
Chapter 27

Two explosions went off, one following the other so closely they might as well have been fired at the same time. Jack screamed an obscenity and ran down the alley. Abby clutched her side and doubled over.

This close, Paige could see tears in Abby’s eyes. Footsteps raced down Congress Street as Mark and some other cops ran down the sidewalk, toward Abby.

Paige sat up and helped Abby down onto the ground. “Oh my God. You’re shot!”

Abby hissed as Mark arrived on the scene. He probed at the wound and used his radio to call for backup. “We need an ambulance and backup at Congress and A Street. We have an officer down. Suspect fled the scene.”

Abby hissed with pain and seized the radio from him. Her voice was stretched thin with pain as she spoke. “This is Detective Abigail Morgan. Suspect has fled on foot, heading north on Thompson. He is armed and dangerous, and suspect has an injury to the upper body.”