
Ninja System Within A New World

Hunters! 'Oh Shit! I'm in a new world' Cesaire shouted. On his birthday, he received a weird Anime Box as a present from his best friend. On his way home, he tried to escape from bad luck only for it to meet him face to face in his house. Cesaire met Kasha, the God Of Luck who reincarnated him to another world as a punishment for trying to escape his luck influence but not without sending the Anime Box to gift Cesaire a Ninja System. Cesaire now in the body of Jeremy Jr. Styles in a new world were people with superpowers exists. These people were called Hunters. They had the power to destroy mountains with a punch, call forth flames from the skies, transform into mythical creatures and move the world with their will. It was a whole new experience for Jae and he had decided. With the Ninja System(that doesnt seem like a Ninja System), he strived to be the best Hunter in existence. =====•=====

MahSammy · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Ch~Two: The Dire Beast Horde.

After the incident where he was granted the system from the Anime Box, some ups and downs occurred and before he knew it, his eyes opened. He realized he was inside a kind of warehouse and there were many other people apart from him in it. It seems like they were hiding from something and it was true since he kept hearing different kinds of scary animal sounds.

By looking at the slits of holes of the warehouse, he could see shadows of giant and small strange deadly creatures attacking and destroying anything in their way. They used their sharp claws and piercing teeth to cause destruction. Some of those creatures were even using magic powers like what he read in novels or fantasy movies like shooting elemental attacks etc.

He saw some people, very strong people, fantasy like people, using cold weapons and magic abilities to engage those beasts. These people were also using powers that were only found in fantasies.

Fear gripped Cesaire as he saw those scenes. For he had already confirmed that he was no more on earth. This was a whole new different world that just look like earth.

*BANG!* *BANG!!* *BANG!!!*

He and the people inside suddenly heard a loud banging sound on the door of the warehouse and soon enough, the door broke into pieces and a giant wolf head was revealed with bloodthirsty expression, a vile green eyes and spikes around his body.

"Oh no! It's the Evil Spike Wolf Alpha!! We're finished!" No one knows who said that but soon everyone started panicking until the beast started attacking.

Cesaire watched as the beast tore many people apart and then he suddenly heard a ringing tone in his head.

«Congratulations to Host for bonding the with Ninja God System. The host won't be able to access all the menu of the System for now until he reaches a requirement. These are the current system menu and host can only use the ones that are not grayed out.

Looking at the gray colored functions except for [•STATUS•], he took a deep breath before saying "I'm not liking where this is going!"

He looked at himself and identified that he was a little fat boy and from his body structure, he estimated that he's not older than 12 years.

Immediately, he started running away from the scene as he wasn't gonna wait for some bullshit giant wolf to wolf him down. He ran towards the entrance of the warehouse. He wanted to exit the warehouse.

The situation was really chaotic as everyone was running for survival and his body was not fast due to his small stature. After he managed to exit the warehouse, he encountered a problem.

He did not know which way to go, he just discovered that he didn't get memories of his past self in this world. He didn't have time to curse Kasha for this effect and another problem now is how he can fight his way out of here.

While he was thinking of all this, his legs didn't stop as they carried him to wherever he thought he could survive. He sped into an alley but 3 secs later, he dashed out screaming with more than five beasts on his trails.

There was a cat like beast among them and it was very fast, it quickly arrived next to Cesaire and swiped its claws at him. Seeing these claws coming at him, he felt depressed 'how many times am I going to die?'

Just as he was about to get slashed, he heard a striking sound and a painful cry coming from the cat beast and then, it dropped dead.

Cesaire could see a bloody line on the beast's neck and when he turn around, he saw the other beasts had all been dealt with.

"you alright kid?" He heard a gruff voice behind him, he saw a man in a red battle suit wielding a saber, standing tall and mighty in front of him.

"I.. I I'm fin... actually I *Bam!*" Cesaire suddenly fell face flat on the floor. The man was startled and he quickly checked on him. He sighed in relief when he saw that Cesaire was only unconscious and very exhausted.


Hunter Organization - Outer Court - General Infirmary.

Inside the hospital revealed a lot of busy doctors and nurses, unlike other days, today was very sad as a mournful atmosphere filled the hospital. There were many people that were either injured, extremely injured, life threatening injured and dead. These were the people that the doctors, nurses, staffs and officials were trying their best to attend to.

Inside a certain ward, there were many people with similar injuries that needed the same treatment. Among this people was a young boy not older than 12-13 years.

<[Ninja God System]>






«Welcome back Host but due to lack of worldly energy, the system is going on a shutdown mode»

A cold mechanical voice sounded. That voice was the first thing that Cesaire heard just as he awakened. A gold hologram-like board was showcased in front of him with purple figures written on it.

Surprisingly, he was very calm about his situation as if what he saw didn't fret him. Although he was curious of the game-like hologram in front of him, he didn't react to it as he first wanted to know what was happening.

He then looked around and realized he was in a big room painted white and green. He was resting on a white bed with a bedside table next to him. On the table, there was a book, a glass of water and a black ring.

He also realized that he was not alone as there were many other people in the room that had similar injuries. They also had a bedside table with other things on it.

The room also have a window and a door. On the wall, next to the door, was a television and on it was the news channel. It was a woman that was addressing the people listening to the news with a sad expression on her face.

"The Rescue Unit of Star Hunter Guild are now attending to the casualties left by the Dire Beast Horde in District 2. We, the Central News Channel have confirmed that the loss was mostly heavy on the civilians as more than a hundred people died last night.

Last night's incident was very sudden as it took the Hunter Organization by surprise. No one knows how the Demon Beasts invaded the city. It was very strange. We have also gotten a report that...." The woman continued while Cesaire turned his attention away from the television screen.

"So it wasn't a dream at all, so I've lost everything? Families? Friends? Belongings? I really... reincarnated?" Cesaire muttered to himself in disbelief. The things he experienced till now just proven to be true. He felt an influx of overwhelming emotions welling up inside him.

But it was all for naught as a quick and refreshing cool wave washed over his mind and suppressed the emotions. He felt very surprised by this before he realized that it was the system.

Thinking of the system, he called out in his mind but got no response. Then he remembered its shutdown. 'Lack of worldly energy? Does it mean Mana or Qi or Force or Spiritual Energy or what am I even saying...?'

His train of thoughts was suddenly interrupted by the footsteps of a person. Focusing his gaze on the ward's door, he saw a beautiful woman standing there. She had a small smile on her face as her brown eyes scanned through the room.

Stepping forward, slowly, she said ''Hello Civilians, my name is Jaffa. I'm one of the Senior Elitist sent by the Hunter Academy to bring in the surviving kids of last night's event for enrollment. Only the kids ranging from 12 years to 13 years old are allowed to follow me.

But do not worry folks, the kids not up to the required age would be given a place to stay in the Hunter Organization while the older ones would be given jobs and help them to fulfill their lives. The battle of Mankind against the Outsiders is a hard but also an opportunity for humanity to evolve.

Now without wasting any more time, the required people should please follow me right now.''

The moment she finished her speech, she didn't even wait for any thing else. She just turned and walked out of the room. The people looked at each other for a while before the adults started shouting at the kids who were 12 to 13 years old to quickly follow her.

Cesaire looking stunned quickly regained his senses and got out of his bed, took the book and the ring on the bedside table and ran after her. The other kids who realised they were suited for the age also ran after her.

Soon they met her outside of the Infirmary resting on a big jeep. She told them to get in as she also entered and started the engines. Like an awakening tiger, the jeep came to life and when the kids were all settled in it, Jaffa put on a black sunglass that suddenly appeared out of thin air and then she hit the road.