
Hoping for Tomorrow

"Fucking whore, who do you think you aHHHHHHHHH!"

Bobby's rantings were cut short as Ava, taking advantage of the fact Bobby was still on the ground, kicked him in his crotch again. Stepping forward and watching as Ruth and Elly took a step back in tandem, Ava let out a cold smile.

Stepping towards Bobby, she watched the ferocity in Bobby's eyes bubble, as he stared at her with hatred. A moment later, Bobby resisted the pain and jumped off the ground, once again trying to grapple Ava.

Expecting this maneuver Ava didn't even have to dodge, simply stopping in her steps and watching as Bobby's desperate attack fell short, and he fell on the floor in front of her. Looking down at Bobby, Ava smiled and kneeled down before punching Bobby on the face, hitting once, twice, three times until she saw a dazed look appearing in his eyes.

Then, reaching into her cloths, she took out a small black looking pill before shoving it into Bobby's mouth and then lifting his chin with her knife and watching him swallow.

Satisfied, Ava took a few steps back. "Think ya' can behave now?"

Coughing at the astringent taste in his mouth, Bobby couldn't help but look up at Ava in fear, "What, what'd you feed me you lil-"

Frowning, Ava kicked Bobby on the face again. How stupid was this man to still not realize the situation he was in? Although ultimately the language didn't change anything, with a less patient, and perhaps more skilled kidnapper Bobby would have lost his tongue by now.

Taking a few steps back to ensure that if Bobby tried anything she would have ample time to react in case Bobby tried anything again, she walked over to Ruth who was in a corner. Every step Ava took forward, Ruth took a few steps back and quickly Elly ran into the edge of the tent and fell down, pulling Ruth with her.

Looking at the scene, Ava couldn't help but be annoyed. Although she needed this family to be cowardly and greedy, there had to be a limit right? As things were they were just frustrating to be around. Looking down at Ruth, Ava said, "I'll talk to you because the idiot over there doesn't seem capable of understanding. You're going to bring me into town saying that I'm your daughter. Try anything stupid, and dumbass over there dies of a high fever and I'll kill the both of you before I go."

Of course, assuming they really did try anything, Ava wouldn't bother putting herself in risks way just to get even, although what she said about Bobby was true, the pill she had fed him wasn't anything special, it was just a clump of charcoal and dirt she had shaped into a ball, instead it was the needle she stabbed into his chest earlier that was a problem.

Ava didn't have any talent with poison, and none of what the Rat had would keep Bobby alive long enough for her purposes, so she had simply found a pile of rat shit (the animal, not the person), and dipped the needles inside. Although it wasn't a perfect poison, Ava figured it was more then enough to make Bobby sick beyond reason.

As Ava was speaking to Ruth, the idiot in the background once again began to stir. Instead of just slowly crawling over and trying to ambush Ava, instead he decided to open his caustic mouth again, "A little fucking bitch like you wants to get into the town? Not in your lifetime…"

Standing in front of Ruth, Ava scratched her chin, "Actually, is there anyone in town who knows you're with that idiot? I'm perfectly fine with letting him die on the way there. I only really need one of the two of you to be around."

In front of Ava, Ruth simply fell backwards, squishing Elly a bit in the process, "Demon… demon…"

Sighing, Ava couldn't help but be frustrated. She had thought that considering they were bold enough to try to kidnap a child and rob her in broad daylight, they would be able to hold up enough to conduct a reasonable negotiation, but from the looks of it the two of them were simply bad people who had no experience crossing the law. At most they would be the unreasonable couple who expected everyone to cater to them.

Standing up, Ava shook her head and stepped towards the entrance of the tent, "Get your shit together or none of you will be making it to the town." Then, sending them one last disdainful glance, she exited the tent and found a secluded corner to rest. No matter how much she had cowed the trio, it was still best not to give them any chances. Although she was a light sleeper and was fairly confident that none of the three of them could do anything to harm her, there was no point in giving them more chances to resist.

Right now her best course of action was to give them some space. Perhaps over the course of a night, especially after they started seeing Bobby's fever act up they'd realize that they didn't have a choice but to work with her. But in the meantime she might as well think of other ways she could potentially get into town assuming the family of three failed to come through. After all, a cornered rat will fight back? And rats at least had a basic survival instinct. Looking at the idiotic and cowardly measures of the trio, who knew what stupid schemes they could think of.

Staring into the dark night, Ava couldn't help but feel her stomach grumbling. She had spent the whole day dealing with the idiotic family, and of course when they were preparing their meals, they hadn't bothered making a portion for her.

Seeing that all the campfires in the cavern had long since fallen to embers, Ava rummaged around in her bag and found a small piece of blackbread that she softened with her saliva before chewing it.

Hopefully tomorrow would be a better day.