
Nirvana and the inferno

Omg! How can this dangerous gate open? For the sake to save the world, and to close that door she married an....

SparkleXXIV · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Wow Nirvana

Iris love for her grandparents was intense, she hugged them so tightly, her grandparents became over-sentimental. They hugged Becky too and introduced Becky and Iris to the villagers. Everyone danced, sung and enjoyed. Iris was completely burned out after a full day of performances, Becky took her to the bed. Her grandparents came and kissed her. That was a very pleasant night for Iris. Nancy (Abigor's mother) told Becky to take some rest too. Everyone was happy but Becky's heart was full of pain and why not, she lost her husband. The wet pillow was the evidence of her misery. She was missing Abigor.

"Wow!! Nirvana, oh my god such a nice place, everywhere natural beauty, such a gorgeous sky, these butterflies are too beautiful", said Iris.

Iris was in Nirvana and suddenly she heard something "Come here Honey, come.", she turned her head back and looked his dad.

"Dad why are you here?", asked Iris.

No reply came, she kept on shouting suddenly everything was vanished.

Iris woke up and was sweating profusely. Becky in a very tensed voice asked "Honey what happened?".

That dream made Iris blood run cold. She loved her parents a lot and this dream made her a bundle of nerved. she told Becky about that beautiful place and that place turning disguised as a nightmare. Becky hugged her tightly and put her to sleep. Becky had a calming smile on her face because she knew that his husband is really in heaven(Nirvana) because of the good deeds.

Next morning, Iris grandparents hugged her. Nancy made her sit in her laps. Iris sadness was clearly visible on her face. Jackson asked her "What happened to my sweetheart?", Iris told them about her dream. They both got panicked, Nancy started crying. Till then Becky come and said "Mom why are you crying, dad what happened?", Jackson told her about Iris dream. Becky calmed them, with a sentimental voice Nancy said" I lost my own son for so many years during his childhood, I can't loose him again."

"Mom that was just a dream, don't worry", said Becky.

Becky went into her room and started weeping, she knew she was telling a big lie just for the sake of her child's happiness.

"Let me show you our village", said Mr. Jackson Hale.

Iris and Jackson was seeing the village and after sometime they returned.

"See there is a lot of space to play, but don't go deeper inside the forest", said Jackson.

Iris was playing with her doll and suddenly she heard some voices coming from inside the forest.

"Which type of voices are coming? " Iris murmured in herself.

She stood up and started following that voice, At that moment Becky shouted "Stop honey, you can't go inside that forest".Iris came back to her mother, Becky angrily took her inside and scolded her till then Nancy and Jackson came. Nancy asked Becky" Why are you scolding my sweetheart? ". Becky told them that Iris was going inside of that forest. Jackson warned Iris not to go. Iris couldn't understand why her family was behaving too strange.

The evening sun cast long shadows on the ground. The slanting rays of the setting sun gave a warm orange ting to the sky, Iris was looking out of her window, she saw a boy going inside the forest and then suddenly he disappeared. Iris ran to go out but till then Nancy called her for dinner. Iris asked her mimi" Who can go inside that forest? ". Nancy looked at Iris and said " Only adults and woodcutter can go, children's are not allowed ".

Iris was going to tell her mimi about that boy, Becky told her to eat and stop talking nonsense. They all had their dinner and after sometime everyone went to their beds.

" Come honey, come here" said stranger.

"But who are you? " asked Iris.

"Don't ask questions, follow me" said stranger.

Iris followed that stranger and she reached near a tree and that stranger told her to go inside that tree

"I will not go, who are you? " asked Iris.

"No come with me" said stranger.

Iris woke up, she took a deep breathe and said "Such an abhorrent dream".

" Any problem honey? "asked Becky.

" No mommy "said iris.

" Then sleep peacefully "said Becky.

Iris kept on thinking about that stranger, she was becoming curious to go inside that forest.

Next morning Iris was gazing at that forest from her window, and once again she saw that boy going inside that forest. This time she decided to follow him. Silently she went out of her house and started following that boy. She was going deeper and deeper in that forest and suddenly that boy turned his head towards Iris. That boy asked "Who are you? ".

" Hey.. I am Iris hale" said Iris.

"Why are you following me? " asked that boy.

"Because I wanted to go inside this forest" said Iris.

"But you can't go" said that boy.

"But why? " asked Iris.