
Ninja System Within A New World

Hunters! 'Oh Shit! I'm in a new world' Cesaire shouted. On his birthday, he received a weird Anime Box as a present from his best friend. On his way home, he tried to escape from bad luck only for it to meet him face to face in his house. Cesaire met Kasha, the God Of Luck who reincarnated him to another world as a punishment for trying to escape his luck influence but not without sending the Anime Box to gift Cesaire a Ninja System. Cesaire now in the body of Jeremy Jr. Styles in a new world were people with superpowers exists. These people were called Hunters. They had the power to destroy mountains with a punch, call forth flames from the skies, transform into mythical creatures and move the world with their will. It was a whole new experience for Jae and he had decided. With the Ninja System(that doesnt seem like a Ninja System), he strived to be the best Hunter in existence. =====•=====

MahSammy · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Ch~Twenty>Two: Unexpected Encounter!


[-5 HP]

The battle in the cave was getting stronger the more Jae approached the interiors. Some times huge explosions would suddenly go shake the cave which made Jae have a rethink about the idea of going inside the cave. As he was about to make a decision, he suddenly felt something soft and bouncy like dreamland, yet also full of strong chillness exuding out of it, slamming onto his body, sending him flying along with the thing that had hit him. He could react at all.

The cold aura made him shiver uncontrollably and when he finally fell to the ground, he almost couldn't get up for a while. While he was wondering what had hit him, he suddenly heard a furious roar filled with the intent to kill and cause destruction. Jae felt his entire body getting frozen with fear and his eyes couldn't stop fidgeting around.

Suddenly, he felt better and the fear he was feeling vanished like it was never there. By the time he came to his senses, he was already sweating profusely like a Christmas goat. As he was about to process what had just happened, he suddenly heard a soft yet scolding voice by his side.

''Hey! What are you still doing lying down there? I've already helped you cancel the intimidating pressure on you so you should run now while you can or do you wanna get killed so badly!!'' The voice said the sentence in a rapid manner as if in a hurry.

He immediately jumped back and gave a distance between him and the person that spoke and when he looked, he discovered that it was the thi... No rather, it was a woman that had sent him flying earlier. She was wearing a darkish blue battle suit that accentuated her wonderful figure, black hair reaching her shoulders and very beautiful face with a cold blue eyes. She was also holding a staff embedded with a blue gem that emitted chilly mist. Jae couldn't help but feel she was quite familiar.

After saying that, she raised the staff up in the air and then chanted ''Ice Elemental Art: Frost Wall Spell'' immediately after, Jae could feel the air becoming very cold and then, a loud noise echoed followed by the rise of a huge ice wall that suddenly completely blocked the path into the cave. She then, stored the staff in her Spatial Ring.

Turning around, she saw the same boy who she told to run away still behind her. Jae was sitting on the floor in a weird position with shock, surprise and excitement appearing on his face.

"You! Why are you still here? I thought I told y.... huh?" She suddenly stopped her sentence midway as she took a good look at the boy in front of her. She kept having a feeling that she had met him before.

Soon, realization hit them both and they simultaneously blurted out



Jae quickly stood up and dusted his body before he made his way to Trisha. Trisha then asked him "I never thought I was gonna see you again"

"Huh? Don't yo...."


They were suddenly interrupted by a loud roar. And this time, it was more furious than ever and the killing intent got even stronger.


Jae and Trisha both looked at the erected ice wall that suddenly shook a little. Immediately after, rounds of smashing sounds kept echoing as the wall kept being bashed. Nothing happened to the wall in the next one minute before a cracking sound suddenly appeared just when Jae and Trisha were about to leave sigh of relieves.

It didn't stop at just that, another crack soon followed after and soon, the whole wall of ice was suddenly filled with cracks. Trisha didn't even wait to see if the wall would break or not and suddenly grabbed Jae and started running without looking back.

Soon after they have ran considerable meters away from the wall, they heard the wall of ice shattering in pieces. They knew the creature had already broken out already. Soon, The duo saw the light at the mouth of the cave and became relieved.

They kept going and when they had almost reached the cave's entrance, Trisha suddenly grabbed Jae by his collar and swung him out of the cave before she turn around to face the incoming beast. Her staff was already in her hands and she was chanting a spell.

Jae was completely caught off guard as Trisha suddenly flung him away. He only saw that Trisha was not coming out and was trying to face the Dire Beast alone. As soon as he fell on the floor, he immediately dashed towards the cave. He didn't want to rely on her to help him and at the same time, he doesn't want anything to happen to Trisha.

He could already hear the sound of battle coming from the cave. The roars of the beast and the soft shout of Trisha. Blue light and red light kept flickering inside the cave.


"Ahh! I will end you beast! Ice Elemental Art: Forever Chilly Frost!" As she chanted, a huge misty frost suddenly swept towards the beast in front of her. The whole area around the beast got frozen in ice and spread towards the beast.

The beast suddenly let out a loud roar that shattered the ice. It then suddenly opened its eyes and Trisha felt shocked as a thought entered her mind "Rage Mode! This beast has rage mode?"

Her train of thoughts were suddenly broken when the beast suddenly disappeared from its original spot and quickly arrived beside Trisha before it send her flying with it's tail. Trisha hit her back against a wall as she painfully made a cry. As a Mage Hunter, her physical prowess weren't strong so she was a little bit hurt.

The beast then arrived in front of her and then started gathering and charging a red orb of energy in its mouth. After it felt satisfied with its power, it released the red orb flying towards Trisha.

Although a bit weak, Trisha knew how to react "Ice Elemental Art: Triple Frost Gates" three gates made of ice suddenly materialized in front of her out of thin air.

The orb hit the first gate and quickly destroyed it, it also destroyed the second one but its momentum had reduced a bit and the third one was also broken through. The red orb's power had dwindled quite a lot at this time. Still, it was still flying towards Trisha who wasn't able to defend herself. While thinking of a way to defend herself, a person suddenly emerged in front of her.

"[Water Style - Water Curtain Jutsu]!"



I'm so sorry for not upholding my promise! I don't know what to say next but pls count on me to make it up to you guys.