
Ninja System Within A New World

Hunters! 'Oh Shit! I'm in a new world' Cesaire shouted. On his birthday, he received a weird Anime Box as a present from his best friend. On his way home, he tried to escape from bad luck only for it to meet him face to face in his house. Cesaire met Kasha, the God Of Luck who reincarnated him to another world as a punishment for trying to escape his luck influence but not without sending the Anime Box to gift Cesaire a Ninja System. Cesaire now in the body of Jeremy Jr. Styles in a new world were people with superpowers exists. These people were called Hunters. They had the power to destroy mountains with a punch, call forth flames from the skies, transform into mythical creatures and move the world with their will. It was a whole new experience for Jae and he had decided. With the Ninja System(that doesnt seem like a Ninja System), he strived to be the best Hunter in existence. =====•=====

MahSammy · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Ch~Four: The History Of Hunters // Training Spree.

Feeling the numerous gazes on his body, Jae broke out of his thoughts and saw that tr whole group were looking at him as if expecting something.

''Him? Sorry I didnt get what y'all were saying first time''

''Yea, you've been in thought ever since we got here. We were just introducing ourselves and we are wating to get your name'' Ezek step forward and explain the issue going on.

Seeing Ezek, Jae smiled a little and introduced himself ''I'm Jae. Jeremy Styles in full'' after saying that, the fat boy went back to his thoughts. Although not intentional, the boy didn't want to be disturbed and the others obviously understood that.

They didn't bother him again as they they thought he couldn't process last night's event. Some of them sighed while others just felt pity.


Sometimes, what you expect is not always what you get. Jae had lived with that rule in his previous life. His thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a firm loud voice with quickly silenced the chatters of his peers. Currently, Jae was standing among thirteen kids of his age group in front of Dennis. Today was the day they were going to start they training.

"Silence! *sigh* I don't blame you all. Y'all are still kids, so your knowledge about this world is too limited. Now listen! I don't have time to wait with you dimwits, do you see that metal box over there?" Dennis pointed at a metal box with the size of an adult. The metal box had a red circle in its middle and above it was a recorder of some sort.

A boy raised up his hand and was soon signaled to proceed "Hello Mr Dennis, my name is Jae. I'm from a poor family and I'm not very educated. I don't know anything about the Hunters so can you please explain why we had to go through all these?'' Jae said with a meek expression. Actually, he already had an idea about the Hunters but he wanted to know more. Suddenly, he realized that something was wrong. Everybody were looking at him with weird expression on their faces.

He knew this world was not normal so he quickly rephrased his words "I'm sorry for the misunderstanding but I have also lost my memories. I can't seem to remember anything except for last night's incident so please pardon my mistakes as my memories of the word are still hazy.

Hearing these, some kids looked at him in pity while some just sighed and didn't care. No one had the time to be gloating at another's misfortune because they also knows what it felt like to lose something.

''Very well then, listen closely because we don't time so I'm gonna have to rush it Hundreds of years ago, the planet suddenly changed. It fell into the era of calamitous events. Disasters struck one after the other and it felt like the apocalypse of the planet.

Our planet, Crystal 7 had a sudden change and mutated. Wild animals, plants and non-humans mutated, evolved and became monsters of what we know now as Dire Beasts.

Dire Beasts waged wars against the humans and vice versa. Unfortunately, humans suffered the most loss as firearms doesn't work on these beasts and even the nuclear bomb could only do little damage which made humans resort to using cold weapons and that helped them a even less than expected.

In just a decade, the human population dwindled to a small level. In that same decade, some scientists tried to discover the cause of this apocalypse and they found a ruin of an ancient civilization before technology even began. Through their finding, they discovered that there had been a revival of Heaven and Earth Energies.

Long story short, through their discoveries, they discovered a way to harness this energies and became Hunters with magical powers or unmatched physical prowess were brith from mankind. The Heaven and Earth, otherwise known as Nature Energy mutated the humans and brought fought the Hunters.

Different types of Hunters emerged and then humans fought back and finally earned their rightful stronghold on Planet Crystal. It was announced that as early as the age of 12-13 years old, kids are allowed to train their physiques, practice the Energy Manuals and awaken their talents to become Huntrrs to fight for the protection of Planet C.C.

But now, the stalemate we shared with the Dire Beasts were quickly interrupted as humans started exploring the space. The human spacecrafts finally discovered other planets that were inhabited by beasts and other alien races. Some they conquered and some they became enemies.

Enemies that would now become the dread of humanity. Enemies that we give our concerns than the Dire Beasts.

I will explain the rest later. Let me tell you about the Hunter Ranks now.

Hunters are powerful people with godly abilities. A person become an Hunter when he awakens his Power Crystal. Power Crystals are mediums in which the powers Hunter possesses reside in. They are located in a mysterious place, hidden in the human body. It is through Power Crystals we can determine what type of Hunter a person can be.y Power Crystal is a Warrior Type that is based on defensive purpose. That means I'm a Tanker. So to become stronger, you need to let your Power Crystal to become stronger. The Hunter Ranks are just like the video games you play. We use levels to indicate our stages and when levels reach a certain point, it becomes a rank.

Hunter Ranks includes-

Iron Rank

Bronze Rank

Silver Rank

Gold Rank

These ranks are all you should know for now. Each of these ranks are subdivided into many levels to indicate the ranks. Once you become Hunters, your goal is to fight against the enemies of Mankind.

Now let us start the training''

As soon as he said that, he gave his instructions. First, they all started with some basic exercises that focused on improving the crucial stats of a human. The Strength, Dexterity, and Vitality. We also have the Intellect and the Reflex stats but that training is for later.

In a straight line, all thirteen kids were positioned and they started doing push ups. Some of them found in very hard and couldn't keep up. Jae couldn't even continue as his fat body didn't allow him so.

''Jae what is that?!'' Dennis scolded as he saw Jae slacking.

Soon, they started running. They did running exercises and sometimes, they race each other. Once again, Jae was just physically unfit.

''Sir Dennis, can i take a timeout? I don't think I can continue any further!'' Jar shouted as his body has starts failing him.

''Haha, you're such a wimp, you know that'' someone shouted.

The kids started doing all sort of basic exercises and to finish it all, they did stretches to help relax their muscles. Dennis could be seen all around the training ground scolding and correcting some kids on their performance. Sometimes he would just sigh and then start shouting ...again.

''Jae, although you are fat, being fat these days does not mean anything. As long as you have strength and power, you're okay but it seems like you are really ...well, fat. You dont have any good physical quality and thus, you are the weakest in the group.

''Sol and Soji are very remarkable in physical aspect. Emmy have good body control while Ezek is very swift and flexible. Dremo has good strength. Hannah is very fast and strangely has lot of stamina ....etc'' Dennis just kept going on as he gave the ones that did good, good remarks. So far, only Jae was in the shortcoming.

''Today's training is over. Know that these are just warmups and tomorrow would be more serious. Good bye!'' As soon as he said that, Dennis strolled away from the Training Section. As if on cue, the whole place was littered with noise as soon as he left.

Jae could be seen sitting in a corner while panting. He finally realised why he couldn't run fast when he was being pursued by Dire Beasts. Out of all body, why would Kasha reincarnate his in a fatty's body. He couldn't do even the most basic exercise.

'If my memories serve me right, in the Naruto World, to become stronger, one has to train very hard. There were all sort of training to increase body stats, chakra, talents etc. Which means I should also do those training.

*sigh* its going to be very hard but I can do it. I will do it and I must achieve it. Yes, For Celia' a newfound determination, never seen before emerged on Jae's face.

''Hey what's up? you look like you're seriously thinking of what to eat'' Jae heard a chuckling voice and looked up. He saw a very cute girl approaching him. He remembered her name was Mina Rogers.

''Oh no, it's not that. I was just thinking'' Jae said to her as he stood up from his position and went to the warehouse to rest. He really want no association with these kids.

Mina looked at Jae as he walked away with a complicated expression. 'What's wrong with him? He hadn't interacted with any one ever since we got here. Maybe he's just shy' Mina thought while shrugging. She then went to the others to play.