
Ninja Titan

Simeon_E_Tyrese · História
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1 Chs

1. The rise of haruto yochi

That you lovee you just scchas

In Japan there was a clan called the jezo clan. Then in the clan they had a member call haruto yochi. Haruto yochi was one of the most power and skilled ninja in the clan. And he was so special in the clan because his the teacher of the ninjas in the clan. And he is skilled and he is all regarded as a Shinobi. And in every war against any clan or samurai clan the jezo clan has always defected them all. there has been no samurai clan who has been able to defect the jezo clan in war. The cause of all this is the teacher who is haruto yochi who is a ninjasamurial. He is special. Then he was the promoted from be the servant of the Ujinokami.( The head of the clan) who's name is dashi Zuma. so then when the Ujinokami(dashi Zuma) saw his loyalty, skills, courage and. He knew this ninja was special and different from other ninjas so the Ujinokami(dashi Zuma) set to meet his brother who is a sorcerer.

Called "the creator". Who's name is (dashi lichi)

So they went to the brother. and when they got there the brothers sat and greeted each and dashi Zuma told his brother "he is special curse him to be loyal to the clan and give him more special abilities"

Then lichi said "why doing such a thing wasting someone's life" then Zuma said "lichi it's for the good of the clan then for a moment of arguing they both then Believe it was for the good of the clan lichi just decided to cast the speal And he did other rituals so this caused him to be immortal, and has abnormal healing factors,3 blades 2 katanas and 1 knife. Which can cut through any substance. Whether on earth or out of earth the katana and knife can cut through. The strongest material that ever existed can even cut through gods and celestial being it's a god killing weapon too, and the sword can cut through dimensional boundary and travel to different dimensions and to open portals to any location he wants, he can always call on the sword when ever he needs them, advance and adaptable brain, future seeing enhanced strength lefting UpTo 300tons,

So he was enhanced then he returned to the clan more loyal and respectful to the Ujinokami after that 3 generation has pasted which is Zuma already died and his son ruled dashi saki and saki died and saki daughter ruled and died miwa and now saki grandson is ruling call Kai for 340 yrs yoshi has been a loyal and respectful servant to the head of the clan but due to the world started developing during this 300yrs like technological advancement, ideological, economical, political advancement so yoshi was tired of being in the clan for all his life then he decided to go on a vacation taking orders From the Ujinokami then the Ujinokami said to him "he is special curse him to be loyal to the clan and give him more special abilities".

Then before yoshi left he learned some couple of things from the clan like riding a bike driving car and some other modern things so he became good at all then he moved to new York city where he experience some quiet different things not like china is.

Then some kind of guy started speaking to him that are you new here. He said yes then yoshi ask of his name he said rayan and rayan asked he said haruto yochi. Then the quickly new his from china. So yoshi immediately left there and was going. Then he encounter with a girl who was crossing the road and was being harassed by some tough then he went confronted the tough. Then the tough wanted to take down then he look at them and they rushed to him and he attacked them and the were beaten up by yoshi and they ran.

Then the girl thanked yoshi and she went then went away yoshi was moving around then. He encounter with some bad guys with guy then immediately he leap his sword cut the gun. When fighting with the bad guys then the police caught him fighting then they wanted to arrest him when holding him he leap his sword and divided the police car and he opened a portal and excape and he found him self in a house of some people and went and knocked and let him enter an the child in the house recognize him said mom dad this is the guy in the news then the parents you are the one that can help us. Please then he said how can I help. Then they said there is some wrong on our office where her daughter is working say they are trying to create some kind of alien clone, an very. Power alien call 'vatus the devourer" he was destroy centenary. By a group of wizards and the scientist found his grave and are trying to bring him back. Yoshi heard about this he promised he'll help then he was brought to some of the others scientist lab and they wanted the study about his blades. So then they were fascinated of what the saw about the blades that the blade can travel through different dimensions. And that's was very surprising and the weapon was very special.

Yoshi trained more and practice on how he can use his powers. And yoshi stayed in new York city till he could master his dimensional travel ablilities so he would use for the mission.