
No Matter How Much You Hate Me.

H5NR25 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

This Is A Human??

(?? Pov)

I just finished getting out of the shower and changing into pajamas for the night. It was really really cold so I decided to put on warm and big oversized pajamas. I grabbed my book and phone and went to bed after lighting the camp fire. The time passed quickly as the reading time gained minutes after minutes. The first six parts were finished of my new manga novel. The soft thump of the book and my phone now on the charger I laid down and tried to sleep before my insomnia tried to keep me up in a sweeping and romantic loving embrace. Then out of no where I heard a thump. I sat up and looked at my door still locked I thought. Turning back I saw someone to the right of me it was some sort of creature. "Hello human 16 year old male I am alien number x/b/c/b/x/b/c-1516-471516, and what is your number human?" "I am Haru, Haru Mihuah" "I see you go by labels instead of the superiors way called numbering by when we are created." "Y...Your n...not human?" Came my voice quivering and hoping it was fake.

(Aliens Pov)

I looked at the human and said, "Of course not I'm an alien and I'm gonna stay right here with you till and only until my superiors come and eventually find me. He started saying I could not and I couldn't pick that choice. I soonly afterwards told him he would or he would be destroyed by me and erased by me from this home he calls his. He gave in and gladly accepted. I watched him lay down and close his eyes watching him try to sleep. "Ugh, I'll help him sleep it looks like he has a sixteen ounce trouble with insomnia. I laid down and cuddled him as soonly after he fell asleep. I know this is a human I thought, but by how cute it is, there supposed to be evil looking right? This is a human?