
Chapter 26

"When is Louise coming?" Rory asked

"She is being her usual vague self. In the next couple of weeks was the closest she came to a time line."

"Okay, so normal rules apply. We don't put up with any shit and if you need me to talk to her, I will."

"Thank you. What is it about parents? Even when they behave badly, you are unable to comment. Mind you, that is not a problem with Joy and Martin. They are saints in comparison with Louise. Now that we are out in the country, I think she will get bored quite quickly. Not so many shops and restaurants."

"Let's hope for a short visit."

"And remember, no talk of the ghost. She'll go all hippy and want to do some cleansing or something."

"Louise wafting through the house with some sage would scare off anything."

The impending arrival hung over them. Each morning Nina checked the guest room to ensure that it was okay. She also looked at the vases and the cloakroom if the video of the night before had a break. Worried at first, this was her new normal. There was nothing they could do to change the pattern, at least until after Louise's visit.

For a few days after the discovery of the gap in the video, Rory and Nina had discussed what options they had. Rory had even spent two nights sleeping on the sofa in the hope of seeing something, but, of course, nothing appeared and the vase didn't move. Nina said that they could let it rule their lives, or get over it. No damage was being done. No one was being hurt. It wasn't a big problem.

Ten days after her call, Louise phoned to say she was at the train station. Nina jumped in her car and set off to collect her. Much of the dread evaporated when she saw her mother standing on the station platform. For a moment, thinking she was unobserved, Louise looked frail and lost. It all changed when she spotted Nina.

Louise's hair was long and blonde. In jeans and a bright pink jacket, she stood out. A shriek and a wave greeted her daughter and she set off down the platform dragging a monstrous suitcase behind her. Taking tiny steps in her spiked heels, the progress was almost comical. 

"Nina, darling. Look at you. A nice, tiny little bump. How are you?"

"Hi mum. I'm fine."

"I feel like I've been travelling forever. Plane, taxi, train and finally here. I'm not tired though. The excitement of seeing you and Rory and the bump has kept me going. And the house, can't wait to see the house. Tell me about Fernborough on the drive home."

"It's a small town and we are living a, small town, life. I thought I would find it boring after living in the city, but I like it. Everything's at a slower pace, which is good. There is not so much choice of shops and restaurants, but I'm learning to adapt."


"The house is lovely, as you will see shortly. We would never have been able to afford a house the same size in the city. We've started doing it up, but we haven't finished it yet. The nursery is the next room on the list."


Nina looked at her mother who had closed her eyes and was drifting off to sleep. The station was only twenty minutes from the house, so she would only get a catnap. Deciding to enjoy the silence whilst she could, Louise was left to doze. She only woke as the car bumped over the, gravel, drive up to the house.

"Oh, look at it. Very grand. My daughter has done well for herself. Is Rory home?"

"No, he's at work. I sent him a text to say you had arrived, so he will get back as soon as he can."

"Right, inside, a tour and then a cup of tea I think."

Louise wandered off leaving Nina to lift the massive suitcase out of the car boot. So far, so predictable. The door was unlocked and Louise clicked across the tiled floor in her stilettos. 



"Nice high ceilings and some original features. This is a lovely room." 

They were in the living room. Louise trotted off to the kitchen and approved of that, too. This was going well. When they got to the guest bedroom, she declared that she was going to put her feet up for a while and Nina left her to it. When Rory got home, she was still asleep.

"I'll open a bottle of wine and she will be on her way within seconds." Rory joked.

Not quite that quick, Louise appeared ten minutes later.