
Dropout 3

I guess I will have to go to Mason's father's hotel. It's not like I am going to meet him there. I rolled my eyes and got up from the couch. I snuck into Daniel's room to use his laptop to book a hotel room. I pray I don't get caught.

I slowly opened the screen of the laptop and started booking the hotel room really quickly, with my eyes fixed on the door. If I get caught, I will be doomed.

"Sorry bro, I will have to use your credit card." I mumbled and clicked on pay.

I spin in his chair, the first phase of my plan is complete. Maybe I can do something reasonable with my life from now on. A lot of dropouts are billionaires now. There is nothing I can't do.

"Hmm, what are you doing in my husband's room without telling me?" Bella inquired, staring at me from the door, look at her interrogating me in my own house.

"Nothing." I said with a toothy smile and quickly cleared the search history on the browser.

"What are you up to, girl?" She muttered, staring at the PC. 

"Nothing, just checking something on this laptop." I said, and shut it down.

"Why does it have to be his? Can't you use yours?" She inquired.

"Mine is out of battery." I pouted, walking out of the room.

"What do you think we can have for dinner? I am starving. Want a cheeseburger? Mac and cheese, baked beans, pepperoni pizza..." I cut in.

"Burger? Are you kidding me? Almost all the foods you mentioned are junk food." I whined.

"What should we eat then? I can't make dinner tonight. I just want to order." She stated staring at her fingernails.

"Mom will be the judge of that." I snarled.

After a long dinner with my family, it was time for bed. I fell on the bed with Bella beside me, going through my phone for the latest news about the perfumer when Xavier sent me a friend request on Facebook. I accepted his friend request and held my Google Voice. I sent him a long message insulting him and finally blocked him.

I feel good about myself and the new me. I don't give a shit about what he thinks of me now. He deserves what he got, asshole.

I snuggled myself into bed and drifted to sleep.

It was finally the day of the party. I decided to wear a long flowery red gown that my mom got for me. It was a close fit and it highlighted my curves. I looked at my curly hair in the black mirror.

"I look beautiful." I complimented myself. It was the mid-evening. I had decided to sneak out of the house to attend the party. Daniel had been nagging about money missing from his credit card. I laughed it off as if I knew nothing and blamed it on Bella. But he didn't believe a word I said because she was so innocent and he trusted her. I wish I had someone who could trust me that way.