
Ninety-nine desert nights

Isabel has stage four cancer somewhere in her guts, so she has packed her bag and went to Raven's Cove, a beach resort owned by the Raven family. The resort offers a retirement plan for terminally ill patients. And one thing that attracted Isabel to sign up is the fulfillment of her bucket list. Many sorts of things happened in the resort that made Isabel's southward life into a rollercoaster. (Cover picture credits to the owner, we do not own the photo)

Marikit · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
182 Chs

Isabel's another disease

In the doctor's office, Isabel is being examined.

"Isabel, you disappeared before signing a contract with the experimental treatment." Alex opened up the topic while they were waiting for the doctor to come in.

"Would you like to re-read to see if you can consider signing?" Alex's tone was never of those sales pitches. Sure, it is business-like, but she made sure it's always been an option on her part.

But she can't get consistent treatment because she needs to get back to Novalia. Speaking of which, she's able to stay in that place for longer than a day. She arrived at dawn, stayed for another two days. She wanted to stay longer, but she needs to get treatment.

"I am interested, but can I wait for the result of why am I losing my memories?" She said, but what's running in her head is, what is that place? Why did she end up in that place? And how will she get back in there?

"Of course," Alex assured her.

"After their short conversation, the doctor arrives. According to the test results of your CT scan and laboratory result, you're still terminal the result of the loss of memory, is possible of extreme stress" The doctor explained. They had associated it with the last activity she did with Cindy and Amy.

"Be sure to avoid that activity again, or you might have the same episode again." The doctor said while checking her eyes, tongue, and ears with a penlight.

"You're good! Rest well." The doctor tapped her shoulders and left.

"Okay, I'll leave you the contract, check out the details and call on me if you have questions," Alex said while waiving the two-way radio in her hands.

"Alright." She answered, then she had hesitated for a while. But she needs to find things about Novalia.

"Hey! Can I use the library?" She exclaimed, can't hide her anxiousness.

"Yes, let me get you there," Alex said, smiling but a little bewildered by her actions. Isabel realizes her uneasiness, so she smiled to convince Alex that she's okay.

"You can borrow books and bring them to your hut, but two five days is the maximum, depending on how old the books are," Alex explained the rules while they drive their way to the library. They drove past the stone garden that reminded her of the day she was transported to Hash's arms.

"Perfect!" She said, while her focus has to get back to Hash's arms, the wedding will be next week she can't miss her own wedding. She smiled bitterly, worrying she can't miss her own wedding, can she?

"Let's get into the wedding," Isabel murmured.

"Wedding?" Alex must have heard her mumble.

"Oh, nothing, I remembered my parent's wedding anniversary." She fakes a little laugh.

Alex dropped her at the entrance.

"The catalog is on the right side there's a manual and computer-based. If you need help, the librarian's office is on the left." Alex says with a ringing voice.

"Thanks!" She waves her hand, thanking Alex.

Inside the library, hundreds of floor-to-ceiling shelves. The entire library is parted into four sides with crystal walls. And she is about to discover why there are four divisions.

The first crystal wall has a label on its door that says, General. The second door Science and Technology, then the third is for occult and, the fourth is an archive.

She tried first going into the General part, which is the largest part of the library. But after a few minutes, her head already spins, but she can't decide which subject she would look up to.

"Can I help you?" Isabel saw a young lady not older than her or Alex. She must be the librarian.

"Hi, I'm..." Shoot, how will she explain what she needed to know.

"Uhm, I'm kinda interested in time travel, not the fictional stuff, but maybe physics?" She said, has a slight hesitation, but she didn't really have a choice.

"Alright, follow me." The librarian leads her to Science and technology door. Her name tag pinned on her shirt says, Ada.

"Here, try these books." Ada pulled up about six large and heavy books on Quantum Physics and handed half of them to Isabel.

"You can use those tables." She points to the empty hall with rows of chairs and tables. She helped Isabel carry the books towards the study hall.

"If you need any help, you can call any librarian in that office." She pointed to the door with a label that say's Librarian.

Isabel Flips the pages, got into the first books Glossary and read about teleportation. So physically, it is technically impossible. But, theoretically possible if you will create a device that uses the speed of light to transport you from one Quantum state to another.

"How in the world will I ever make a device like that?" She murmured. Isabel's head is pounding like it's going to explode any moment. She can't even make a DIY of a flashlight. She continues to read further. She came to understand how the Quantum Entanglement. But needs an actual scientist to help her find a device to transport herself.

"Damn it." She muttered, almost pound the table out of frustration.

She wanted to ask Ada for more books, but she's not in the Librarian's office. She found an old librarian sitting alone.

"Oh, I didn't know someone visits the library today. How can I help you?" She said, smiling widely as friendly as Ada.

"Um, can I borrow these books?" Isabel said shyly, smiling back at the old lady.

"Certainly! Come, please fill these forms, and you're good to go." Betty, that's what her name tag said. She filled up the form in a hurry, so she can go back to her hut and think of a way to come back.

"Thank you." She said, giving back the forms to Betty.

"No problem! Just don't forget to return the books in five days." Betty said nonchalantly and went back to what she has been doing.

"Okay." She responded.

From the library's window, the stone garden's towers are visible. Right! She thought, maybe the stone garden has something to do with her teleportation. She would want to go there right now, but the books in her hands are too heavy. She didn't want to bother the librarians by changing her mind. She rushed out of the library and called Alex for a lift.