
The kinky side of her

The castle's tower was a storage room, it's practically a dump sight. But at least it has some beds that they can sleep with. The prince extended his accommodation by giving her bath and dinner for the rest of Hash's men.

The tower was darker than the dungeons and the air was stuffy because it was technically the royal dumpsite of furniture and other things the castle no longer needed. The windows were not visible because they piled the trash up, making the air humid. At least there are beds that aren't that bad to sleep in.

"Alright everyone, turn around!" She clapped her hand. The wooden tub that the Byzen men prepared was inviting.

Once everyone turned around, she took off her clothes and jumped into the tub.

"And why are you not turning around?" She glared at him.

"Is there anything in there that I didn't see yet?" He was also taking off his clothes. Now Isabel was sure that everything has been planned out, because he had time to play with her.

"Yes, you haven't seen inside of it." She looked away, blushing.

It made him laugh again.

"My blushing bride." He said and joined her.

"Hm, water is warm, feels nice." He lifted her waist and let her sit on his lap.

"Hey, they're looking away, but t doesn't mean they don't know we're here." She slapped his shoulders.

"Let them know how the royals f-" She felt scandalized and sapped him some more.

"Tsk you're so-" She didn't have any words to say, because his touch felt good honestly.

"Are you getting on that kinky side of yours now?" He grinned, teasing her lips with his.

She stopped because she wondered what he had been doing in his bed at night with all of those concubines he got.

"No, I'm wondering if you got kinky with all the women in your harem!" She pushed him away and tried to get up from the tub.

But Hash clasped her waist with both of his hands.

"What kinky side are you talking about? I barely even sleep these past weeks." He felt aggravated with what she had said.

She felt guilty, but still scowled at him

"What if you were not busy?" She pouted her lips and struggled from his grip.

"Well, what do you think?" He rested his forehead on hers.

She sulks and didn't answer. He wrapped his hands around her.

"What will I do for you to believe me?" Then he planted tiny kisses on her wet face.

"Get rid of those women in the house." She glowered more.

"Hm? Fine, when we can get out of this mess, I'll let them go." He whisked water on her face, it's too rapid that she couldn't see and breathe.

"Stop!" He chuckled and then pulled her closer.

"What are you doing? your men are still there and we're supposedly trying to get away."

Even if his tongue tasted like candy in her mouth, she still has decency left.

"Where have you been these past weeks?" He changed the topic. He got up and let her use his outer garb. Her dress was too dirty to wear anymore.

She suddenly become serious and stared at looked at his people.

"I'll tell you everything when we get home."

He didn't respond, but nodded.

"Let's get you to bed. They surrounded us tonight, but my men are already inside the palace. Someone notified them and we will deal with the plan after midnight." On her watch it said seven in the evening. She has approximately five hours to sleep.

"Sleep with me." She pulled him with her onto a wooden bed.

Since they're in an iron castle, temperature dropped tremendously after the sunset. She fell asleep coiled under his body. She was so tired that it didn't take a minute for her to fall asleep.

"Mommy, you should have used the globe to get away." The kid showed up in her dreams.

"Baby, Mommy is still new to this stuff. Can you teach me how?" She gave the kid her warmest smile ever.

The small boy sighed and shook his head.

"Okay, follow what I do and say." The kid raised his hands, holding the globe.

"Calling the guardian of the Northen Star to bring me to Novalia." And then they twirled, the same way she twirled when the globe transported her to that barren land. Because it was a dream, her instinct when she thought she was falling was to get up.

"Love, are you okay?" Hash pulled her back.

"I had a dream, about a kid." She said, she's wondering if she can do that with the globe in her pocket.

"Go back to sleep you still have four more hours." he imprisoned her in his arms and closed his eyes.

"B-" He was also tired, so she allowed him to sleep beside her. She also fell asleep shortly.

Until they've heard a sudden knock on the tower floor. The trap door opened.

"Honey, wake up, let's go." He waked her up with a kiss on the cheeks.

"Hm it's time? okay." Her mind was still not comprehending everything, but she pretended she's fine.

He lead her down and a carriage was already waiting for her outside.

"Wait! aren't you coming?" She said hysterically.

"Relax, I'll be home by tomorrow afternoon." He kissed her forehead and ordered his men to drive the carriage away.

She felt sad and can't help but brood. It's not been a day and they'll get separated again. She just rested her head on the carriage's wall and closed her eyes. In her mind's eyes, the kid looked angry. She opened her eyes and wondered.

She suddenly looked down and realized she's wearing Hash's garb and the globe was in her jean's pocket which was left in the tower.

"Stop!" she shouted at the top of her lungs. The driver slowed down and peeked at the window.

"Do you need anything else, your highness?" He couldn't stop the horse because that was the prince ordered.

"Yes there is something important left in the Tower. We need to get back."