]

A buzz of voices rose through the school grounds, like a swarm of bees ready to attack the honey thief who allowed himself to touch their hive as if it were their due.

No one believes what they have just read, they try to confirm with their comrade if they too have had the same message. Then various comments begin to scroll on the platform.

[Finally, the kings decide to mingle with the common people]

[The long-awaited day has finally arrived]

[I'm dreaming or the Morgensterns really want to throw a party]

[What's changed, they finally have a girlfriend they want to impress]

[I learned that their parents are absent, docile babies want to fly on their own]

[Why not, we'll see what you had in the guts at least]

[Do they know what it's like to give a party at least]

[This girl must be very lucky that these pieces of wood, want to blend in for her]

[It must be really boring to be them]

[Barbie bitch is going to have a job, the competition has just gone up a notch]

[Send well, the grumpy Barbie has her work cut out for her]

ah ah, we may have missed something interesting, I'm waiting for the rest.


Hundreds of thousands of comments have been reposted, not to mention the various comments that are not posted on the forum. It was pretty crazy, and the day just started for them. They've been waiting for years for the Morgensterns to throw parties of a youthful nature, parties that aren't the ones their parents usually throw.

It was a first for them and everyone is excited about this evening, hearts are warming and spirits are on fire.

What went through their minds, cried Kaeli, why did they have to give a party tonight?

Don't worry, they don't know how to do it, for the evenings you are the queen, answers one of these subordinates. No one can steal that from you, it's a gift.

Aike is completely unaware of what is going on around him, but the murmurs and the laughter of excitement are beginning to attract his attention. He turned to his brother with a questioning look.

Don't look at me like that, I don't read people's minds.

Aike keeps staring at him without saying anything but with that same question in his eyes, he knows his brother knows what's going on because he's getting enacted at this bullshit that the students are spouting on the platform.

You know what, I really don't like it when you do that to me. And why don't you use the platform like everyone here does, huh?

Aike continues to stare at him without changing the expression on his face with such seriousness that Ayke shakes his head in annoyance.

You're really boring, you know? Well, it's nothing, we just have a party planned for tonight.

What, are you going to Oleck's party?

What? No, no, but what are you talking about? It is us who will give this evening.

Hey, don't play with the serious stuff Ay, what are you talking about?

Well my dear brother for the sake of our friend and our friendship, we're gonna have one hell of a night.

You're the one who says it. But we don't have to do that, besides he has new friends. Said Aike sulking

I understood that, but I don't intend to let myself be fucked so easily, I'm a little hard to get. he is ours and ours alone, it will remain that way. No question of letting this pretentious rooster Raphael appropriate him, it was us who tamed him.

You know we're talking about a person there, hmm? Aike reminds him in case he has forgotten about this fact.

So what? Ayke replies with a big smile. He says to himself, here I was complaining about Raphael who behaves as if H were a luxury bag, yet I appropriate him as my property. What is this madness? Why do we all want to own him? He's a fucking human being who possesses extraordinary beauty, but he's still a human.

Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking, Aike replies with a skeptical smile.

It is at this moment that Ayke realizes that he spoke the bottom of his thoughts out loud. He smiles stupidly at his brother who still isn't convinced what his brother is up to this time. He can't say either that he is jealous of Raphael although he describes him as his possession.

Well, I think we have an evening to prepare, we have to go home to supervise everything. Aike reminded him.

Nha! No way, we'll just call our dear mother's caterer, we'll just tell her that it's for young people, nothing strict or heavy, what do you think?

You see me delighted buddy, we put ourselves in beautiful sheets for nothing.

It will be a good investment, believe me, and it will be that way for the rest of our lives. Ayke responds enthusiastically.

You know what, you're floating on a little cloud big boy, plus no one knows if he's coming, you know your friend, right?

Yeah, but I'm not discouraged, once our party is in full swing, all the others will be empty and we'll post on the forum so we get everyone's attention to the last one. So no matter what evening he would have chosen, he will end up coming back to us. He doesn't want to be left alone.

Aike is happy with his brother's decision earlier but, it won't help if he says it out loud. With a smirk, the twins left the gymnasium. When H sensed the change in the atmosphere, he immediately began to listen to the conversations that erupted from all over the establishment. The entire school is excited at the idea of this evening while others are skeptical, they do not believe that they are really all invited without exception by the twins. He had promised himself never to go to their house and he intends to keep his promise until the end of his days although his night races always bring him back to this point. He's stubborn, he only does what he wants to do. Think Howie of his inner.

He went out, he picked up his things without bothering to change, he ran home, it's miles to go and he's never tired. He went home, where he found his father and the boys talking. He does not even bother to greet them, he put his hand on his father's shoulder and went to the fridge.

Wait, said Marc, what are you doing here? I should pick you up when you're done with your self-development activities, right?

As you've seen, you don't need to pick me up anymore, dad, I've come back now safe and sound, what's more.

Well, I guess my role as a father is coming to an end, Marc replied in the same weary tone that H used earlier.

By way of a clear answer, Howie grumbled, looking away except in Marc's direction. The boys didn't even look up at him. Marc returned to his chair leaving him to manage his things like a big boy.

Oh! Take back Marc, the boys are there for you, they are organizing a party tonight, they would like you to come. I told them you could go if you want, so they're waiting for your response now.

Thanks but I'm not interested, he put down the bottle of water and walked out of the kitchen leaving the other mute behind. Aike rose from his chair abruptly and ran after him as if he had only just understood Howie's answer.

I'm going to put some common sense in this little prick's head. We were way too nice to him, that's why he keeps bugging us with his nonsense. That's enough today, we've waited long enough for him to come to his senses. Now action is needed.

He arrived in front of H's door while grumbling these words, he opened the door without even bothering to knock, as he usually does. He regretted his gesture and his actions the minute the door opened in front of him, he came face to face with a Howie naked as a worm without any embarrassment, his hair down his back, his eyes half-open, leaning nonchalantly against the door frame.

Damn it! How can you be this shameless? cried Aike surprised

You should be ashamed of showing off as a big pervert, he continues, keeping his eyes on the ceiling. But he screamed so loud that the others downstairs heard his screams, and they all burst out laughing, they all know what he had to go through to put him in such a state. All three know how prudish he is and hates Howie's habits which he deems unhealthy.

He did it again Ayke chuckled as she munched on a cookie.

And they giggled even more. It's a sign for them that H is starting to become the knife Aike carries around in his wound again. There is a glimmer of hope that automatically lit in the heart of each of them but Aike on his side does not yet realize the good side of this confrontation.

How can you call it an exhibition if you're the one who stormed into my room like a hurricane, hm?

Marc remained attentive for the rest of the events when he heard H's answers he deactivated his long-distance listening to concentrate on the two others who keep him company in the dining room where he begins to prepare dinner with a light heart and a discreet smile on his lips, they discuss the evening with Ayke and Alfred. While up there Aike struggles not to punch H.

How did you know it was me?

Howie would like to tell him that he hears him breathing ten thousand miles away, that his heartbeat serves as a lullaby when he can no longer sleep and the sound of his voice is like a winding machine that always takes him far away in paradisiacal places that existed in the times before and which do not exist in this world.

But all he did was eye him up and down in disdain and snapped at him, opening his eyes fully.

You're loud Aike, you kept chattering up the stairs to my door it's normal that I know the spoilsport was none other than you.

But actually, Aike wasn't speaking that loud, he was mumbling those words between his teeth but since he was angry he thinks he must have said those words out loud. the truth is that H listened to his breathing and the sound of his heart, he even felt the blood running through his veins. He has a kind of connection with Aike that prevents him from exposing himself in front of him, which is why he prefers to bully him whenever he is near him.

He raised his head defiantly to face H who was just waiting for him, seeing him defy him with a look or any means he had at his disposal put him in unthinkable joy.

It must be said that he takes a malicious pleasure in tormenting the poor rascal. When their eyes met Howie smiled seeing Aike's serious face, and how determined he was. His smile makes Aike lose all the control he had stored up to face him in the minutes that had passed.

H's smile is like a magnet, the strongest he has ever seen or heard of. He tries to look away before he does another stupid thing similar to last time, but nothing to do he's trapped in his smile like a rat in a trap. he can no longer think properly, he is hypnotized. His body only wants one thing and that is to get even closer to Howie, to touch his lips, his chest, and count every inch of his hard-muscled belly. He chased those thoughts away from him, but they kept coming back and forth in his head.

What? Howie asks teasingly, has sir lost his tongue?

Listening to H's voice talking to him kinda snapped him out of that perilous step, he swore in his head and got mad at himself for getting so distracted every time he saw him in all his glory or every time that he is less of a pain in the ass with him.

He turned on his heels abruptly, to get away from H, but H grabbed him by his elbow and pulled him towards him, and pressed him against his muscular body, he put a hand on his back to hold him in place against him and drew him into the room.

What are you doing? Aike asked him in a hoarse little voice. He felt H's manhood against his flat and firm belly, which made him uncomfortable as shivers ran through his body until he feels goosebumps run all over his body. He wants to struggle to get out of his grip but the pressure exerted by H's hand on his waist tells him that it's just a waste of time.

He let himself be drawn into the room as their eyes connected without being able to detach them from each other. Howie on his side wonders why he did that, he wants to let go and run away at full speed to double-lock himself in his bathroom. while another part of him tells him to take him with him no matter what comes next. Which he does, but he wonders what will he do next?

Aike seized the opportunity presented to him when he read a moment of uncertainty, and confusion on the expression on H's face, it was the first time he had seen such an expression in his eyes. He gathered up all his strength and pushed him away from him. Howie who was lost in his thoughts let his guard down, he felt his prey slip through his fingers. He pulled himself together very quickly and looked at Aike mischievously.

What do you think you are doing kitten?

I'm not a kitten, Aike shouted at him, controlling the tremors in his voice. He wants to avoid at all costs that their debates do not attract the attention of someone else, and above all, he prays that Ayke does not come up. He really doesn't want to have those two on his back.

Howie gets the hell out of me, don't be a fool, but what's the matter with you all of a sudden, huh?

I had missed you, said H to him calmly, it's been a long time since I've made you miserable. Dare to tell me that you didn't miss it too, hm?

Would you mind telling me why I would have missed it, you sick bastard?

Because it's me Howie replies mischievously.

In Aike's head, there is only one thing he hears "grab his balls and crush them under your fingers and he will leave you alone" this thought, as enticing as it may seem, puts him uncomfortable. and he's afraid that if he does such a thing Howie will kill him with one slap. He smiled in spite of himself, at the idea of giving him the change of his coin.

Without knowing how, when he saw that smug smile forming on H's lips, he grabbed his balls with a firm hand, deciding to burst them for him. But we know only too well that our thoughts and desires are often not the best things to do. thinking and action are definitely two different things, one easy and the other only God knows what can happen.

But unfortunately for him, the stick was bigger than he expected, and instead grabbed the balls as he had expected. he ended up with a firm and sturdy stalk in his hand and in full health. Howie who under the heat of his hand seems to take a little volume. Aike's cheeks begin to burn like plastic in the fire without him being able to detach his hand from the object he is holding like a prisoner.

The surprise passed for Howie, he scrutinized Aike's face on fire and a demonic gleam appeared in his eyes, Aike doesn't dare to move, he doesn't know why his fingers refuse to let go and his eyes don't want to change direction. He witnesses the change in expression that scrolls across H's face as if on a display screen. And what he sees there doesn't please him at all; he knows he's in deep shit, shit that he alone is looking for. He got scared...

What do you want to do with it? asks H, You just have to make your request and I'll be at your service. Order and I obey.

I knew that, Aike said in his head he's reckless and insane. I'm really screwed this time.

He shook his head without saying a word and little by little his fingers began to loosen H's half-erect member. he feels lost, H's voice brings him back to reality, if he continues like this he will regain the upper hand shortly.

But H understood that he was coming back to himself, he moved his pelvis which startled Aike, and he opened his eyes wide when he felt his prisoner move back and forth in his hand.

He looked at H with a pleading look, but H couldn't care less. The smile that forms on H's lips takes up more and more space on his face, which does not predict anything good.

Without knowing how Aike found himself perched in H's powerful and muscular arms. after his waking up, his body continues to undergo phenomenal changes, even if he didn't do as many exercises his body will change for sure, it's part of his transformation. he carried him to the bed and settled him down there tenderly and gently. he is aware of his strength and he does everything to avoid being noticed or hurting anyone unintentionally. He shows such tenderness and delicacy that this caught Aike's attention and the fear he felt earlier vanished.

The smell of H's cologne filled his nostrils, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath as H's hair tickled the crook of his neck as H leaned over him to place his head on a pillow to settle him comfortably. Aike followed each movement that the latter makes with infinite gentleness, he is no longer the diabolical Howie he knows and who takes pleasure in making his life a living hell.

He doesn't know how to explain what he's feeling now or what's in front of him. He lets himself be done, maybe it's the first and the last time that H will show such sweetness and attention towards him, his heart leaps in his chest when H's face returns to his level. In his eyes there was no longer a trace of malice, they are so deep and bewitching, they are the path that will lead him to his downfall.

Without thinking too much while maintaining the eye contact he has with H, Aike lifted his head and put his mouth on Howie's lips sweetly.

Howie stares at him without moving, Aike continues to give him small kisses on his mouth and the corner of his lips without Howie opposing or encouraging him. He forced the entry of his mouth with his tongue like Howie had done the last time he'd asked him to kiss him. Howie lets him, he lets him take control of the kiss since he is the one who initiated it. He doesn't want to steal the show from Aike.

After a good ten seconds, Howie changed everything, he passed a hand behind Aike's head to support him before completely invading his personal space, he returned him the kiss which deepens and which becomes intense, his tongue begins to trace a path of fire in Aike's mouth who moans without resistance, he lifts his pelvis unconsciously which touches the body of H which was suspended above his, he had put himself on his elbow to not crush him under his weight, he only wanted to bother him but he hadn't expected that carrying Aike in his arms would be so tempting and satisfying. He reminds him of the time he put him in his bed, how he had taken care of him, it was the first time he had taken care of someone.

He put a hand on Aike's perky ass cheek which he brought towards him, he seized the opportunity that this one offered to him by lifting his pelvis towards him.

Aike moaned louder when he felt the warmth of his hand on his ass through the fabric of his shorts. He touched H's bareback and he flinched under the softness of his hand and fingers. Howie left his mouth he moved his lips to the crook of the latter's neck, he breathed in his perfume mixing with the natural smell of Aike's body, and his whole being rocked up.

He opened his mouth his sharp fangs came out of their hiding place unconsciously he bit into the soft flesh of the throat of his prey who does not even realize that she is dead under this giant with threatening blue eyes and bloody fangs.

The taste of blood on his taste buds woke him up and Howie jumped up abruptly from the bed where Aike lay with his eyes wide open and inert.