
Ninja System Within A New World

Hunters! 'Oh Shit! I'm in a new world' Cesaire shouted. On his birthday, he received a weird Anime Box as a present from his best friend. On his way home, he tried to escape from bad luck only for it to meet him face to face in his house. Cesaire met Kasha, the God Of Luck who reincarnated him to another world as a punishment for trying to escape his luck influence but not without sending the Anime Box to gift Cesaire a Ninja System. Cesaire now in the body of Jeremy Jr. Styles in a new world were people with superpowers exists. These people were called Hunters. They had the power to destroy mountains with a punch, call forth flames from the skies, transform into mythical creatures and move the world with their will. It was a whole new experience for Jae and he had decided. With the Ninja System(that doesnt seem like a Ninja System), he strived to be the best Hunter in existence. =====•=====

MahSammy · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Ch~Eighteen: Death Battle - Protagonist's Lifesaving Chance.

[HP -[156 / 170]

[CP [170 / 170]

''I guess I have no choice. I have finish the mission as soon as I can. If I'm serious, I will be able to finish it in two weeks. Besides, I still have to be careful of strangers in the Land Of The Beasts. Alright let's do this!'' Jae quickly muttered under this breath before he suddenly shouted and jumped down towards the beasts below him.

While still in mid air, Jae quickly made hand seals for the fireball jutsu. Positioning his two fingers near his mouth, he blew out a huge orb of fire more than one meter in size. Ordinary fireballs were just half a meter but this time, he added more chakra to his jutsu which made it bigger and powerful. He aimed his jutsu at some of the beasts that were gathered together on a spot.


The fireball Jutsu exploded on the beasts and burn them all to ashes. Jae could burn them to ashes like that only because he added more Chakra to the jutsu. As he immediately landed on the floor, he took out his last kunai and sword in his storage space and wielded them both in his two hands as he received the systems notifications.

[Host has killed a Level 2 Lifeform. +2 Chakra Points. +1 Shop Points]

[Host has killed three Level 1 Lifeforms. +3 Chakra Points. +3 Shop Points]

The death of their comrades didn't bother the rest of the beasts in the slightest as they all rushed towards Jae and pounced on him. A fox quickly arrived next to Jae and swooped down to bite his legs while using its tail to also attack him. Jae quickly jumped away from there and use his sword to attack the fox but suddenly, another fox quickly arrived there and used it's large tail to block the sword strike even though its tail got injured badly in the process but that gave a different fox enough time to attack Jae's neck.

'Wow, how did this foxes get such cooperation skills. It was as if they were willing to sacrifice themselves as long as I die' Jae thought as he quickly used his kunai to block the claws of the beast that wanted to slash his neck. Jae then used his all his strength to kick it away earning a cry of pain from it before he brandished his kunai and shot it into the skull of the fox that was still blocking his sword strike.

After dealing with that one, he used the sword to cut down a fox that had jumped in the air to bite him. Then a fox much bigger than the rest appeared in front of him and use it's claws to attack him. Jae put his sword in front of him to block but another Level 2 fox came from his side and hit the sword away from Jae's hand with it's tail before it attacked with its partner once more.

Although he felt shocked, Jae wouldn't do a mistake of panicking in a fight. He had watched many movies and read many novels of how people die like that even to a weaker enemy. He quickly made hand seals and casted the [Substitution Jutsu]. His body got replaced by a wooden log as he appeared somewhere else leaving the two Level 2 foxes confused.

Although he escaped from the two beasts, he found himself again in the midst of some foxes. With no other choice, Jae started fighting with his fists and kicks. Although he don't know any Taijutsu currently, he could still hit hard with his fists. He was much stronger than Level 1 foxes so with each punch, each fox will fall. This was his first time fighting a group battle and so he was very careful.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, the whole five Level 2 Silver Clawed Red Foxes jumped out and pounced on Jae who was in the midst of fighting the lower level beasts.

''What the! How did they...?'' Jae quickly tried to think of a way to avoid the incoming danger. Subconsciously, Jae started making hand seals to cast the [Substitution Jutsu] but he got interrupted when he felt pain in his leg.

[-5 HP]

A fox had bitten him while he was trying to escape and this gave the Level 2s the chance to attack him. Unable to react on time, Jae could only watch as multiple deep claw marks was appeared on his body.

[-10 HP]

[-10 HP]

[-24 HP]

The last thing Jae felt was the powerful impact of a tail strike on his back which sent him flying and colliding with a tree branch, breaking it as he also fell down to the ground. His body was bleeding in multiple places and he was losing blood faster than he could react.

[-43 HP]


That was Jae's only feeling. He couldn't move his body properly as he felt some bones in his body could have been broken. This was just a thought but he sure don't want it to be true. Hearing the sound of the beasts approaching him, Jae gritted his teeth in pain as he stood up. He knew he doesn't have much time left to fight so he has to do what he can do to survive.

Keeping his painful body from collapsing, Jae looked at the fast approaching Silver Clawed Red Foxes coming towards him. Jae knew his shortcomings hadn't been solved after experiencing this battle. He still have a long way to improve and his Hand Seals is one of the training he must perfect at all costs.

'Tsk! Is this how I will die? To this lowlifes? *sigh* I don't even have those powerful skills that a protagonist of a novel or movie would suddenly erupt with as a lifesaving chance *chuckles* wait a sec... I do have a lifesaving skill. oh well, even if I die, I won't let you all off. You all will come with me!'

Jae had a maniacal smirk on his face as he thought of this. Bring his both hands to his front, he started making hand seals of a jutsu he was hoping would help him in this situation. After making the hand seals, Jae shouted out ''[Lightning Style - Overdrive Jutsu]''

Immediately after, flashes and sounds of electric current started emerging on Jae's injured body. Jae couldn't help but release a cry of pain because all he could feel now is pain and the lightning jutsu made the pain worse but that didn't clear the crazy smile off his face.

''Die you Motherfuckers!''

Jae suddenly dashed towards the beasts with amazing speed while leaving a trail of blue lightning currents flickering behind him.