

"What’s wrong?" he inquired. She heaved a sigh and stared at him. 

"We can’t do this. It is wrong. You are a married man, and I am engaged," she said. He frowned and grabbed her hand.

"Why are you bringing up a topic we've already discussed? I love you and you love me. Why don't we put all our worries aside and be together? I promise I'll get a divorce as soon as possible," he said with a confident smile.

"How am I…" he cut in.

"I know you are thinking about Xavier. I will handle him. You just need to give me time to divorce and end your relationship with Xavier." He stated. She stared at him with her eyebrows lowered and pulled together, she felt the urge to kiss him. She stared into his eyes and smiled, desperate for him to kiss her. He smiled and pulled her into an embrace, inhaling her scent with his hand wrapped around her body.

"I miss you so much," he muttered. "I miss you too," she muttered, and the door of the exit started moving. She opened her eyes wide in shock and pulled away from the hug.

"Wait! Don’t shut the door!" She yelled and grabbed the doorknob before the person at the other end could lock it. 

"Sorry, I didn’t know someone was in there." The security on the other side said.

"You shouldn’t have panicked. We could have just used the stairs." he remarked.

"The stairs have been locked, sir." The security inquired and waited for them to walk out of the room before shutting the door. 

"Where is Peter? I can’t believe you kidnapped an old man because of me. You are something else," she teased.

"You made me go crazy, so I did all I could to get your attention and it worked in my favour, Now I don’t care about what anyone says, I must get married to you, I don’t care about my parents or your parents, let’s get married." he said, gazing at her hand as she attempted to remove the ring Xavier gave to her. 

"Wait, I can’t take it off just yet. I still haven’t told Xavier about this. I still need to prepare myself because he will be heartbroken. I hope you understand." She said, staring at him with a worried expression. 

"I…it’s fine, I understand. Take care of yourself and don’t think too much. okay, everything is going to be alright." He assured stroking her face. She smiled and frowned. She was disappointed she didn’t get the kiss she wanted. There was this spark she felt while kissing him, and she missed his embrace. She couldn’t wait to be his wife, even if he had a wife now. 

"It’s late, you should go home," he said.

"What about Peter?" she asked. He chuckled. "He went home a long time ago." He replied.

"Wow! I thought he was still in your custody. It seems you didn’t lose all your senses," she commented with a smirk. 

"Come on, I have to go now. See you tomorrow," he said and winked, walking away.

"Mason, wait!" she said in a low tone, extending her hand to him, but he didn’t hear her. She looked down and turned away, walking to the garage. She opened the door of her car and was about to open it when someone hugged her from behind, grabbing her tightly.

"Ow, let go of me. Who the fuck are you!" She groaned and elbowed the person on the chest. She turned back and attempted to slap the person when Mason held her hand in the air.

"You move too fast." He muttered and let go of her hand. 

"I wanted to give you a surprise. I want to see you take off. I won’t be at rest until you leave." He beamed and trapped her in front of the car, moving his face closer to her with his gaze fixed on her lips and a big smile on his face. She put her hand on his chest, looking up at him. "Finally, what I have been waiting for." she thought, closing her eyes.

 He leaned in and claimed her lips. He felt an electric current run down his spine and pressed his lips against hers and kissed her softly before letting go of her. She slowly opened her eyes and stared at him with a frown. She looked disappointed, but he was saving the kiss for later because of the people that were standing behind them watching them. He saw them on the glass of the car. 

"Go home," he said, helping her into the car. She was stunned that he had changed a little bit, he wasn’t immature anymore. She got into the car and started the car, smiling at him. He waved his hand at her.

"Goodbye, my love." She muttered. "Wow! I miss saying that." She remarked and drove off. Mason stared into thin air. He was overwhelmed with joy. He sniffed his hand in excitement, inhaling her scent.

"After all these years, she finally accepted me. Now that she is by my side, getting rid of Lily won’t be hard." he thought with an evil grin and headed back to the hotel.

As soon as Amber arrived at her mansion, Xavier was waiting for her in the living room. He was sitting on her couch watching TV with a remote in his hand.

"You finally came back; close the door behind you." He declared. "Okay." She muttered and shut the door, with her gaze fixed on him. She didn’t have the courage to face him.

"What are you still doing in my house? Why don’t you go to bed? I am sleepy now. We can talk tomorrow." She said, walking toward the stairs.

"Stop! Don’t take another step, I am your fiancé, you have to listen to me, come sit beside me and watch TV with me while you tell me about your encounter with Mason, what did he want?" he asked glaring at her. She closed her eyes shut and sighed.