
Ninia the province girl

Her name is Ninia. She grow up where no one shows mercy. One makes mistake, one pays for it. Her people are very predictable. Sees one wrong move and you're out of their team.

Glianae_Abucot · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

#1 met him

My heels clicked. I continued walking towards the center of the dance floor. My red lips formed a smile as I made my way. The other girls were on the, side waiting for me. I was the star of the night. The center of attention.

When I got to the center there I started dancing. I swayed my body seductively. Bitting my lips and looks at them sharply. They began to applaud. Someone else shouted. I just kept dancing until the music was over.

I went backstage then. The club manager, Amatis, greeted me. She was smiling sweetly at me.

"Your performance was great." he clapped. I smiled at her and shook my head. I brushed my red hair with my fingers.

I was born with red hair. I don't know why the hair is red, meanwhile my parents 'hair is both black. People started making their own theories when I was born. It was really shocking the confusing that the couple's first born is red headed.

"Not really." I was embarrassed to refuse. Something better than me earlier. He is better at curling, grinding and attracting. Maybe it's been a long time here so he's so good. It's my first night and I'm still uncomfortable with this work. But I know I'll get a hang of this.

"What are you? A lot of people want to buy you." I furrowed at her words. Buy? "But the richest one I chose. I know that's also what you choose." I just nodded at him. "Let's introduce him to him." I nodded at him again. We went to the dressing room first so I could get ready. That is his command e.

I sat down and faced the mirror. On my side I could clearly see the sharp stare of one of the women earlier. I ignored him and just started to fix it. I just finished easily, because my make up wasn't too damaged before.

Then we went to the same room. Amatis smiled at me.

"You can do this." I gulped and nodded nervously. "By the way, you can't ask his name. He'll tell you his name if he wants to. But if he doesn't say it, don't push him." he reminded me. I frowned and looked at him.

"You know him?"

"He comes here when they fight with his wife." she answered, almost like a whisper.

"How did you know that?" I asked more curiously.

She leaned and motioned me to come closer also. I furrowed and followed her.

"Jaica told me." who's Jaica?

They will ask me if the door does not suddenly open on its own. Amatis looked at us inside. It was dark. But a shape of a man is visible. He was standing next to the large window. From here I could already feel his hard features. My heart started beating rapidly. I could sense danger.

I tilted my head low to hide a smirk.

I love danger.