
Searching for the first contestant

"She's as tall as this," placed his hand just a little above his waist, closer to his armpit.

"She looks Asian, she wore black clothes, look for a white-skinned people in this camp." Hash's men didn't even know what an Asian was.

The only white people they know were an enemy that they are yet to defeat.

"Bring me to them when you find it." Everyone dove to his order, they're scared he will massacre the entire camp if he won't find what he was looking for.

One soldier, Luki, was so determined about searching for a white girl. He wished the prince can promote him from regular soldier to assassin.

Prince Hashim described her as Asian. Unfortunately for him, he didn't have google search, was wondering what Asia looked like and never saw a white man before. His picture of the white man was a guy painted in white all over, his hair, lashes, and lips included.

At Raven's Cove. When Ed brought her back to her hut, it's the same route she walked last night. She was looking for that shack, but it's not there anymore. The staff might already take it away because it was an eyesore.

"By the way, Ed, is there a patient named Hashim in the facility?" She asked. Ed's brow creased.

"No, but the owner of the facility is Hasher. Hasher Raven and many call him Hash. " Isabel's eyes went wide. Was the man he found last night the owner of the Cove? Oh, my gosh! This is too embarrassing! She thought.

"Is Mr. Raven Black-American? " She could be in trouble. She mess up with him last night.

"He has African roots, yes, how do you know, did you meet him?" he looked doubtful.

"Not exactly." While sipping some hot latte, they're now sitting on one of those stone tables and benches under the Asian wisteria on the second level of the grove overlooking the huts that displayed free food.

"How old is Mr. Raven? " She tried to conceal her nervousness.

"He's probably around the late fifties,"

Still with a bewildered expression.

"Does he have a son?"

Because she might have seen someone related to him.

"Not that I know of. Mr. Raven had nephews and nieces from his adopted brothers and sisters, but they're all Asians." Relieved, Isabel changed the topic.

"How many subjects does the resort have?"

She inquired again, looked down at her feet as if she's not interested.

"Around a hundred,"

He estimated.

"There are approximately fifty patients that are currently treated by the medical center,"

He continued.

"And forty are living in the most exclusive hotel on that side of the Cove." He pointed to a glass building that was on the cliff.

"And there are ten of you in the villas."

Hmmm, so there's the ten of them in the huts similar to hers. Maybe they were in their respected huts because of their own preference.

"I see. I can't get enough of that spicy chicken. What Cuisine is that?," Even if she was munching seaweed rice with crabs.

"Basing it on the spices, it's from Shrija."

He can't help but smile. Ed thinks Isabel was adorable. He wanted to hang around her more.

"Oh.." She just nodded her head and nothing in mind anymore.

In the military camp back in Novalia.

Luki can't find the contestant. But was it way too advance? He was sure that the king had not issued the decree to start the pageant yet, so how can there be a contestant on the loose?

"Is there any news?" He asked fervently.

"I'm sorry, your majesty, the soldiers are still searching for the white people's tent." The officer lowered his head and mumbles his words, afraid of his majesty's wrath.

"How hard is it to find a white person's tent? This camp is not that populated." He denied the fact that there might not be a white people's camp and that she might have been a product of his imagination. Or she might have cross-dimension like him. But that's impossible because if she had, she couldn't just cross-dimension at will, at least not overnight.

His soldiers assigned to look for Isabel came back, but they failed to find her. They reported that the white-skinned tent was non-existent.

"Interesting," Hash said. It has created speculations in his mind.

"Okay, we only have one business in this area and we have to finish it up so we can go back home. Huiji, request an audience of my father." He said in resignation.

"Right away, your highness." Huiji immediately obeyed.

To take away his thoughts from her. He busied himself with training his men to fight. Because they will have to take over Byzen the day after tomorrow.

There are around two hundred trained assassins working out right now on a restricted side of the camp. Five of his assassins are training the soldiers the same way he taught them. So they don 't need his help and focus on the weaklings his father has sent with him.

"Pull!" About a hundred of the soldiers are pulling an enormous boulder.

He must train those that do not have weapon skills for bodybuilding to kill the enemy through martial arts, so this was part of their training, killing through strangulation.

For those that were skilled with a sword, he taught them Wushu, a Chinese sword's art. When he was in the twentieth century, he liked archery, and he learned a wonderful technique from his teacher.

Everyone was active with their designated practice, and it satisfied him.

He tried to develop an explosive, but he lacked the recipe. He searched on the scrolls of the kingdom, but this time was still too primitive for explosives.

Though there were already inventors, they didn't yet know what fireworks were.

And he also dug oil and minerals. Again, he lacked recipes. If he can just go back to the twentieth century and grab a couple of books about advanced weapons.

"Reward everyone with a feast, just not wine. Not now." He told one of his trusted men.