
Chapter 11

Not when her gut told her Jack was guilty as hell.

“All we have to do is prove it to a judge. And then make the connection to the murder.” She shook her phone. “Paige’s work got stolen from the Khmer Cultural Center in Lowell last night.”

“I will bet you a whole box of donuts it was Jack.”

“That’s a sucker bet, Mark. I’m so not taking it.” She dialed the number Paige had sent her.

“Detective Nguyen.” The detective who answered the phone had a deep, pleasant baritone. Abby could have listened to him reading the phone book and died happy.

“Detective Nguyen, I’m Detective Abby Morgan from Boston Police Major Crimes. I got your number from Paige Lim, whose work was stolen last night?”

“Ugh. Yeah. Did she give you many details?” Nguyen couldn’t have conveyed more disgust if he’d tried.

“Um, no. She just said her work was stolen.” Abby glanced over at Mark as she took notes.