
Chapter 16

Abby paid for her drink, even though Paige never asked her to, and left. She called Mark to update him on the threat, and he insisted on interrupting family dinner to come get her. His baby came along with him, sleeping happily in the back seat.

Mark saw the direction of her glance. “Sarah had plans so I was alone with the little rug rat.” He shrugged. “It is what it is. He won’t eat your brains, I promise. As long as we stay in the car, he’ll be sleeping.”

“He’s still like that?” Abby buckled her seat belt.

“Oh, yeah. Sarah’s niece is still like that and she’s ten now.” He pulled out onto the street again. “So you got a threatening text. Sounds like someone thinks you’re spending too much time around his girl.”

Abby grimaced. “She’s not his girl, goofball. She’s a lesbian. But yeah, I do seem to have tripped our boy’s jealousy switch. It gave me an idea, though.” She outlined her plan to fake a relationship with Paige.