
Undefined 3

"It’s such a pleasant surprise. I didn’t know you would be here." Mr. Kings remarked as he stood up from his car.

An employee pushed Mason out of the way, and he walked swiftly to Mr. Kings.

"Hey, watch it!" Mason snapped angrily.

"I am sorry." The employee apologized and placed the document on the table before running out of the office.

"Have a seat." Mr. Kings said, pointing at the seat in front of his desk.

"Forget it. I am not here to be your favorite son, but to tell you my mind." Mason said rudely and put his leg on the chair, one thing his father hated.

"A chair is meant to be sat on." Mr. Kings commented.

"I know, but I am not here to sit. I want to ask you a few questions. I want you to be honest with me." Mason said with a serious expression.

"I knew something was up the moment you walked through that door, go on son." Mr. Kings stated.

"Why haven’t you been coming home? For almost a decade now, I have never gotten to see you at home," Mason said.

"Hmm, your mom must have told you. You know, we are both working class people and I can’t go home when my company needs me. You can see the work load I have here." Mrs. Kings said, dropping his pen on the table.

"Work? Are you sure you are working or spending time with a side chick? " Mason said, raising his voice.

"Don't be rude to me, son; you know I despise it, and you know I'm not the type to cheat." Mr. Kings asserted.

"I know you more than you know yourself. I see you staring at big boobs ladies whenever they walk by. Don’t forget you have a lot of nasty magazines on your nightstand." Mason said. Mr. Kings' face flushed, and his face scrunched into a frown.

"Have you been going through my stuff?" he asked in a rumbling tone.

"Yes, and it’s nothing. I had to since you and my mom have decided to get a divorce without telling me." Mason remarked.

"A divorce? Where did you hear such a thing?" Mr. Kings inquired.

"Stop acting like you don’t have a clue. Those expressions don’t work on me." Mason remarked and turned his face to the door when a beautiful white woman strolled into the office. She was a redhead. She smiled at him and flipped her hair backwards. Her fragrance filled the air.

"Who is she?" Mason asked, staring at her extremely large breasts that were almost resting on her stomach.

"This is Lily, my business partner." Mr. Kings introduced she hugged him and kissed him on the cheek.

"You mean your wife?" She whispered, but Mason heard what she said and screwed up his face.

Mason slammed his hand on the table

"So, it was true. You are really getting a divorce without thinking of me. How I am going to feel." Mason ranted.