
No need soiling your hands, Mr. CEO

"I didn't kill anyone, I know who killed him but I'm not telling you, I'll take the blame for.. everything" Vivian a girl who was lied to by strangers that claimed to be her friends, woke up two days after a mysterious event took the life of her parents and left her with no memories, she didn't even try to find herself but sacrificially offered her life to cover for the people she thought had sacrificed all for her. Vincent, a cold and indifferent CEO who is the most handsome and successful young man in the country, lost his parents and one of his sisters, his parents' bodies were recovered and put to rest but not his sister's.. Now his goal is to find his long lost sibling, dead or alive, and protect the one he has left whom he dotes on so much and does everything to keep her happy and safe. But something happens again enemies attack, and Vincent is left broken. he becomes an empty money machine looking for his sister who was almost found and lost again and also revenge on anyone that hurt his loved ones. but he doesn't need to do that, as fate will have its way, this a story of love, mystery, and karma, with many unexpected turns as we ride on..

anknoel · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

chapter 9

Mike who had just been his PA a few minutes ago was now feeling terrible, those words pierced through his heart and awoke a feeling he hadn't felt in a long time, bitterness. Hatred started surging through his veins as he looked at Vincent, he wanted to kill him right inside his office but compared to the CEO he was weak, he couldn't even be considered a match with Vincent in anything, so he decided to stay low for now, cool down his head and just go home, at least they hadn't taken away his house.

Mike left the office without saying anything and went off to park his stuff. Vincent didn't even feel guilty for his action, he believed that everyone working under him had no right to fail and he never gave second chances to losers and failures, he had given Mike enough time because this matter was delicate, even he couldn't crack the case alone and couldn't just abandon all his work, he still had a sister her cared about and she was his responsibility, so he hired a professional, this case was a highly confidential one and not everyone was allowed to know about it, he gave Mike all the necessary information he could gather but for more than three years now, there was no progress at all, he decided to get a better PA who could handle it right, this time. "Caro, in my office now," Vincent told his secretary on phone, Caro didn't bother knocking, she knew he wouldn't answer and she would definitely get punished with over time if she continued knocking, "put up a vacancy immediately, I need a new PA," Vincent said without looking up.

" But sir what happened to Mike" Caro immediately held her mouth and cursed her guts, this was the first time she had ever questioned her boss and with the way the temperature of the room suddenly dropped, she took note never to do it again. "I would have someone put up another vacancy for a new secretary if you ever get lousy around me again," Vincent said with so much irritation " I'm so sorry sir, it won't happen again, thank you so much, sir. And I was about to tell you, the CEO of Real state is already here" Caro said shakily " why didn't you inform me earlier" Vincent was about to scold her again but remembered that he didn't let her read out his schedule " that's ok, tell him to wait and send the rest of my program for today, to my phone" he said softly " And sir there's a problem with.." "fix it!" Vincent said impatiently, he didn't hire an incompetent secretary. Caro left immediately and got to work. Vincent continued sitting down as if he had forgotten about his meeting, he could just send his PA but for now, he had none and his secretary was busy, his face looked impenetrable as he tried to come up with solutions in his head, he wasn't going to give up, many years had passed but he would find her even if it was the last thing he did, she wasn't dead, he could feel it.


Two months passed slowly and they felt like torture for Jaden, he had searched everywhere but still couldn't find Layla and now he was sitting in that same restaurant where they met and was just about to leave but his phone started ringing, the number was strange and though he didn't like answering calls from people he didn't know, he had a strong hunch it might be Layla so he picked up his phone and to his greatest surprise, he heard the voice he didn't want to ever hear in his life, he had deleted her number and was surprised she hadn't tried to contact him all this while. " Hello sweetheart, it's been so long, I'm surprised you didn't even try to reach out to me, I stood you up on our first date but I'm sorry, I can explain," Sophia said with a sad voice " only a fool wouldn't know what is going on Sophia, did you really think the person you met with Layla was Jordan? That was me and if you still don't understand, let me tell you this clearly right now, it's over!" Jaden shouted impatiently, Sophia's heart finally got shattered, she was hoping it wasn't true, she thought about this, but it couldn't be, she just fully recovered and the first thing she did was try to get to Jaden and he was telling her he did not want her anymore. " Jaden please listen to me, I couldn't call you because my battery was dead and I had an accident on the same day after we met, I needed to go to my parent's place but the accident was fatal, I'm the only one that survived and that was because I fought to live for you, please don't do this to me, I will kill myself if you dare leave me, Jaden I tell you this, it won't go well for you, consider my condition please, I'm still your girlfriend" Sophia sobbed Jaden was a little surprise, but he had already assumed the worst when she hadn't called him after a while " I'm sorry for your loss miss Sophia but I have found someone else so please forget me and move on," he said coldly. " No! never, Jaden you are mine, this is about Layla isn't it, I'm gonna kill her, I swear! I dare you Jaden, try me and you'll surely regret it! You were.." Sophia was saying but Jaden hung up. He didn't feel scared or pressured, he had heard enough of her ramblings and was sick of it, let her do whatever she wants, she could kill herself, but if she even just thought of hurting Layla, she wouldn't like the outcome.

Jaden just got up and left, Sophia had just ruined his mood, he will try looking for Layla some other day, he wasn't gonna give up easily. Meanwhile, Sophia was having a hard time breathing, this was it, she wasn't gonna take this lying down, "now I know why I never liked that girl from the beginning, she's a witch! Who the hell does she think she is, because of that pretty face she wants to take away my happiness, that will be over my dead body!" Sophia screamed furiously, she wasn't strong yet but had recovered from the accident two months ago and just moved back to her house, even though her parents thought she wasn't strong enough, The accident was a brutal one and Sophia had almost lost her leg and left eye, her parents spent a lot of money but the doctors weren't even certain before the surgery if she was ever going to use her left eye or legs again but miraculously, everything went well, after staying at home for a while she could finally walk again, her eyesight wasn't as good as before but at least she could still see. Sophia was about to sleep after crying over her spilled milk but heard a knock on the door, her maid went to get it, and when she returned, there was someone that stood behind the maid and this was the last person Sophia expected to see right now. " Hello, Mr. Mike, may I help you? How did you know my house and please, what are you doing here?" Sophia asked. " The name's Mark miss Sophia, I've passed by a few times but it seems you're never at home, don't worry I only came to return your purse, I hope you don't mind that I went through it because I was looking for possible things that could help me locate you" Mark replied as he handed over the purse. Sophia had already forgotten about her purse, everything inside the purse was replaceable so she hadn't really lost too much. " Thank you so much, Mike, sorry I mean Mark," she said insincerely "do you mind sitting down for some tea?" She proposed hoping that he would refuse, even though things hadn't gone well, she still owed this man and the least she could do was invite him in. " Sure thing, I don't mind, I think I still have some time before I meet up with my business partner, why don't you come with me, we can have a proper date once that is done," Mark said confidently. " I'm so sorry Mr. Mark, I just got out of the hospital and I'm still recovering, I'm not allowed to go out just yet," Sophia said as she tried not to lose her patience with this man who always acted like a creep, it was bad enough that he had accepted her invitation and she had to spend time with him. One of Sophia's maids brought them tea and some cookies and they drank silently, after about thirty minutes Mark started speaking. " Sofi, what a lovely dress you have, where did you buy it from?" Sophia didn't even bother responding and just took out a cookie, so Mark continued speaking " Sophia, it's obvious you know how I feel about you isn't it? Please give me a chance and I promise to live for you".