
No need soiling your hands, Mr. CEO

"I didn't kill anyone, I know who killed him but I'm not telling you, I'll take the blame for.. everything" Vivian a girl who was lied to by strangers that claimed to be her friends, woke up two days after a mysterious event took the life of her parents and left her with no memories, she didn't even try to find herself but sacrificially offered her life to cover for the people she thought had sacrificed all for her. Vincent, a cold and indifferent CEO who is the most handsome and successful young man in the country, lost his parents and one of his sisters, his parents' bodies were recovered and put to rest but not his sister's.. Now his goal is to find his long lost sibling, dead or alive, and protect the one he has left whom he dotes on so much and does everything to keep her happy and safe. But something happens again enemies attack, and Vincent is left broken. he becomes an empty money machine looking for his sister who was almost found and lost again and also revenge on anyone that hurt his loved ones. but he doesn't need to do that, as fate will have its way, this a story of love, mystery, and karma, with many unexpected turns as we ride on..

anknoel · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

chapter 2

Things changed when Jenny got a real boyfriend and she invited him to their house, the boy who was a rich spoiled kid called Daniel fell in love with Vivian at first sight, Vivian was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen and she looked so innocent that anyone who saw her thought she was an angel, the same thing happened to each and every one of the girls, their boyfriends all fell for the same girl, they tried not to bring them to their house or let any of the boys see Vivian but it seemed like Fate was against them. Though many boys chased Vivian, she never gave in to any this only made Jenny and the three other girls hate her to the core, they had lost rich men and big fortunes because of her. They sat down one day and decided to frame her so she could go away from their lives and stop giving them bad luck, they were assassins who got paid to kill people, Jenny killed her boyfriend because he left her and Fiona did same. Someone paid them to eliminate a whole family, they killed two kids and the man's wife, hid them away and sent Vivian an address to come and meet them, she came when they had just killed the man but they twisted the story and said the man was trying to kill them, Vivian was very naive and instantly believed the people she trusted most in this world, she still felt bad for the dead man but she reasoned out that they had only tried to protect themselves and that was a good thing, Vivian knows that killing someone was bad and her friends might get into trouble, she didn't want that. Everyone was quiet and the more Prisca thought about what they had done to Vivian the guiltier she felt.

"Hey girls, you're here, you shouldn't be, please don't worry about me, I've told you times without number that I'm fine, please you should go now" the girls were startled when they saw Vivian, they had waited for too long and couldn't speak freely because there were in a police station and we're too scared to get caught, so they had spent all their time there thinking and calculating stuff in their head. "Ok, but we brought you food, it's your favorite, take this quick, and don't let anyone know you have food or these people might take it from you and eat it, they look so hungry," Jenny said as she took the food from Prisca and handed it over to Vivian. "Thank you so much, you still care for me so much, they haven't put me in the cell, I'm still in the interrogation room..". "We'll leave now Vivian, take care of yourself" Jenny cut her off before she could finish speaking as she got up and left, the others followed.


Layla was so nervous as she looked forward to seeing the love of her life after such a long time, only six months had passed but to her, it felt like an eternity. She kept pacing around until her brother couldn't take it anymore " ok pull it together baby sister, I don't get why you are so worked up, this man in question isn't worth it if you ask me" Vincent complained in an annoyed tone, Layla just paused to glare at him and continued pacing around:" Vince do you think he's gonna like the present I prepared for him? What if He's no longer the Jaden that left me six months ago, what if he no longer finds me attractive, oh my God Vince I'm gonna die I swear" She started sobbing "Hey little girl just what are you thinking tearing up like that?" Vince asked, " he is coming back alright, he told you to wait for him, he even informed you he'll be here soon so why don't you just chill and wait, you don't want him seeing you after such a long time with this ugly look and puffy eyes do you?" " You are right brother, he wouldn't have called me first if he didn't love me anymore, I could still feel the love just from his voice, Jaden hasn't changed at all he is still the most handsome and most caring person in the world after you of course" Vince just narrowed his eyes for a while and then rolled them "there we go again, "He thought "I know this is like the third time and it's just noon but I should take a bath now, my hair is all messed up and I can't feel my jaws," vee said as she rushed to her bathroom, she had been so excited when Jaden said he was coming but now, more than anything, she was anxious and couldn't just shake out the bad feeling no matter how hard she tried.

She entered and sat in the bathtub slowly like she was being careful not to make any noise or splash water, anyone who knew Layla will know immediately that she was super distressed and uneasy right now because her very close pals had known for a long time that she used the shower every day and only went to the bath tube if she was worried or stressed out, she immersed herself in the water, let her head fall backward and decided to just stay in that particular position for a few minutes, and slowly, she fell asleep. Layla suddenly heard the bell ring and before she could stop herself, she got up dried her body with a towel, and quickly dashed out to her room, she was sure Jaden was already around and she didn't want to keep him waiting because she knew how awkward things could get between Jaden and her brother, she didn't even care to make up or let anyone tie her hair properly, she just took the dress prepared for her, wore it and put her shoes on too, rushed down excitedly to the living room and saw no one there but her brother, "Vince where is he, I mean Jaden, please tell me you didn't scare him away with your gloomy attitude" Layla panicked, Vince had an amused look on his face and replied "he's gone, that cranky lover of yours isn't here anymore, he left" "no, that's not true!!" Layla panicked "Vince you're kidding right? I know you are, please tell me where he is?" "Hehehe, you should see the look and your face, a ghost is better, compared to you right now" Vincent joked, " he did come here, but he left almost immediately, if you are that anxious to see him why don't you go over and meet him?" Layla started to have a funny feeling and cried out "Oh my God, Jaden would not come here and leave without seeing me, even if you give him an attitude or make him sad, he'll see me if I am in the house at least, oh no, Vincent I think something is wrong, did he mention where he was leaving to?".

"He sure did" Vincent replied, " I think there's something wrong with his grandma, he got a call when he arrived here and I heard him mention something about taking her to the hospital tomorrow and then he said he'll be back" Layla was disappointed that he left so soon and was also feeling bad for his grandma, granny Margaret " I'll go there right now, I wanna see Jaden and I need to know how his grandma is" she just took her bag and left without saying anything else. Vince was grinning like a Cheshire cat as he suddenly woke up and went to his room to change, Layla didn't even bother calling her driver, she just entered her car and zoomed off.

She arrived at Jaden's family house after about 40minutes and immediately went in without even bothering to knock, the door was open and everywhere seemed quiet, she passed through their library into the sitting room but everywhere remained quiet even after she had called out a few times to alert anyone who was at home. " Maybe they already left for the hospital " Layla assumed, she was about to call Jaden and make an inquiry about the hospital and its location but suddenly she heard some quick footsteps, and then when she turned to see who it was, her heart stopped beating for a second and she dreamily watched the love of her life approach her, oh how she had missed him so much, she was so excited, ran towards him and flung herself on Jaden's body, Layla's physique was one to be admired and at that moment she looked like a dancer getting caught by her partner, Jaden allowed her to crash softly on him and his hands were around her slender waist, immediately she got that close to him she looked up into his hazel eyes and opened her mouth to speak the only words that came out were "I missed you". Jaden knew she was tearing up already and just hugged her very tight before she could say anything else, Layla closed her eyes and inhaled his unique scent and she held unto him like she would never let go.