
Ninety-nine desert nights

Isabel has stage four cancer somewhere in her guts, so she has packed her bag and went to Raven's Cove, a beach resort owned by the Raven family. The resort offers a retirement plan for terminally ill patients. And one thing that attracted Isabel to sign up is the fulfillment of her bucket list. Many sorts of things happened in the resort that made Isabel's southward life into a rollercoaster. (Cover picture credits to the owner, we do not own the photo)

Marikit · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
182 Chs

Shot, drop dead!

Aris who was doing well in learning English discovered Netflix. He and Isabel was enjoying a series with the projector they borrowed from Hash's office in the barracks.

"Why are you so addicted with ice cream? Slow down on consuming those if you don't want a rotten teeth."

Aris heard her but he couldn't explain the significance of ice cream to him. It was the last thing he and Margaux shared.

Isabel shook her head.

"When Margaux returns and discovered your teeth broken?"

Aris' eyes widened. 

"Are you reading my thoughts?"

On the contrary they've been reading each others thoughts for a while now.

Isabel was caught up. She was too comfortable with this boy that she forgot to restrain herself. 

She sighed.

"Yeah, but don't ask me, you've been doing it too, you just didn't notice. You were unaware that you were talking to your baby cousin out loud."

With that, Hugh made a delightful giggle.