
Ninety-nine desert nights

Isabel has stage four cancer somewhere in her guts, so she has packed her bag and went to Raven's Cove, a beach resort owned by the Raven family. The resort offers a retirement plan for terminally ill patients. And one thing that attracted Isabel to sign up is the fulfillment of her bucket list. Many sorts of things happened in the resort that made Isabel's southward life into a rollercoaster. (Cover picture credits to the owner, we do not own the photo)

Marikit · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
182 Chs

One desert night

They brought Lo into an empty room in their house.

"Globe, Lo is an important person to me. Please give us access."

She mumbled, almost like she's praying. Closing her eyes.

"Erm, Honey.."

Hash tugged her dress because there's a soft glow of light that was emanating in front of them.

When she opened her eyes, it's open. Oh, my gosh!

"Love, quickly carry her, let's go."

Hash hesitated for a while. He was not ready to go back to the twentieth century yet.

But he saw the desperation in her eyes. His future as a man reflected in her eyes. The hell, she picked up Lo and grabbed Isabel's hand, pulled her into the glowing and twirling light. He held his breath and closed her eyes.

Isabel didn't have time to think. Hash pulled her and in brief a moment they were in the stone. garden.

It has been years since Hash has been to an ocean. The smell of the salty wind was blowing his face, and it felt refreshing.