

"The chefs have done that. I just assisted them a little," one of the maids replied.

"You can all leave," Peter said, dismissing them with his hand. They all bowed and scattered around the house, going to their different destinations. 

Peter turned around, attempting to walk to the door when he spotted Mason. "Oh, you are here. I didn’t see you here." Peter said and bowed with respect.

"Where did Amber go?" Mason asked with a straight face.

"She went to see her mother. She is on her way here," he replied. Why can’t this guy just leave my boss alone. he thought. 

"What did you say?" Mason asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing. Why don’t you have a seat. I will go get you some tea." Peter said pointing at the stairs and walked away to the kitchen without waiting for Mason’s response. Mason shrugged and sat on one of the huge couches that was in the middle of her living room. 

He rested his head on the couch as he stared at the beautiful photos of Amber advertising her brands on the walls. She looked sexy and confident in the picture, but she hadn’t changed a lot in his opinion. He crossed his legs, admiring the pictures with a beautiful smile on his handsome face.

A knock came from the door. Mason ignored the knock, and the person at the other end kept knocking on the door. 

"Um, Peter, there is someone at the door." He said, but Peter didn’t come out of the kitchen. He got up from the couch, and sauntered to the door. He opened the door and saw a group of police officers standing at the door, and they were all carrying huge guns, like they wanted to fight a war. His eyes lit up. He made his way out of the house and shut the door behind him, looking at them with his head held high.

"Who are you guys looking for?" he asked with his chin up.

"Is Miss Amber at home? We are here to guide this house to catch a criminal," one of them said.

"Criminal?" Mason asked, confused, who could the criminal be? Maybe the person that locked her father in the blood bank or what, he was confused. The leader of the cops was also suspecting if Mason was the one they were looking for, he was checking Mason out. They both stared at each other for a few seconds.

"We will be hiding behind the house. In case Miss Amber gets home, tell her we are already here." The leader said he knew if they stood around the house they would scare the criminal away and if it was Mason, Amber would let them know. 

"Let’s go!!" He said in a deep voice, and all the cops scattered, running to different directions of the mansion to hide, while some poked their heads at the other edge of the mansion, staring at the door.

Amber What are you up to? What criminal are you trying to catch? I thought I already hired a detective to catch the criminal, and he told me he had caught him. Was that a lie, or was there another criminal? He thought and shoved his hand into his pocket, staring at the gate as if he knew Amber was coming. 

A black jeep drove into the mansion, and he could see Xavier behind the wheels, with Amber sitting beside him. They didn’t see him.

What are they doing together isn’t he dead? He thought, with a frown, he was getting jealous. He ran to where they were and hid behind the fence, staring at them. As they talked to one of the cops, he listened to their conversation, but he didn’t understand a thing. Xavier returned to the car and sat in the back seat, folding his body against the seat. Amber cut the door behind him.

Mason adjusted his jacket. He didn’t know why he was hiding. He came out of hiding and approached Amber.

"Don’t come out until I tell you to." She said to them, and they all nodded in agreement. She turned around to go when she spotted Mason. She gasped in surprise.

"Freeze!!" The cops chorused, pointing their guns at Mason, who put his hands in the air, terrified. He couldn’t believe Amber would suspect him of killing her father. He froze in place in utter shock. Amber placed her hand on her chest, catching her breath. She was startled; she thought he was Lucas and the cops too. She was already scared about the whole thing.

"Put down your guns, he is not the one." she said to the cops, who put down their guns and stood back.

"We are sorry, Miss." One of them apologized. 

"Why didn’t you tell me before you came?" she asked.

"I tried calling you several times but your phone was unreachable and your sister-in-law picked up my call earlier this morning. She told me you were getting married to Xavier now and that I shouldn’t disturb you." Mason said in a low tone. Her face flushed. 

"Bella." she said, through gritted teeth. "She is right. I am getting married to him now. Isn’t that what you wanted?" She asked. His eyes widened, and she could see the disappointment in his face.

"I thought of that, but you turned me down. But why did you change your mind all of a sudden?" he asked with a clenched jaw. She pursed her lips trying to speak, but she couldn’t find the right words that wouldn’t hurt him because she had already broken his heart and she felt horrible inside. He chuckled and grinned, shaking his head.

"You have ruined my life. I hope you are happy," he said in a calm tone and started walking away heavily, in anger, and got into his car, driving out of the mansion with great speed and nearly hit some cops. She extended her hand to him.

"Mason, wait, I…" She couldn’t complete her speech when she couldn’t see his car anymore. He was gone. Xavier saw the whole thing through the window. He kind of felt bad for Mason, but he didn’t know why. Amber slowly dropped her hand.

"Miss, you should go in now. We are running out of time." One of the cops said, jolting her out of her trance. She bit her bottom lip and her eyes drifted to Xavier, who quickly put his head down. She felt embarrassed. She had destroyed Mason’s marriage and now she had dumped him. 

She sadly went back into her mansion and dropped down on the couch, staring into thin air. The last words from her dad were still ringing in her head. She fanned her face with her hand, trying hard not to cry. She wished she could get married to both of them. 

"Miss, are you okay?" Peter asked as he approached her with a hot cup of tea with steams escaping from it. He cast a sidelong glance; perhaps Mason had left. He thought with a grin.

"Here, have some tea." he said, and handed the cup of tea to her. She took it from him. 

"Thank you, Peter," she said with her sad eyes and started blowing the hot tea while she drank it. 

"Everything will be alright." Peter said in a coaxing tone and sat next to her on the couch, watching as she drank the tea. He was about to speak when the door burst open and Lucas ran into the house. He ran to Amber’s feet, she looked at him thunderstruck, and tossed the cup of tea to the floor, breaking the cup into pieces and spilling the tea on the floor. He let go of her feet and stared at Peter.

"Please excuse us. I want to have a word with her." Lucas said and grasped her wrist. She stood on her feet, following him like she wasn’t in control of her legs. He stopped at the other side of the living room and touched her delicate face, looking into her eyes.

"You look sad and your eyes are puffy. This means only one thing: you have been crying," he said, and spotted a white handkerchief in her beast pocket. He dragged out the handkerchief with two fingers and used it to wipe away the little tears that were forming under her eyes.

"I heard your fiancé is dead in the news today. You must be heartbroken. I already knew that we were meant to be together." He said with a smile.

"Are you happy that my fiancé is dead?" she raised a question.

"Of course not, he shouldn’t have died. It’s very painful and heartbreaking. Why would I be happy that he is dead? I would be a devil if I was happy." He said, hitting his chest with a smug smile. That made her frown, staring at him in disgust. She was convinced that he really wanted to get rid of Xavier. 

"You should have just said no, you shouldn’t have made such a long speech," she remarked. He laughed.

"Hahaha, I like your sense of humor, that’s why I like everything about you," he said and grasped her hand.

"Look Amber, just agree to be with me, I will stick with you forever, and I won’t die and leave you alone in this earth just like your fiancé, did." he said and touched the ring in her finger. He spotted Peter who was still looking at them and gnashed his teeth.