
Ninja System Within A New World

Hunters! 'Oh Shit! I'm in a new world' Cesaire shouted. On his birthday, he received a weird Anime Box as a present from his best friend. On his way home, he tried to escape from bad luck only for it to meet him face to face in his house. Cesaire met Kasha, the God Of Luck who reincarnated him to another world as a punishment for trying to escape his luck influence but not without sending the Anime Box to gift Cesaire a Ninja System. Cesaire now in the body of Jeremy Jr. Styles in a new world were people with superpowers exists. These people were called Hunters. They had the power to destroy mountains with a punch, call forth flames from the skies, transform into mythical creatures and move the world with their will. It was a whole new experience for Jae and he had decided. With the Ninja System(that doesnt seem like a Ninja System), he strived to be the best Hunter in existence. =====•=====

MahSammy · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Ch~Twenty: Rescued By Trisha Turner.

''Beep!'' ''Beep!!'' ''Beep!!!'

''Ugh... What's that sound? Let it stop...'' A low whisper like voice suddenly echoed in the area. Although it was said very soft, the sound of the voice still spread out in the silence of the night. Opening his eyes after the mutterings, Jae confirmed that he was truly alive.

The first thing he saw was a fire burning some firewoods. There was also a large log lying there beside the camp fire. He could make out a vague outline of a figure sitting on the wooden log with a book in her hand.

''Beep!'' Jae was suddenly interrupted by another beeping sound. Annoyed, Jae tried to locate the sound only to discover it was his C-Net that wouldn't stop beeping.

''If I were you, I would try to stop that beeping sound as soon as possible. You never know what could be lurking around this beast haven'' a soft and soothing voice sounded out. Jae quickly stopped his C-Net's beeping not knowing he had just ignored something important before he raised his head up to look at his ...maybe saviour? Anyway, a beautiful face was revealed to Jae.

She had a silky black hair that reached her shoulders. A fair face with a better shapely facial structures with icy cold blue eyes that has experienced a lot. She was an average height lady with a sexy body. She had a..... Anyway, Jae's eyes continue scanning her body as if he was trying to remember her face.

''Take your eyes off now or else...!'' At this moment, the lady was no longer reading her book and has started focusing on Jae who was still a bit skeptical about his surrounding. Her tone was icily cold as she threatened Jae to take eyes of her body as it was getting too much. Waving her hand, a pill was suddenly shot towards his mouth and he subconsciously swallowed it. Realising what he had done, he felt scared...


Sitting down on the log next to the lady, Jae felt better. It turns out he was just worried for nothing. The pill he swallowed was actually a Recovery Pill which had help in stabilizing his health. He quickly felt as fit and full of energy as an ox. Now, he could finally take a good look at her and somehow, she seems familiar to him. ''Miss Tanya? Is that you?'' He probed.

''I'm Trisha, how do you know Tanya?'' She replied with the same cold tone.

''Oh I met her once, she helped me get to the city'' Jae replied.

''Tanya is my twin sister. I didn't think she is the type to help a person'' She replied, coldly.

''Are everyone in the Turner Merchant Group born with cold expression or is it something you guys just pick up along the way'' Jae asked as he wondered why they keep talking in cold tone. Tanya was the same.

''What's a kid like you doing here in the wild? Are you on a suicide mission? Which academy do you attend?'' Trisha replied with questions of her own.

''Oh yea, I'm on a mission. I attend Netherensis Hunter Academy'' Jae replied.

''As expected of Netherensis! Always giving suicide missions to new students'' Trisha said as if she already knew the situation.

''Wait, are there other type of academies on the planet?'' Jae asked. He didn't think there would be other academies judging from Trisha's word.

''No, other academies are on the other planets of humanity. Netherensis Hunter Academy has the reputation of giving new disciples suicide missions. I also met some students in the forest hunting beasts and I must say, you are the only one I met in such a miserable condition'' Trisha replied while looking at Jae with disdain.

Jae suddenly remembered his battle with the Silver Clawed Red Foxes and how he had gotten his severe and critical health condition. If not for Trisha passing by and saving him, he would have died. Suddenly, he remembered he did not harvest his loots. He was about to say something when a small sack hit his face and slidded down to his hands.

''I found this and helped you keep it. I was gonna give you when you woke up'' Trisha said before waving her hands again and this time, All the corpses of the Silver Clawed Red Fox fell to ground out of thin air. Jae saw that she seems to be using a Spatial Ring.

He quickly opened the sack and saw sixteen Beast Cores of the Silver Clawed Red Foxes. He became confused as he remembered he had killed more than twenty beasts. Seeing his troubled expression, Trisha said.

''You must be wondering why you only got sixteen cores instead of twenty six. Not all Iron Rank Beasts have Beast Cores in them. You are quite lucky to have gotten sixteen of those cores because they are all extremely rare to obtain''

Hearing this, Jae slowly nods before he willed the sack to enter his storage dimension. Trisha was surprised to see the sack disappearing into space because she didn't see any Spatial Ring on Jae or sense any Spatial Artifact on him but she didn't say anything. Everyone has their own mystery.

''I will be leaving tomorrow. You can either continue your mission or go back to the academy. Just remember that you owe me one'' at this moment, she was already reading her book. Jae nodded before his gaze locked on the corpses on the floor.


After some difficult negotiation with Trisha, Jae finally sold the corpses of the beasts to her for 36 Crystal Coins. After that, he didn't disturb her again. He felt like training ad then decided to cultivate his Chakra seeing that it was almost full.

He remembered the level of the Chakra Extraction Skill and it gives him 5 Chakra Points every five minute. He believes he would be able to break through by tomorrow. If Jae wanted, he could just cultivate his Chakra and with how fast it is, he would be able to break through multiple levels with ease but he knows that, experience is also a key to greatness.

So, just like that, Jae cross legged and started cultivating his Chakra while the beauty beside him kept reading her book. No one disturbed each other and each did their own thing. Everywhere was peaceful and quiet but unfortunately, Jae would regret not attending to his C-Net's beeping alert the next day.